From Kevin Payravi to ~cadence/breezewiki-discuss
Followup: as I'm migrating Indie Wiki Buddy to manifest 3 on Firefox, it has required adding an additional permission (declarativeNetRequest) to be able to inject the custom header into BreezeWiki requests. Some users have expressed privacy concerns + it has required Firefox users to approve the update, which is slowing down users keeping the extension up to date. As a result, I'm going to remove the custom header feature (at least for the time being), and have Indie Wiki Buddy hide the IWB promo banner + the indie wiki notice itself. Thanks, Kevin
From Kevin Payravi to ~cadence/breezewiki-discuss
Hello! Indie Wiki Buddy dev here. I wanted to bump a discussion we had about customizing the BreezeWiki experience for Indie Wiki Buddy users. When an Indie Wiki Buddy user visits a BreezeWiki instance, Indie Wiki Buddy will append a header called "x-indie-wiki" to the request. The header's value is a stringified JSON: {"power":"on","breezewiki":"off"} "power" is whether the user has Indie Wiki Buddy enabled, and "breezewiki" is whether the user has redirects to BreezeWiki enabled. To start, if the x-indie-wiki header is present (regardless of value), BreezeWiki could hide the Indie Wiki Buddy promotion at the top of the
From Kevin Payravi to ~cadence/breezewiki-discuss
Thank you! On the mirrors list, you can also remove the https:// from, if that'd look a bit nicer. Kevin
From Kevin Payravi to ~cadence/breezewiki-discuss
Hey there! Kevin, Indie Wiki Buddy creator, here. I've launched my own BreezeWiki mirror at, if you would like to add it to the list. I think I've got everything set up correctly (including wildcard subdomain + TLS), but please let me know if I missed anything. Thanks, Kevin