I’ve been trying out forester for managing my notes for the past couple
of days and so far it’s going pretty well, but I haven’t been able to get
the forester-to-latex stylesheet to work. How are they supposed to be
Oh, also, while I’m here; the “Build your own Stacks Project in 10
minutes” tutorial does not mention that you need to initialize the theme
git submodule. I understand you’re porting to a more streamlined
installation procedure, but if you’re keeping that tutorial around it
seems to me like this step should be included.
Best regards
Fredrik Bakke
Hi Fredrik,
I would like to share my experience about converting Forester to LaTeX.
First, we need a tool to convert the xml to tex, my choice is
[saxon](https://github.com/Saxonica/Saxon-HE), installable by `brew
install saxon` on Mac, after that something like this will work:
saxon -s:build/$XML_FILE -xsl:assets/$XSLFILE -o:build/$TEX_FILE
You may check out https://github.com/utensil/forest/blob/main/lize.sh
for the specific script.
Second, the xls file from
doesn't work well for all cases, and it's not for articles, so we need
to be able to override when we need to.
You may check out book.xsl, article.xsl, latex.xsl in
https://github.com/utensil/forest/tree/main/assets to see how I
customized it. Particularly, latex.xsl is where the most work is done,
and article.xsl etc. simply changes the document class and the
numbering of chapters/sections. I have included a lot of my own
preamble, so you might need to tailor to your needs following the
For “Build your own Stacks Project in 10 minutes” tutorial which is
written for Forester pre-4.0, you might be interested in my previous
post https://lists.sr.ht/~jonsterling/forester-discuss/%3CCAETRDCmtgQE52v1fMv-X+cVPSXMCANhQaAQPXQCU3jq00Kbuhw@mail.gmail.com%3E
titled "Initial setup issues for forester 4.0.1" which recorded extra
steps to set up Forester 4+.
Hope these are helpful.
Best regards,
Utensil Song
On Tue, May 21, 2024 at 10:04 PM Fredrik Bakke <fredrik.bakke@ntnu.no> wrote:
> Hey!
> I’ve been trying out forester for managing my notes for the past couple
> of days and so far it’s going pretty well, but I haven’t been able to get
> the forester-to-latex stylesheet to work. How are they supposed to be
> used?
> Oh, also, while I’m here; the “Build your own Stacks Project in 10
> minutes” tutorial does not mention that you need to initialize the theme
> git submodule. I understand you’re porting to a more streamlined
> installation procedure, but if you’re keeping that tutorial around it
> seems to me like this step should be included.
> Best regards
> Fredrik Bakke
In fascination of creating worlds by words,and in pursuit of words
behind the world.