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I do things on the computer.
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGx0AdLyJEwH3mVLqpo6r9wztgseynCKW2sgzhCCV1jO
From Jackson to ~sircmpwn/sr.ht-discuss
On 9/20/24 18:56, Ming Tang wrote: > I couldn't find a ticket or discussion relating to this, but it would > be really useful to display how long a build took, or even elapsed time > for a running build. > > Is that possible with how the build system is currently set up? Currently at the bottom of job details pages, it shows the following when the job is completed (failed or succeeded): Build complete: success 2 days ago (took a minute) You can see that on https://builds.sr.ht/~jacksonchen666/job/1331925#bottom for example. You
From Jackson to ~whynothugo/public-inbox
In the section about "Fixing the partition number" (<https://whynothugo.nl/journal/2024/05/27/growing-my-root-partition-to-the-left/#fixing-the-partition-number>), you say "This is one [sic] by deleting the partition from the partition table and creating a new one with the exact same size." However, that's not a great solution, as it's very error prone. There is actually a quicker and less error prone way to do it, which is to do `sfdisk --reorder` (also documented at <https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Fdisk#Sort_partitions> plus <https://superuser.com/questions/385942/how-to-fix-partition-table-ordering/#1281466>). Although, if you're going to change the sizes of your partitions, you will have to delete and recreate partitions anyways.
From Jackson to ~sircmpwn/sr.ht-dev
--- builds.sr.ht/manifest.md | 2 +- git.sr.ht/index.md | 2 +- 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/builds.sr.ht/manifest.md b/builds.sr.ht/manifest.md index 12c8693..5d200a6 100644 --- a/builds.sr.ht/manifest.md @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ List of secret UUIDs to be added to the guest during the build. See also: If present, and secrets are enabled for this build, an OAuth 2.0 bearer token is generated for this build with the given string as the list of grants. The [hut](https://sr.ht/~emersion/hut/) tool may be used in the task scripts to[message trimmed]
From Jackson to ~sircmpwn/sr.ht-dev
--- metasrht/templates/profile-delete.html | 2 +- metasrht/templates/profile.html | 2 +- 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/metasrht/templates/profile-delete.html b/metasrht/templates/profile-delete.html index b03ce2c..d9bb64e 100644 --- a/metasrht/templates/profile-delete.html +++ b/metasrht/templates/profile-delete.html @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ {{csrf_token()}} <p> Before you delete your account, you may want to <a href="https://sr.ht/~emersion/hut">export your account data</a>. If[message trimmed]
From Jackson to ~sircmpwn/sr.ht-dev
--- For the gemini branch automating-deployments.gmi | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/automating-deployments.gmi b/automating-deployments.gmi index badfbeb..6aef0f1 100644 --- a/automating-deployments.gmi +++ b/automating-deployments.gmi @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ tasks: ``` hut is a CLI tool to interact with the sr.ht APIs. It uses an OAuth 2.0 token generated on-the-fly with the permissions requested by the "oauth" directive - in this case, only enough to deploy your site. [message trimmed]
From Jackson to ~sircmpwn/sr.ht-dev
--- For the master branch content/automating-deployments.md | 2 +- content/quickstart.md | 2 +- 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/content/automating-deployments.md b/content/automating-deployments.md index 786aa6a..fcab0d1 100644 --- a/content/automating-deployments.md +++ b/content/automating-deployments.md @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ tasks: ``` [message trimmed]
From Jackson to ~jacksonchen666/uacme-desec-hook-announce
uacme-desec-hook 1.0.2 and 1.0.3 has been released, and the only relevant change in both 1.0.2 and 1.0.3 is the time spent waiting between checks for whether DNS records have propagated. Previously, the script only waited for 10 seconds, and would check multiple times until the script got the result it expected. Now, the script waits for 70 seconds (was 90 seconds in 1.0.2) before checking again (still multiple times, if necessary). 70 seconds was chosen based on the deSEC.io forum post at <https://talk.desec.io/t/global-record-propagation-issues/332/2> citing that due to a bug (<https://github.com/PowerDNS/pdns/issues/10867>), DNS updates only happen every minute with the fallback mechanisms.
From Jackson to ~sircmpwn/sr.ht-discuss
On 2024-04-11 10:56, Drew DeVault wrote: > The status page is here now: > > https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/status.sr.ht Cool, thanks. I'd also suggest adding it to the sourcehut sources list (<https://sr.ht/~sircmpwn/sourcehut/sources>).
From Jackson to ~sircmpwn/sr.ht-discuss
On 2024-04-02 16:08, Drew DeVault wrote: > I cannot reproduce this bug. Is it still a problem for you? Yes, on a specific edge case. Setting the option to notify my own activity on https://todo.sr.ht/ works. Setting that option on https://todo.sr.ht/~jacksonchen666/ (or your user page on todo.sr.ht) causes 405. The latter is what I asked to file an issue about.
From Jackson to ~sircmpwn/sr.ht-discuss
The source code for status.sr.ht seems to be at <https://codeberg.org/ddevault/pages> but doesn't seem to contain newer updates, including <https://status.sr.ht/issues/2024-01-23-planned-pages-outage/> and <https://status.sr.ht/issues/2024-02-17-registrations/>. Is the repo for status.sr.ht in a different place now, or has the update just been forgotten? legacy.sr.ht (or l.sr.ht) is down, which does affect pages on sourcehut.org e.g. <https://sourcehut.org/consultancy/> and <https://sourcehut.org/blog/2022-01-09-how-does-our-business-work/>.