
Superd 0.6: lisgd crashes

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Hi all!

With the release of superd 0.6, there was a bug where lisgd sometimes
doesn't start after a screen lock. This is a known issue and stacy has
fixed this in the latest git head of sxmo-utils.

If you are running postmarketOS stable, I have applied this fix to
sxmo-utils 1.9.0 to make sxmo-utils 1.9.1 that should fix this issue.
You can receive this update by running:

`$ doas apk -U upgrade`

Please remember to reboot your phone and run `$ sxmo_migrate.sh` to
apply the new config that addresses this issue.

For users of postmarketOS edge, we will be releasing sxmo-utils 1.10.0
soon which will fix this issue. I am just doing the final code reviews
and tests for that release.

For the technical background regarding this issue, please see:


The current fix in sxmo-utils is a workaround for the latest superd.
Clayton has already fixed this in superd (0.7). Superd 0.7 is not
released yet and we did not have time to test that fix for regressions
so we are pushing this workaround now.

Happy hacking!
Anjandev Momi
w:] www.momi.ca
pgp:] https://momi.ca/publickey.txt
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