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Recent activity

ANN: libtelnet- 3 years ago

From to ~jack/libtelnet-haskell-discuss

I have just pushed a new release of libtelnet[1] to hackage.

There are no externally-visible changes, but a redundant import warning is silenced
and the upper bound on `base` is made more specific.


-- Jack

[1]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/reflex-libtelnet-

Re: lists.sr.ht: subscription issues for private list 3 years ago

From to ~sircmpwn/sr.ht-discuss

February 10, 2021 1:00 AM, "Drew DeVault" <sir@cmpwn.com> wrote:

> On Tue Feb 9, 2021 at 3:57 AM EST, wrote:
>> Maybe it could be handy to separate "Subscribe" permissions from
>> "Browse" permissions.
> We don't separate these permissions on purpose.

OK, makes sense.

>> 2. I have tried adding my friends' email addresses to the list with
>> Browse/Reply/Post permissions. One friend's subscription failed

lists.sr.ht: subscription issues for private list 3 years ago

From to ~sircmpwn/sr.ht-discuss

Hello list,

I am trying to use lists.sr.ht to establish a private mailing list
between a few friends. It hasn't gone particularly well:

1. I configured the list with the following permissions:

   * Non-subscriber permissions: None
   * Subscriber permissions: Browse, Reply, Post
   * Account Holder permissions: None

   This makes it impossible for anyone except my sr.ht account to
   subscribe. Fair enough, though maybe it could be handy to separate
   "Subscribe" permissions from "Browse" permissions.

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [ANN] acme-dont-1.2 - a "don't" construct 4 years ago

From Jack Kelly to ~jack/acme-dont-discuss

Dear Henk-Jan,

You can view the preprint yourself with the following commands:

$ true > dont.txt
$ less dont.txt

You'll then start seeing it everywhere you look, and I'm not sure that
wider distribution is possible.

-- Jack

"Henk-Jan van Tuyl" <b.vantuyl1@upcmail.nl> writes:

[ANN] acme-dont-1.2 - a "don't" construct 4 years ago

From Jack Kelly to ~jack/acme-dont-discuss

Hello all,

I have taken over the maintainership of acme-dont, and am pleased to
announce a new acme-dont release on Hackage[1].

acme-dont provides a `don't` function, which does not execute its
argument. For example, the following code will not print anything:

    import Acme.Dont (don't)

    quiet :: IO ()
    quiet = don't $ putStrLn "You'll never see this on stdout"

ANN: reflex-libtelnet- 5 years ago

From Jack Kelly to ~jack/reflex-libtelnet-discuss

I have just pushed an initial release of reflex-libtelnet[1] to Hackage.

reflex-libtelnet wraps libtelnet[2] in a Reflex interface, so that you
can describe data flows through a telnet state tracker using Reflex
Events. Even if you're not using Telnet in 2019, you might find it
interesting as a study in binding Reflex to a callback-oriented

A telnet echo server is provided as an example[3].

Bug reports[4] and questions/patches[5] are welcome on Sourcehut.


Re: Proposal: directory-scoped build manifests 6 years ago

From Jack Kelly to ~sircmpwn/sr.ht-discuss

> Would anyone else have a use-case for this?

In the Haskell world, it is relatively common to store a number of
related packages in a single project-level repository[1]. The feature as
proposed is almost useful - if I change a package I can rebuild it
alone, but I would also want to rebuild its local reverse dependencies
without replicating too much.

In the repo I linked[1], sv-cassava depends on sv-core. A granular CI
for this project would want to rebuild sv-cassava when sv-core
changes. I see two obvious ways to do this:

1. Allow build manifests to declare dependencies, and not bother
   starting if a dependent build failed.