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Remember view mode by website?

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In trying offpunk on assorted HTML pages I typically view in Firefox, I
have found for many I need to switch from the default view to full view:

ON> view full


ON> v full

(Should I be filing issues about those sites with the readability project
https://github.com/buriy/python-readability ?)

If I then navigate to another page on the same site (even a sister page at
the same level), the view mode is reset - as if I had done:

ON> view normal


ON> v normal

However, I think in this circumstance it makes more sense to remain in the
same view mode.

On the bright side, if I go back to the page I was viewing in full mode, offpunk
seems to remember that for me.

For example:

1. ON> go https://docs.python.org/3/library/subprocess.html
2. Left hand column of navigation removed (good), but so has the start of
the main content (bad), it starts some way into the text at the subprocess.Popen
class documentation.
3. ON> view full
4. I have to get past what would be the left hand column, but I can read the
main text. Let's try the "next topic" link, 94
5. ON> 94
6. ON> url
7. This has gone back to "view normal", and sadly again, readability has failed.
This time it showed only the example from the whole page.

Am I overlooking something already available in offpunk, or might a change
here be welcome?

Thank you,

(Currently testing offpunk from git with Python 3.10.14 on macOS on
Apple M4 ARM)

Re: [Possible phishing attempt] Remember view mode by website?

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<CAKVJ-_7f4c4kj+RFjkhEq2=DtzbevXvoLdBKH1wo1swhCYdapg@mail.gmail.com> (view parent)
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Le 24 déc 29 01:43, Peter Cock a écrit :
>In trying offpunk on assorted HTML pages I typically view in Firefox, I
>have found for many I need to switch from the default view to full view:
>ON> view full
>ON> v full
>(Should I be filing issues about those sites with the readability project
>https://github.com/buriy/python-readability ?)

Yes, the issue is not really related to Offpunk but to readability.

>If I then navigate to another page on the same site (even a sister page at
>the same level), the view mode is reset - as if I had done:
>ON> view normal
>ON> v normal
>However, I think in this circumstance it makes more sense to remain in the
>same view mode.
>On the bright side, if I go back to the page I was viewing in full mode, offpunk
>seems to remember that for me.

The way Offpunk work is to add an "##offpunk_mode=full" at the end of an 
URL. This ensures that the bookmarks are set in the mode you prefer and 
also in your history.

But generalizing the "full" mode has proven to be too "dangerous". 
Indeed, in full mode, most traditionnal websites have hundred of links 
on a single page (up to 700). Which means that a sync with a full 
webpage will requires 700 connections.

I’ve toyed with that in the past and I didn’t found any better solution 
than enabling full mode on a page by page basis.

The long-term plan is to replace readability with unmerdify : 

I hope this answer your question.

Ploum - Lionel Dricot

Blog: https://www.ploum.net
Bikepunk: https://bikepunk.fr/

Re: [Possible phishing attempt] Remember view mode by website?

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<173549328614.6.15853035214208442185.547645042@ploum.eu> (view parent)
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Thanks - I'm aware that this isn't an easy problem to solve, and a moving target
(much like AdBlocking which is rather closely related). Perhaps what I want is
a community managed set of rules, where the minority with the technical skills
can update rules when a site changes its style so as to break the cleanup. It
sounds like unmerdify hooks into the https://www.fivefilters.org/full-text-rss/
https://github.com/fivefilters/ftr-site-config community to offer just that!

That could be a very neat solution, especially if we can add rules to
our local setup.

Kind regards,


On Sun, Dec 29, 2024 at 5:28 PM Ploum <sourcehut24@ploum.eu> wrote:
> Le 24 déc 29 01:43, Peter Cock a écrit :
> >
> >In trying offpunk on assorted HTML pages I typically view in Firefox, I
> >have found for many I need to switch from the default view to full view:
> >
> >ON> view full
> >
> >or:
> >
> >ON> v full
> >
> >(Should I be filing issues about those sites with the readability project
> >https://pypi.org/project/readability-lxml/
> >https://github.com/buriy/python-readability ?)
> Yes, the issue is not really related to Offpunk but to readability.
> >
> >If I then navigate to another page on the same site (even a sister page at
> >the same level), the view mode is reset - as if I had done:
> >
> >ON> view normal
> >
> >or:
> >
> >ON> v normal
> >
> >However, I think in this circumstance it makes more sense to remain in the
> >same view mode.
> >
> >On the bright side, if I go back to the page I was viewing in full mode, offpunk
> >seems to remember that for me.
> The way Offpunk work is to add an "##offpunk_mode=full" at the end of an
> URL. This ensures that the bookmarks are set in the mode you prefer and
> also in your history.
> But generalizing the "full" mode has proven to be too "dangerous".
> Indeed, in full mode, most traditionnal websites have hundred of links
> on a single page (up to 700). Which means that a sync with a full
> webpage will requires 700 connections.
> I’ve toyed with that in the past and I didn’t found any better solution
> than enabling full mode on a page by page basis.
> The long-term plan is to replace readability with unmerdify :
> https://codeberg.org/vjousse/unmerdify
> I hope this answer your question.
> --
> Ploum - Lionel Dricot
> Blog: https://www.ploum.net
> Bikepunk: https://bikepunk.fr/

Re: [Possible phishing attempt] Remember view mode by website?

Message ID
<CAKVJ-_7YBJN=Y-A6UtW25LrBE09LqbowH=KbWaRN4d1XZ8qyGg@mail.gmail.com> (view parent)
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Le 24 déc 29 07:05, Peter Cock a écrit :
>Thanks - I'm aware that this isn't an easy problem to solve, and a moving target
>(much like AdBlocking which is rather closely related). Perhaps what I want is
>a community managed set of rules, where the minority with the technical skills
>can update rules when a site changes its style so as to break the cleanup. It
>sounds like unmerdify hooks into the https://www.fivefilters.org/full-text-rss/
>https://github.com/fivefilters/ftr-site-config community to offer just that!

That’s exactly what unmerdify is about ;-)
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