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Xfce4 session fails to start without XDG_VTNR

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When I upgraded from greetd 0.9.0 to 0.10.0, my default session (the 
Xfce session, which runs `startxfce4`) failed to start, while `startx` 
with `startxfce4` in ~/.xinitrc works. This is independent of the 
greeter, i.e. it happens with all of them.

I tracked it down to commit 68fff8d3d2763b2a6ea06cd41aa4c7b6cbc7cbfa, 
where the environment variable `XDG_VTNR` is hidden from the user 
session. I confirmed that this is the case by compiling greetd 0.10.0 
from source with `XDG_VTNR` not removed (i.e. removed it from the 
variable `cleared_env` in line 225 of `greetd/src/session/worker.rs`), 
and trying out `startxfce4`.

Could you re-enable `XDG_VTNR`?

For reference, here is the `startxfce4` script: 
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<df5282f0-6ab8-48b8-936d-f140d1f357b1@gmail.com> (view parent)
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Ugh. It appears that Xorg tries to just pick its own VT if not 
explicitly specified, rather than being sensible and just using the 
current one.

I reverted part of this change in master, which should fix your issue.
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<f4e010de-3c55-4154-bb00-550df04c9717@kl.wtf> (view parent)
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Perfect, I tested the master branch and it works! Thanks a lot!
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