
Recent activity

HotLoad accounts 1 year, 5 months ago

From jmjl to ~rjarry/aerc-discuss

I was thinking of trying to add a feature, where by running this
command, aerc would load a account that wasn't loaded (for when aerc's
started with `aerc -a <accounts>`.

I would like to get aproval to create a ticket.

[meta] Allow multiple emails for a user 1 year, 5 months ago

From jmjl to ~sircmpwn/sr.ht-discuss

I propose we allow having multiple emails for a single user in a way
such that the user would be able to have a email redirection while still
having one single email address they send from, but I think I am
overcomplicating things, as I always do.

[todo, maybe more] Add List-Unsubscribe header for todo autogenerated emails 1 year, 5 months ago

From jmjl to ~sircmpwn/sr.ht-discuss

A `List-Unsubscribe` header should be added to all emails generated by
todo, that would be conforming to the spec, not requiring any
confirmation, just sending a email or however it's liked would have
immediate effect on unsubscribing that user.

Inverse search feature 1 year, 10 months ago

From Julian Marcos to ~rjarry/aerc-discuss

This feature would be a flag for the search and filter commands that
would act inversly, so if I inverse filter for a word, every message
without that word wouldn't be filtered.


connection-mode option 2 years ago

From Julian Marcos to ~rjarry/aerc-discuss

Hello, I propose the following option, for setting in accounts,
`connection-mode`, that would have two possibilities, "auto" to
automatically connect, and "manual" to connect only when `:connect` is
ran, and "disabled" to not connect, treating the block as if it was
completly commented.
This idea has formed from a question I made in the irc channel about
having a possibility to not connect automatically and mpldr[m] proposed
the idea of a connection-mode=manual


Re: The world's stupidest IRC bot 2 years ago

From Julian Marcos to ~sircmpwn/public-inbox

>> 2) Why is lists.sr.ht not letting me excape the closing quotation.
> ?
I think the search service in lists.sr.ht should at least be a bit smart
and recognice that 'The world's stupidest IRC bot', is not quoted
because I want an explicit search, and a bit ago I tried to do something
like 'The world\'s stupidest IRC bot' and it did complain about it so I
could not search for that article's comments.
Also, what's the IRCd's address and channel name?

Re: The world's stupidest IRC bot 2 years ago

From Julian Marcos to ~sircmpwn/public-inbox

I would like to ask you a few questions:
> Though it presents itself as a single bot, it is in fact a bouncer
> which combines the connections of 7 independent bots. At one point, this
> number was higher — as many as 11 — but some bots were consolidated.
1) What IRC Bouncer software is the bot using?
2) Why is lists.sr.ht not letting me excape the closing quotation.
3) Shouldn't it be bad if everybody can run unchecked javascript on a
program connected onto a irc socket onto it could try to, change the
password of the bouncer and send the details to someone?
And something which is not a question but just me wanting to tell you
1) That must be awesome to play with.

Re: Video Upload Request 3 years ago

From Julian Marcos @ NixNet.Email to ~amolith/libremedia-discuss

Ok, thanks
On 21/04/15 04:31, amolith@nixnet.services wrote:
> > > Hi admins i was thinking of doing some livestreams, lisensing them under
> > > a cc lisense, cloud i get access to publish content?
> > Ops missed to tell my account address julian@libremedia.video
> Sure! I just removed the default upload and storage limits but videos
> will still require moderator approval before going public. If we're
> taking a while to review those, just ping me in IRC and I'll get on it ;)
> Note that streaming is not currently enabled. We haven't set the rest of
> the backend up to facilitate that nor have we actually tested it to see
> if the server can properly ingest streams. Once we have, however, the
> info banner at the top of the site will be updated to notify users.

Re: [PATCH sr.ht-docs] Make package lines more easy to add... 3 years ago

From Julian Marcos @ NixNet.Email to ~sircmpwn/sr.ht-dev

Sorry then
On 21/04/15 02:21, Drew DeVault wrote:
> NACK. A few lines after the lines you changed, you'll note that the
> Alpine instructions specifically say to *prepend* the sr.ht repo in the
> list of repositories, and this does the opposite.
> The docs are fine as-is.

[PATCH sr.ht-docs] Make package lines more easy to add... 3 years ago

From Julian Jarabo to ~sircmpwn/sr.ht-dev

Make every package line easier to add to the file that comments show
with a tee & printf as requeriments, i think that is in most systems, by

Thanks everyone who worked for this awesome project, i maybe will run a
instance of this awesome project

 packages.md | 13 ++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/packages.md b/packages.md
index 9a3d49e..408448b 100644
[message trimmed]