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[PATCH vis 0/1] Add a "stacked" layout option

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I know window management in vis is in a sort of a purgatory, but I would
kindly like to ask you to consider this patch that adds a "stacked"
layout option.

It arranges the windows horizontally but sizes them differently.
Unfocused windows take 2 lines each, the focused one takes the rest.

There's a ridiculous check at L316 for prompts that are up. Would kindly
ask for advice here, not really familiar with the codebase. They seem to
keep their UI_OPTION_ONELINE bit and have the UI_OPTION_SYMBOL_EOF set.


urosm (1):
  Add a stacked layout option

 sam.c         | 10 +++++++++-
 ui-terminal.c |  7 +++++++
 ui.h          |  3 ++-
 vis-cmds.c    | 22 +++++++++++++++++++++-
 vis-lua.c     |  1 +
 5 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)


[PATCH vis 1/1] Add a stacked layout option

Message ID
<172420164185.10939.15054682198040328756-0@git.sr.ht> (view parent)
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Patch: +40 -3
From: urosm <urosm@kompot.si>

Adds a stacked layout option in which windows are "stacked"
horizontally but the focused window takes up the most space.

The easy route was to make unfocused windows take 2 lines of height
to display at least one line of View in addition to the statusline.
 sam.c         | 10 +++++++++-
 ui-terminal.c |  7 +++++++
 ui.h          |  3 ++-
 vis-cmds.c    | 22 +++++++++++++++++++++-
 vis-lua.c     |  1 +
 5 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sam.c b/sam.c
index 90d19c2..e1ac3d3 100644
--- a/sam.c
+++ b/sam.c
@@ -133,8 +133,10 @@ static bool cmd_open(Vis*, Win*, Command*, const char *argv[], Selection*, Filer
static bool cmd_qall(Vis*, Win*, Command*, const char *argv[], Selection*, Filerange*);
static bool cmd_split(Vis*, Win*, Command*, const char *argv[], Selection*, Filerange*);
static bool cmd_vsplit(Vis*, Win*, Command*, const char *argv[], Selection*, Filerange*);
static bool cmd_ssplit(Vis*, Win*, Command*, const char *argv[], Selection*, Filerange*);
static bool cmd_new(Vis*, Win*, Command*, const char *argv[], Selection*, Filerange*);
static bool cmd_vnew(Vis*, Win*, Command*, const char *argv[], Selection*, Filerange*);
static bool cmd_snew(Vis*, Win*, Command*, const char *argv[], Selection*, Filerange*);
static bool cmd_wq(Vis*, Win*, Command*, const char *argv[], Selection*, Filerange*);
static bool cmd_earlier_later(Vis*, Win*, Command*, const char *argv[], Selection*, Filerange*);
static bool cmd_help(Vis*, Win*, Command*, const char *argv[], Selection*, Filerange*);
@@ -253,9 +255,15 @@ static const CommandDef cmds[] = {
	}, {
		"vnew",         VIS_HELP("As `:new` but split vertically")
	}, {
		"snew",         VIS_HELP("As `:new` but split stacked")
	}, {
		"vsplit",       VIS_HELP("Vertically split window")
	}, {
		"ssplit",       VIS_HELP("Stackingly split window")
	}, {
		"wq",           VIS_HELP("Write file and quit")
@@ -395,7 +403,7 @@ static const OptionDef options[] = {
		{ "layout" },
		VIS_HELP("Vertical or horizontal window layout")
		VIS_HELP("Vertical, horizontal or stacked window layout")
		{ "ignorecase", "ic" },
diff --git a/ui-terminal.c b/ui-terminal.c
index 6e78d32..88eeead 100644
--- a/ui-terminal.c
+++ b/ui-terminal.c
@@ -299,6 +299,7 @@ void ui_arrange(Ui *tui, enum UiLayout layout) {
	int max_height = tui->height - m;
	int n0 = n;
	int width = (tui->width / MAX(1, n)) - 1;
	int height = max_height / MAX(1, n);
	for (Win *win = tui->windows; win; win = win->next) {
@@ -310,6 +311,12 @@ void ui_arrange(Ui *tui, enum UiLayout layout) {
			ui_window_resize(win, tui->width, h);
			ui_window_move(win, x, y);
			y += h;
		} else if (layout == UI_LAYOUT_STACKED) {
			Win *awin = tui->vis->win;
			int h = win == awin || (win == awin->parent && !(awin->options & UI_OPTION_SYMBOL_EOF)) ? max_height - 2 * (n0 - 1) : 2;
			ui_window_resize(win, tui->width, h);
			ui_window_move(win, x, y);
			y += h;
		} else {
			int w = n ? width : tui->width - x;
			ui_window_resize(win, w, max_height);
diff --git a/ui.h b/ui.h
index 5680400..d338295 100644
--- a/ui.h
+++ b/ui.h
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
enum UiLayout {

