I apreciate a lot your Forever Computer idea; congrats. I also apreciate
the ideas of an author who blogs at the address below. I encourage you
to read the About and the Principles sections. Basically, he proposes
that the software on any personal computer, including the OS, should be
the most transparent possible, preferably built all in a single language
(he advocates for some form of Lisp):
On Thu, Jul 18, 2024, at 11:46, Cleverson Casarin Uliana wrote:
> Hello,
> I apreciate a lot your Forever Computer idea; congrats. I also apreciate
> the ideas of an author who blogs at the address below. I encourage you
> to read the About and the Principles sections. Basically, he proposes
> that the software on any personal computer, including the OS, should be
> the most transparent possible, preferably built all in a single language
> (he advocates for some form of Lisp):
> www.loper-os.org
> Cheers,
> Cleverson
One additional thing I would but on that is to make code that is small enough for a single dedicated person or a very small team can study in full. It not only makes it reasonable for modification to be made if needed, it also makes the code base so small that malicious functions cannot easily hide in complexity.
- Michael