Hello all,
How about support for user defined alias?
Taken from delve (gopher client)
alias bored "open gopher://bitreich.org:70/1/lawn/bored.dcgi"
alias shorten "open gopher://fld.gp:70/7/gopher/shorten"
alias dice "open gopher://gopher.viste.fr:70/0/OnlineTools/virtualdice.cgi"
alias myip "open gopher://gopher.viste.fr:70/0/OnlineTools/whatsmyip.cgi"
alias home "open $home_hole"
Can already be done via set.
Sorry about the email.
On Thu Nov 28, 2024 at 10:36 AM AEDT, Dylan D'Silva wrote:
> Hello all,>> How about support for user defined alias?>> Taken from delve (gopher client)>> alias bored "open gopher://bitreich.org:70/1/lawn/bored.dcgi"> alias shorten "open gopher://fld.gp:70/7/gopher/shorten"> alias dice "open gopher://gopher.viste.fr:70/0/OnlineTools/virtualdice.cgi"> alias myip "open gopher://gopher.viste.fr:70/0/OnlineTools/whatsmyip.cgi"> alias home "open $home_hole">> regards> Dylan
Le 24 nov 28 10:36, Dylan D'Silva a écrit :
>Hello all,>>How about support for user defined alias?>>Taken from delve (gopher client)>>alias bored "open gopher://bitreich.org:70/1/lawn/bored.dcgi">alias shorten "open gopher://fld.gp:70/7/gopher/shorten">alias dice "open gopher://gopher.viste.fr:70/0/OnlineTools/virtualdice.cgi">alias myip "open gopher://gopher.viste.fr:70/0/OnlineTools/whatsmyip.cgi">alias home "open $home_hole"
As far as I know, it can’t be done but this is definitely something
There’s currently a list of abbreviations "abbrevs" and this should be
configurable. "alias" seems a perfect name for that feature. I will look
into it.
For your specific usecas, which is more a bookmark thing, I use the
bookmarks list. If you add those URL in the bookmarks lists (with
"add"), then you can quickly navigate to those with:
"bm 1"
"bm 2"
"bm 3"
But, yes, "alias" is definitely needed.
Okay I jumped the gum. You can't add new items via set only those
currently available. Back to my original email then.
On Thu Nov 28, 2024 at 9:00 PM AEDT, Dylan D'Silva wrote:
> Can already be done via set. > Sorry about the email.>> Regards> Dylan>>> On Thu Nov 28, 2024 at 10:36 AM AEDT, Dylan D'Silva wrote:> > Hello all,> >> > How about support for user defined alias?> >> > Taken from delve (gopher client)> >> > alias bored "open gopher://bitreich.org:70/1/lawn/bored.dcgi"> > alias shorten "open gopher://fld.gp:70/7/gopher/shorten"> > alias dice "open gopher://gopher.viste.fr:70/0/OnlineTools/virtualdice.cgi"> > alias myip "open gopher://gopher.viste.fr:70/0/OnlineTools/whatsmyip.cgi"> > alias home "open $home_hole"> >> > regards> > Dylan
I’ve pushed a new "alias" feature that should do exactly what you
It replaces "abbrevs".
Please test and report any bug/problem/improvement (this was done
quickly without much thinking)
Ploum - Lionel Dricot
Blog: https://www.ploum.net
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