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Upgrade issue for 4.0.1 on a Macbook M1 8 months ago

From Kristopher Brown to ~jonsterling/forester-discuss

I'm trying to upgrade my forester on a Macbook M1 Pro. When I run "nix
run sourcehut:~jonsterling/ocaml-forester" (or develop a flake.nix
file), I get the following output:

trace: warning: `overrideScope'` (from `lib.makeScope`) has been
renamed to `overrideScope`.
error: builder for
'/nix/store/3xh5bisv9bkqvg5d9p252p5s1k7nq548-cf-0.5.0.drv' failed with
exit code 1;
       last 10 log lines:
       > 29 |  (enabled_if
       > 30 |   (= %{system} macosx))
       > 31 |  (deps
       > 32 |   detect.c

Re: Configurable backmatter 9 months ago

From Kristopher Brown to ~jonsterling/forester-discuss

I like Kento's ideas a lot! Sorry to digress from implementation talk,
but a concern I felt is that the forest structure is being treated as
a kind of binary relation on trees: pairs (A,B) where tree A has an
internal link (or transclusion) to tree B. However, I think it would
be helpful to think of the forest structure as a collection of binary
relations on the set of trees. Forester already has special syntax to
declare other binary relations, `\author`, and `\parent`. I believe
there could be a unified syntax for arbitrary relations, parameterized
by a string (or a tree itself, ideally!). For example:
`\relation{parent}{...}`, `\relation{author}{...}`,
`\relation{tree-xxxx}{...}`, where `tree-xxxx` is a tree that
describes some relation, e.g. one particular notion of "abstraction".

In queries (within a tree, A), we could introduce syntax:

Internal links within math mode 10 months ago

From Kristopher Brown to ~jonsterling/forester-discuss

Often I'd like to have a symbol in a math expression to have a
hyperlink, which seems like a supported feature of KaTeX
(https://katex.org/docs/supported.html), which requires passing an
option "trust: true" to KaTeX.

My real goal, though, is to have capacity for internal links,
something like "#{a \forest{\otimes}{math-0012} b}". The present
alternative seems to be "#{a \otimes b}, where #{\otimes} refers to a
[monoidal product](math-0012)"... which doesn't scale with large

A related issue is the KaTeX rendering of formulas as the text of
links (rather than links within formulas). "[#{otimes}](math-0012)"
renders as the otimes symbol. Hovering over it with the mouse makes it

Re: Taxa for internal links 10 months ago

From Kristopher Brown to ~jonsterling/forester-discuss

It occurs to me that the same functionality could be achieved with a
new frontmatter directive "\relation{Examples}{xxx-NNNN}" rather than
tied to a particular link.

In this case, rather than partitioning the Backlinks/Related lists,
forester just renders some additional lists of trees at the bottom,
such as "Examples".

On Tue, Apr 9, 2024 at 2:16 PM Kento Okura <kentookura@gmail.com> wrote:
> Since the link taxon would be a property of a specific link, it is
> conceivable that two trees might be connected by multiple links with
> different taxa.

Taxa for internal links 10 months ago

From Kristopher Brown to ~jonsterling/forester-discuss

Hi, I have encountered a number of cases where it would be useful to
be able to characterize what _kind_ of relation a pair of trees has.
One practical effect of this is, rather than Backlinks and Related
sections being unstructured lists of trees, these lists could be
partitioned by 'link taxa'.

A general concept might have lots of trees referring to it, and an
important subset of these to easily identify are "Examples" (Backlinks
would then group things which are examples of the concept, whereas
Related would group what the concept is an example of). If I have
trees representing perspectives / opinions, some links are notably
"Supporting" or "Opposing" the argument. A tree for a particular paper
or book might have, among its backlinks, trees which are "Reviews" of
it, as distinct from trees which merely reference it.

Re: Feature request: TOC sections without transclusions/queries 1 year, 13 days ago

From Kristopher Brown to ~jonsterling/forester-discuss

Hi Jon, linking to subsections is a nice-to-have but not necessary
from my perspective. Thanks for looking into this!


On Mon, Feb 5, 2024 at 5:58 AM Jon Sterling <jon@jonmsterling.com> wrote:
> Hi Kris,
> As it happens, I believe that the simplest way to implement this
> in fact does not have the limitation I described — so you would
> be able to assign an address to an inline tree and refer to it,
> and even transclude(!) it from elsewhere.

Feature request: TOC sections without transclusions/queries 1 year, 13 days ago

From Kristopher Brown to ~jonsterling/forester-discuss

Hi, I see that one can get a TOC subsection within a given note via a
transclusion or a query. It would also be nice to be able to simply
put text within a \scope (or \block) and have it render, e.g.:

\put\scope/title{A TOC section}
  \p{Here is some subsection text.}
  \put\scope/title{A TOC subsection}
    \p{Perhaps even nestable?}

I still want to respect the philosophy of evergreen notes (i.e.

Re: Feature request: Sidenotes or Footnotes 1 year, 14 days ago

From Kristopher Brown to ~jonsterling/forester-discuss

On Sun, Feb 4, 2024 at 2:05 AM Jon Sterling <jon@jonmsterling.com> wrote:
> Please let me know if this is a very high priority for you.

Hi Jon, it's a high priority for me insofar as it blocks porting a
large amount of pre-existing notes (written in a markdown dialect)
into forester. (There is just one other blocker, too, which I'll
create a thread for.) Thank you for creating the issue!


Feature request: Sidenotes or Footnotes 1 year, 16 days ago

From Kristopher Brown to ~jonsterling/forester-discuss


I'm curious if it's possible to support sidenotes and/or footnotes
(possibly with pop-up when hovering over), since it can be a bit too
heavy duty to make a new tree for a parenthetical remark or phrase.

Best regards,