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himitsu-keyring: Odd casing in protocol group labels

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For some odd reason, the casing of the protocol "titles" (e.g.: the labels on
the top of each protocol) is mixed up; the first one is shown all uppercase
("SMTP"), while others are title-case ("Imaps", "Smtps", etc).

A screenshot might be much clearer, but emails with image/png attachment are
rejected from this list.

I've no idea what could be causing this. IMHO, all uppercase ("SMTP") or all
lowercase ("smtp") are best. "Title Case" can be confusing for things like
"IMAP" where "Imap" looks too much like "lmap" on a sans-serif font (which is
used by GTK by default).

Hugo Osvaldo Barrera
Message ID
<20221021235904.y5tqoy4qntx2d45g@victory> (view parent)
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This behavior is because it's title-casing it with a few exceptions.


I did not account for imaps vs imap here, mainly there's not really a 
spec for this part. The title casing works a lot better with everything 
that's not an acronym like the web protocol.

On 10/22/22 01:59, Hugo Osvaldo Barrera wrote:
> For some odd reason, the casing of the protocol "titles" (e.g.: the labels on
> the top of each protocol) is mixed up; the first one is shown all uppercase
> ("SMTP"), while others are title-case ("Imaps", "Smtps", etc).
> A screenshot might be much clearer, but emails with image/png attachment are
> rejected from this list.
> I've no idea what could be causing this. IMHO, all uppercase ("SMTP") or all
> lowercase ("smtp") are best. "Title Case" can be confusing for things like
> "IMAP" where "Imap" looks too much like "lmap" on a sans-serif font (which is
> used by GTK by default).

[PATCH] Fix inconsistent case in title for some protocols

Message ID
<db2a66ff-6025-4ca8-c9f5-daf004b03c10@brixit.nl> (view parent)
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Patch: +2 -0
 himitsu_gtk/window.py | 2 ++
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

diff --git a/himitsu_gtk/window.py b/himitsu_gtk/window.py
index cdd6212..2886b5e 100644
--- a/himitsu_gtk/window.py
+++ b/himitsu_gtk/window.py
@@ -83,7 +83,9 @@ class KeyringWindow:
        titles = {
            'ssh': 'SSH',
            'imap': 'IMAP',
            'imaps': 'IMAPS',
            'smtp': 'SMTP',
            'smtps': 'SMTPS',
            'xmpp': 'XMPP',
            'irc': 'IRC',
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