


#James Pearson

Projects | Git | PGP

Hello, my name is James Pearson. This is my Sourcehut account, where I host some of my repositories.


Last active 3 years ago
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Recent activity

Re: [PATCH] Fix position of cat, correct metadata in docs.html add README.md, robots.txt and sitemap.xml 2 years ago

From James Pearson to ~tenacity/tenacity-dev

UPDATE: I've applied the patches in a different form on the new Codeberg
repository for tenacityaudio.org. The commits are listed below.


On 21/10/30 12:05PM, James Pearson wrote:
> Cat was positioned incorrectly because of <pre> tags. Having extra
> spaces inside the source code will break the position. I corrected the
> metadata in docs.html as well.
> Also added README.md for the repository as well as robots.txt and
> sitemap.xml so that docs.html and README.md won't be indexed.

[PATCH sr.ht-docs] Remove dispatch.sr.ht 2 years ago

From James Pearson to ~sircmpwn/sr.ht-dev

Since dispatch.sr.ht is being deprecated on 2022-10-01[1], I've removed
it from the docs so it won't appear on man.sr.ht anymore. This patch can
be merged on the day dispatch.sr.ht is shut off.

P.S. dispatch.sr.ht is being shut off because of a conversation I had on
IRC many months ago.

[1]: https://sourcehut.org/blog/2022-08-01-dispatch-deprecation-plans/

This is the first git send-email I've done in a long time.

 dispatch.sr.ht/configuration.md | 43 --------------------
 dispatch.sr.ht/github.md        | 70 ---------------------------------
[message trimmed]

gmnisrv: OpenSSL not found (Ubuntu 20.04) 2 years ago

From James Pearson to ~sircmpwn/gmni-discuss

I tried to compile gmnisrv on Ubuntu 20.04, then ran configure with /usr
as the prefix, and I got this:

    Checking for -g... yes
    Checking for -std=c11... yes
    Checking for -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=700... yes
    Checking for -Wall... yes
    Checking for -Wextra... yes
    Checking for -Werror... yes
    Checking for -pedantic... yes
    Checking for OpenSSL... NOT FOUND
    Tried pkg-config libssl

And when I run make, it gives this:

[PATCH drewdevault.com 2/2] Add honeypot to homepage 2 years ago

From James Pearson to ~sircmpwn/public-inbox

The honeypot is already on blog posts, but not on the homepage.

Signed-off-by: James Pearson <james@jamespearson.xyz>
 layouts/index.html | 7 +++++++
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+)

diff --git a/layouts/index.html b/layouts/index.html
index eb4950a..bedb497 100644
--- a/layouts/index.html
+++ b/layouts/index.html
@@ -51,6 +51,13 @@
      sending me a question that could be answered with a web search, reading a
      man page, asking an on-topic IRC channel, etc. I do want to read your
[message trimmed]

[PATCH drewdevault.com 1/2] Link to mailing list on lists.sr.ht 2 years ago

From James Pearson to ~sircmpwn/public-inbox

Instead of clicking to send an email, you can click to the mailing list
on lists.sr.ht to view existing comments, then make a new post and write
your own comment.

Signed-off-by: James Pearson <james@jamespearson.xyz>
 layouts/blog/single.html | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/layouts/blog/single.html b/layouts/blog/single.html
index 6ad7f95..84ab945 100644
--- a/layouts/blog/single.html
+++ b/layouts/blog/single.html
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
[message trimmed]

Re: Why was aerc also named aerc2 2 years ago

From James Pearson to ~rjarry/aerc-devel

On 22/01/18 07:50PM, Robin Jarry wrote:
> James Pearson, Jan 18, 2022 at 01:31:
> > As seen in the original ticket tracker for aerc[1] and in many of the
> > source files, there are many references to aerc2 instead of plain old
> > aerc. So why were they named aerc2? Was that what aerc used to be named
> > at one point, and why?
> I don't know. You'd have to ask Drew about that :)

yyp said on IRC that aerc2 was a rewrite of the original aerc, which was
made in C.

Why was aerc also named aerc2 3 years ago

From James Pearson to ~sircmpwn/public-inbox

As seen in the original ticket tracker for aerc[1] and in many of the
source files, there are many references to aerc2 instead of plain old
aerc. So why were they named aerc2? Was that what aerc used to be named
at one point, and why?

Also, I'm sending this email from aerc, customized to my mbsync config
and sent with msmtp.

[1]: https://todo.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/aerc2

Why was aerc also named aerc2 3 years ago

From James Pearson to ~sircmpwn/aerc

As seen in the original ticket tracker for aerc[1] and in many of the
source files, there are many references to aerc2 instead of plain old
aerc. So why were they named aerc2? Was that what aerc used to be named
at one point, and why?

Also, I'm sending this email from aerc, customized to my mbsync config
and sent with msmtp.

[1]: https://todo.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/aerc2

Why was aerc also named aerc2 3 years ago

From James Pearson to ~rjarry/aerc-devel

As seen in the original ticket tracker for aerc[1] and in many of the
source files, there are many references to aerc2 instead of plain old
aerc. So why were they named aerc2? Was that what aerc used to be named
at one point, and why?

Also, I'm sending this email from aerc, customized to my mbsync config
and sent with msmtp.

[1]: https://todo.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/aerc2

[PATCH] Add email to nav menu 3 years ago

From James Pearson to ~emersion/public-inbox

Simon's contact email isn't listed on his website. It's only listed on
GitHub as the email address for the swaywm group, and in mailing lists
on Sourcehut that Simon sends to. I have added his email address to make
it easier for everyone else to find his email.

 themes/shimong/layouts/partials/nav.html | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

diff --git a/themes/shimong/layouts/partials/nav.html b/themes/shimong/layouts/partials/nav.html
index 34f1dbb..ab92bbc 100644
--- a/themes/shimong/layouts/partials/nav.html
+++ b/themes/shimong/layouts/partials/nav.html
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
[message trimmed]