enum UiOption {
@@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ typedef struct {
	struct Win *selwin;       /* the currently selected layout */
	char info[UI_MAX_WIDTH];  /* info message displayed at the bottom of the screen */
	int width, height;        /* terminal dimensions available for all windows */
	enum UiLayout layout;     /* whether windows are displayed horizontally or vertically */
	enum UiLayout layout;     /* whether windows are displayed horizontally, vertically or stacked */
	TermKey *termkey;         /* libtermkey instance to handle keyboard input (stdin or /dev/tty) */
	size_t ids;               /* bit mask of in use window ids */
	size_t styles_size;       /* #bytes allocated for styles array */
diff --git a/vis-cmds.c b/vis-cmds.c
index 4cfb3bd..c42d9ab 100644
--- a/vis-cmds.c
+++ b/vis-cmds.c
@@ -349,8 +349,10 @@ static bool cmd_set(Vis *vis, Win *win, Command *cmd, const char *argv[], Select
		} else if (strcmp("v", arg.s) == 0) {
		} else if (strcmp("s", arg.s) == 0) {
			layout = UI_LAYOUT_STACKED;
		} else {
			vis_info_show(vis, "Invalid layout `%s', expected 'h' or 'v'", arg.s);
			vis_info_show(vis, "Invalid layout `%s', expected 'h', 'v' or 's'", arg.s);
			return false;
		ui_arrange(&vis->ui, layout);
@@ -563,6 +565,19 @@ static bool cmd_vsplit(Vis *vis, Win *win, Command *cmd, const char *argv[], Sel
	return ret;

static bool cmd_ssplit(Vis *vis, Win *win, Command *cmd, const char *argv[], Selection *sel, Filerange *range) { // TODO: register cmd
	if (!win)
		return false;
	enum UiOption options = win->options;
	ui_arrange(&vis->ui, UI_LAYOUT_STACKED);
	if (!argv[1])
		return vis_window_split(win);
	bool ret = openfiles(vis, &argv[1]);
	if (ret)
		win_options_set(vis->win, options);
	return ret;

static bool cmd_new(Vis *vis, Win *win, Command *cmd, const char *argv[], Selection *sel, Filerange *range) {
	ui_arrange(&vis->ui, UI_LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL);
	return vis_window_new(vis, NULL);
@@ -573,6 +588,11 @@ static bool cmd_vnew(Vis *vis, Win *win, Command *cmd, const char *argv[], Selec
	return vis_window_new(vis, NULL);

static bool cmd_snew(Vis *vis, Win *win, Command *cmd, const char *argv[], Selection *sel, Filerange *range) {
	ui_arrange(&vis->ui, UI_LAYOUT_STACKED);
	return vis_window_new(vis, NULL);

static bool cmd_wq(Vis *vis, Win *win, Command *cmd, const char *argv[], Selection *sel, Filerange *range) {
	if (!win)
		return false;
diff --git a/vis-lua.c b/vis-lua.c
index e3e85c3..649eabb 100644
--- a/vis-lua.c
+++ b/vis-lua.c
@@ -3267,6 +3267,7 @@ static void vis_lua_init(Vis *vis) {
	} layouts[] = {
	for (size_t i = 0; i <  LENGTH(layouts); i++) {
		lua_pushunsigned(L, layouts[i].id);

[vis/patches] build success

builds.sr.ht <builds@sr.ht>
Message ID
<172420164185.10939.15054682198040328756-1@git.sr.ht> (view parent)
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vis/patches: SUCCESS in 1m27s

[Add a "stacked" layout option][0] from [~urosm][1]

[0]: https://lists.sr.ht/~martanne/devel/patches/54587
[1]: urosm@kompot.si

✓ #1308184 SUCCESS vis/patches/debian.yml  https://builds.sr.ht/~martanne/job/1308184
✓ #1308183 SUCCESS vis/patches/alpine.yml  https://builds.sr.ht/~martanne/job/1308183
✓ #1308185 SUCCESS vis/patches/freebsd.yml https://builds.sr.ht/~martanne/job/1308185
✓ #1308186 SUCCESS vis/patches/openbsd.yml https://builds.sr.ht/~martanne/job/1308186
Message ID
<172420164185.10939.15054682198040328756-0@git.sr.ht> (view parent)
DKIM signature
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~urosm <urosm@git.sr.ht> wrote:
> I know window management in vis is in a sort of a purgatory, but I would
> kindly like to ask you to consider this patch that adds a "stacked"
> layout option.
> It arranges the windows horizontally but sizes them differently.
> Unfocused windows take 2 lines each, the focused one takes the rest.
> There's a ridiculous check at L316 for prompts that are up. Would kindly
> ask for advice here, not really familiar with the codebase. They seem to
> keep their UI_OPTION_ONELINE bit and have the UI_OPTION_SYMBOL_EOF set.
> Thanks
> u
> urosm (1):
>   Add a stacked layout option
>  sam.c         | 10 +++++++++-
>  ui-terminal.c |  7 +++++++
>  ui.h          |  3 ++-
>  vis-cmds.c    | 22 +++++++++++++++++++++-
>  vis-lua.c     |  1 +
>  5 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)


I'm not sure what to do about this one. On one hand it doesn't
really align with project goals but on the other its very simple.
I'll probably defer to others for this.

I'm likely to keep this around locally because I find it useful
for one of my common use cases - opening a lot of compiler errors
in the message window and jumping between many open files when I
want to refactor something.

> Would kindly ask for advice here, not really familiar with the codebase.

I'm not sure I understand what the question is?

- Randy

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