
SXMO 1.4.0 released

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Hi all,

We have just released SXMO 1.4.0, which is a major release containing
all kinds of user interface and user experience improvements.

The packages have been merged into PostmarketOS edge and are expected to be in
the repositories any time now. You then can upgrade in the usual way (apk update &&
apk upgrade), but as we wrote in the previous announcement, be very careful if
you encounter a "No space left on device" error during upgrade (/boot partition
too small) and see https://todo.sr.ht/~mil/sxmo-tickets/214 how to handle it.

A short summary of the most notable new features, in no particular order:

* The virtual keyboard layout and style has improved considerably
* There is haptic/audio feedback available for the virtual keyboard,
  using a new tool 'clickclack', this has to be enabled
  explicitly in your ~/.config/sxmo/xinit with:
  ``export KEYBOARD_ARGS="-o | clickclack -f /usr/share/sxmo/keypress.wav"``
  or for vibration instead of audio:
  ``export KEYBOARD_ARGS="-o | clickclack -v"``
* Added proper HiDPI support, text is rendered better (and a bit bigger generally).
  (Thanks to tetrakist and Chris Billington)
* The menus and status bar now feature icons in most places
* dmenu, st, dwm and svkbd can be configured through Xresources (thanks to tetrakist)
* New defaults fonts have been set
* A contacts menu has been added (thanks to Stacy)
* The contact name will show when picking up a call (thanks to Stacy)
* The files menu has been improved and made sortable (thanks to Stacy)
* A bluetooth menu has been added if you have bluez installed
  (thanks to Stacy and Julian Samaroo)
* Improved right-edge scrolling without lifting fingers
* Sxmo ships with a default wallpaper and creates a ~/.config/sxmo/xinit
  with some sensible defaults for users who have not yet.
* Conky is no longer started by our xinit but you have to add it to your
  own xinit *after* setting your wallpaper. So if your clock is gone
  suddenly after upgrade, this is the reason. See the example template at:
* The kill window behaviour does a more gentle close instead of a kill, you can
  still kill a window by using the three-finger-to-bottom-edge gesture (instead
  of two), or by triple pressing the volume button (long hold closes instead of kills).
* You can press the power button to take a photo in Megapixels (only version 0.16 and above!)
* Dmenu has a slidable page-up/page-down function now (thanks to tetrakist)
* There have been several fixes and improvement to make things run better on debian/mobian
  (thanks to Jochen Sprickerhof)

There have also been numerous smaller fixes and improvements and many tickets have been fixed.

Some other noteworthy mentions:

* Since we have better themability now, tetrakist has started a sxmo-themes initative:
* For Arch users, Justine Smithies has been doing a lot of work on getting sxmo to run on Arch:
* postmarketOS is including this release in their next stable release (v21.03).

I think we have also marked our 1-year-sxmo milestone. Thanks to all
contributors and Miles for starting the project!

Enjoy this new release!


Maarten van Gompel


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