Hi Matěj,
I hope you're fine. I was looking at the Python nntplib lib on PyPI but
the homepage returns a 404 error. Is the development discontinued or is
it only a misconfiguration of the repository? If that's the latter
case, could you please have a look?
Thanks beforehand.
I wish you a pleasant week-end,
Julien ÉLIE
« Audentes fortunat iuvat. » (Virgile)
On Sun Jan 21, 2024 at 9:33 AM CET, Julien ÉLIE wrote:
> I hope you're fine. I was looking at the Python nntplib lib on PyPI but
> the homepage returns a 404 error. Is the development discontinued or is
> it only a misconfiguration of the repository? If that's the latter
> case, could you please have a look?
Current Sourcehut problems pushed me again towards not being
lazy and setting up my own cgit on https://git.cepl.eu/cgit (it
is still not public, because I have to sort out a mess with TLS
Of course, all issue reports, patches, complaints, or questions
about nntplib still can go to this email list (unless I move that
as well) or to my email.
http://matej.ceplovi.cz/blog/, @mcepl@floss.social
GPG Finger: 3C76 A027 CA45 AD70 98B5 BC1D 7920 5802 880B C9D8
SCSI is *not* magic. There are *fundamental* *technical*
reasons why you have to sacrifice a young goat to your SCSI
chain every now and then.
-- John F. Woods
The official home page of nntplib is now
https://git.cepl.eu/cgit/python/nntplib/ , but
https://git.sr.ht/~mcepl/nntplib/ (I use Sourcehut CI).
And I have released 0.1.3 which reflects all this (and it is now
packaged for openSUSE as python-nntplib).
http://matej.ceplovi.cz/blog/, @mcepl@floss.social
GPG Finger: 3C76 A027 CA45 AD70 98B5 BC1D 7920 5802 880B C9D8
SCSI is *not* magic. There are *fundamental* *technical*
reasons why you have to sacrifice a young goat to your SCSI
chain every now and then.
-- John F. Woods