Canary Islands 🏝️
Alchemist (Elixir developer) living in the Atlantic Ocean. Sometimes I use Python, many times JavaScript and well... sometimes I use PHP. I like sourcehot but I admit that I am trying to use less my GitHub and more my Codeberg account.
You can read more about me on my blog or on my Mastodon profile (
From Iván Hernández Cazorla to ~erock/
Ups, strange, I didn't receive erock's email until after I sent my reply to Thomas, or it was really hidden in my inbox...
> Yes, that's how it works! It's very crude at this point. We considered doing user agent parsing but didn't get back to working on it.
It seems something that works and it is enough, no? It doesn't introduce nothing intrusive.
From Iván Hernández Cazorla to ~erock/
> Hi Iván, Hi Thomas! > I'm not an expert, but I took a look at the code for prose and it looks like the visit counter is incremented every time the page is loaded. I've provided a link to where the request handler triggers the increment in the db. Wow! That's really interesting. > I did some testing with that a while back and found that to be true, every time I reloaded the page the visit counter went up. > It is a really nice way to count views of a post, where views are the number of times a post is loaded. Without JS nor intrusive code/resources. >
From Iván Hernández Cazorla to ~erock/
Hi! I am curious about how detects and counts the views of each post shown in the section "Manage posts" when you access with SSH to If someone could explain briefly and link to the file in which there is the code that manage it, I will be very thankful! Thanks in advance! Regards, Iván
From Iván Hernández Cazorla to ~ivanhercaz/
**Spanish version (English version below)** Una lista pública de correo para compartir en las entradas de mi blog e invitar a los lectores a enviar correos como comentarios. Puedes enviar un correo-comentario o responder a algún hilo de entrada de blog que ya exista. Normas: - Se amable, ten respeto y sentido común. Recuerda que al otro lado hay una persona con sentimientos. - Me reservo el derecho a eliminar cualquier comentario inapropiado hacia cualquier persona. - No compartas contenido NSFW. - No compartas información privada o confidencial, ni enlaces a sitios web en los que haya información privada o confidencial. Si considero que es necesario añadir alguna regla más, lo haré, aunque creo que la primera es más que suficiente. Cuando se modifiquen las reglas, volveré a enviar un nuevo correo electrónico con las reglas actualizadas y la fecha de actualización.
From Iván Hernández Cazorla to ~erock/
> > Is there any option to donate to organization? Liberapay? > > OpenCollective? Ko-Fi? > > > We don't have anything setup yet but I think that's a good idea. > Since you're the first to ask, which platform would you prefer? I have not preferences on this, but I think it may depend of what you want or your needs. For example, if your organization is not fiscally declared on some country, you may need something like OpenCollective [1], that provides you a fiscal hosting, that means everything operated under the umbrella of a legal entity. If you already are a declared organization that can receive donations or some of you are declared freelances, it may be useful LiberaPay too [2]. But there are another options, like Ko-Fi, that I think it is something more casual, without much project in the future, at least for the case of receive donations to help you and your organization to support your projects.
From Iván Hernández Cazorla to ~erock/
Hi team! I really like your projects and your organization philosophy. I like to contribute to the projects I like and I use, but sometimes I can't do it as I can (documenting or with little code contributions), so another option for me is to donate small amounts of money. Is there any option to donate to organization? Liberapay? OpenCollective? Ko-Fi? I await your answer. Regards, Iván