

Rust Metup #44 sponsored by Bang & Olufsen

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We are excited to welcome you to Rust Meetup #44 sponsored by Bang & Olufsen on Thursday, Febuary 29th at Gammel Lundtoftevej 1B, Kongens Lyngby!

The plan looks as follows:

18:05—18:15: Welcome!
18:15—19:00: “TBD” about embedded rust By Noah Hüsser
19:00—19:45: Break and food sponsored by B&O
19:50—20:35: "TBD" about Bevy, a game engine in Rust by Sandeep Nambiar
20:35—: Hang out and talk
21:45—: The evening continues at "Kings Hat- Pub & Natklub" for anyone who wishes to join. (On your own bill of course)

We look forward to seeing you all! 🦀

Rust Meetup #45 sponsored by Factbird

Martin Samuelsson <cph.rs@nibufri.netizen.se>
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<ffFRTkfNrAZR9iDDAP5Oi0xvc9r4UyqSb6L-Vh90RvhzP0VNfGs2DvPmWROrIdmQAvPk8lZW_7v2Rlc4lkJkRbWIHd29dnIcCJAIu4gsD_s=@proton.me> (view parent)
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We are excited to welcome you to Rust meetup #45 sponsored by Factbird on Thursday, March 28:th at Nyropsgade 37, København!

The plan looks as follows:

18:05—18:15: Welcome!
18:15—19:00: “Fun with wgpu: Simulating Slime Mold” By Asger Juul Brunshøj
19:00—19:45: Break and food sponsored by Factbird
19:50—20:35: "TBD" by Mark Jordan-Kamholz
20:35—: Hang out and talk

We look forward to seeing you all! 🦀

Link to meetup event: https://www.meetup.com/copenhagen-rust-community/events/299928585/

Rust Meetup #45 sponsored by FactBird (Correct day)

Martin Samuelsson <cph.rs@nibufri.netizen.se>
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<CZZL2KLID45L.2EHQ909X1ITZH@loma> (view parent)
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Unfortunately there was some misunderstandings around the day, as this
was moved to Wednesday due Thursday next week being part of the Easter

Link to new meetup event: https://www.meetup.com/copenhagen-rust-community/events/299949053

Repeat of the previous text follows, including the change of date and
some other more minor diffs.

We are excited to welcome you to Rust meetup #45 sponsored by Factbird
on Wednesday, March 27:th at Nyropsgade 37, København V!

Note that we re-created the event since it was moved to Wednesday due to
Skærtorsdag (Maundy Thursday).

The plan looks as follows:

18:05–18:15: Welcome!
18:15–19:00: "Fun with wgpu: Simulating Slime Mold" by Asger Juul Brunshøj
19:00–19:45: Break and food sponsored by Factbird
19:50–20:35: "Building Iterators in Rust: An Audio Buffer Story" by Mark
20:35–: Hangout and talk.

We look forward to seeing you all!

Apologies for the previous miscommunication.

Rust Hack Night #7: Embedded (BYOB)

Martin Samuelsson <cph.rs@nibufri.netizen.se>
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<D007R8FDC9VA.3UIWKX2GGQJQ6@loma> (view parent)
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This email list has been forgotten for a while. Apologies for that.

Next week will contain Rust Hack Night #7: Embedded (BYOB)

Please register on meetup. If that's not an option, contact us though
some other reliable channel to secure your seat.


Tuesday, August 13, 2024
5:00 PM to 9:15 PM CEST
Guldbergsgade 29N, 2200 København N · Copenhagen

We are excited to welcome you to Rust Hack Night #7 at KEA.

Tonight's theme is: Embedded (Bring Your Own Board)

This is a sequel to the popular embedded workshop at the March 2024 Rust
Hack Night #3: Embedded on Espressif's ESP32C3. Two major differences:

We're not explicitly focused on ESP32, but you're welcome to do so.
We don't have hardware sponsors for this event, so Bring Your Own Board,
use Wokwi (an online ESP32 simulator), or team up with a friend.
Whether you're new to embedded Rust and your goal is to make the thing
blink, or you're a veteran with a pet project, you are equally welcome.
We don't assume familiarity with Rust or embedded, but it has been said
that learning both at once can be a little daunting.

struct HackNight {
/// We embed Rust code into small computers.
#[time(from = 17:00, to = 21:00)]
embed: Activity,

/// We interrupt to say the above.
#[time(from = 17:15, to = 17:20)]
ad: Activity,

/// We look for food, some stay behind.
#[time(from = 19:00, to = 19:30)]
food: Activity,

/// We pack up and leave.
#[time(from = 21:00, to = 21:15)]
drop: Activity

Exact event location: Tech & Story Lab at the bottom floor lobby.

In case you're lost or can't get in, call +45 6178 6667.

Rust Meetup #50 sponsored by Adapt Agency

Martin Samuelsson <cph.rs@nibufri.netizen.se>
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<D3AQ05CC7EXR.363PJKF4LHTZN@netizen.se> (view parent)
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We are excited to welcome you to Rust meetup #50 sponsored by Adapt
Agency on Thursday, August 29:th at Langebrogade 6E!

We urge all attendees to please consider preparing a five to fifteen
minutes lightning talk about something Rust related. Anything goes. Big
or small.

Link to new meetup event: https://www.meetup.com/copenhagen-rust-community/events/303040544/

Apologies for short notice. RSVPs opens two days prior to event at

The plan looks as follows:

18:05–18:15: Welcome!
18:15–19:00: "Exploring Proc Macros in Rust’s Eco Systems" by Simon Rasmussen
19:00–19:45: Break and food sponsored by Adapt.
19:50–20:35: Ligthning talks. (Hopefully)
20:35–20:45: Raffle
20:45–: Hangout and talk

We look forward to seeing you all!
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