Working from Aren's Pinephone 1.2 fix, I used awk to implement
right alignment, more colors, and easy to modify
time/date format.
Added 3 modes: right justify, indent, or all left justify.
Added 2 wrap modes: Words or ignore words
Easily adjustable line width and indent length, both percentage
of term cols.
In group messaging, contacts are colored uniquely for better
Unlikely this will be added as it's not the fastest tailtextlog, but I'm
very much enjoying it, perhaps others may find some use of it.
Cleaned up shellcheck warnings/errors
Cleaned up trailing spaces
Threw in a tail line num variable
.../default_hooks/sxmo_hook_tailtextlog.sh | 234 ++++++++++++++++--
1 file changed, 208 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)
diff --git a/configs/default_hooks/sxmo_hook_tailtextlog.sh b/configs/default_hooks/sxmo_hook_tailtextlog.sh
index 51c2109..39ba66c 100755
--- a/configs/default_hooks/sxmo_hook_tailtextlog.sh
+++ b/configs/default_hooks/sxmo_hook_tailtextlog.sh
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+# configversion: 9978740a2faa28d66e2013a837fcf11a
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
# Copyright 2022 Sxmo Contributors
@@ -8,42 +9,223 @@
# shellcheck source=scripts/core/sxmo_common.sh
. sxmo_common.sh
+if [ "$1" = format ]; then
+ format=true
+ shift
-# If it's already open, switch to it.
-if [ "$SXMO_WM" = "sway" ] && [ -z "$SSH_CLIENT" ]; then
- regesc_termname="$(echo "$TERMNAME" | sed 's|+|\\+|g')"
- swaymsg "[title=\"^$regesc_termname\$\"]" focus && exit 0
-mkcontactssedcmd() {
+mkcontactscmd() {
+ clr=1
pnc find "$LOGDIRNUM" | while read -r NUMBER; do
CONTACT="$(sxmo_contacts.sh --name-or-number "$NUMBER")"
- if [ ! "$CONTACT" = "$NUMBER" ]; then
- printf %s "s/$NUMBER/$CONTACT/;"
- fi
+ clr=$((clr=clr+1))
+ printf "%s::%s::%s:::" "$NUMBER" "$CONTACT" "$(tput setaf $clr)"
-# Replace certain dates with human readable versions
-TODAY="$(date +%F)"
-YESTERDAY="$(date -d "- 1 day" +%F)"
-TWO_DAYS="$(date -d "- 2 day" +%F)"
-DATESEDCMD="s/at.*${TODAY}T/today at /; s/at.*${YESTERDAY}T/yesterday at /; s/at.*${TWO_DAYS}T/two days ago at /; s/-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]://; s/\(-[0-9][0-9]\)T\([0-9][0-9]\)/\1 \2/;"
+format() {
+ sleep 1
+ #######################################
+ # Adjust the following to your liking #
+ #######################################
+ # 3 Mode options:
+ # "right_justify":
+ # Sent messages right justified
+ # "indent"
+ # Sent msgs are indented by factor
+ # of terminal width.
+ # "all_left"
+ # All msgs left justified
+ MODE="right_justify"
+ # WORDWRAP determines if lines are to
+ # break with words or ignore words (breaks
+ # precisely at determined width)
+ # 2 options: 'words' or 'ignorewords'
+ WORDWRAP="words"
+ # Be sure the following is true:
+ # To modify date/time, see man
+ # strftime for list of fields
+ DAY_F="%Y %m %d"
+ TIME_F="%H:%M"
+ # Colorize Sent and Received lines
-#ALIGNSEDCMD="s/^Sent/<right align>/;s/^Received/<left align>/;"
+ # Number of sms.txt lines to process
+ TAIL_NUM=9999
-# Colorize Sent and Received lines
-COLORSEDCMD="s#^\(Sent.*\)#$(tput setaf "$SENT_COLOR")\1$(tput op)#;s#^\(Received.*\)#$(tput setaf "$RECEIVED_COLOR")\1$(tput op)#;"
-# Replace phone numbers in the filename with contacts from contact book
+ ####################################
+ # Do Not modify anything hereafter #
+ ####################################
-sxmo_terminal.sh sh -c "tail -n9999 -f \"$SXMO_LOGDIR/$LOGDIRNUM/sms.txt\" |\
-#sxmo_terminal.sh sh -c "sxmo_hook_parselog.sh \"$NUMBER\""
+ TODAY="$(date "+${DAY_F}")"
+ YESTERDAY="$(date -d "- 1 day" "+${DAY_F}")"
+ TWO_DAYS="$(date -d "- 2 day" "+${DAY_F}")"
+ TERM_WIDTH=$(tput cols)
+ tail -n$TAIL_NUM -f "$SXMO_LOGDIR/$LOGDIRNUM/sms.txt" |
+ awk \
+ -v mode="$MODE" \
+ -v indent_factor=$INDENT_FACTOR \
+ -v line_width_factor=$LINE_WIDTH_FACTOR \
+ -v wordwrap=wrap_"$WORDWRAP" \
+ -v contactscmd="$(mkcontactscmd)" \
+ -v day_f="$DAY_F" \
+ -v time_f="$TIME_F" \
+ -v today="$TODAY" \
+ -v yesterday="$YESTERDAY" \
+ -v two_days="$TWO_DAYS" \
+ -v term_width="$TERM_WIDTH" \
+ '
+ function wrap_words(nextword_len, buf_len, z) {
+ while ($0) {
+ nextword_len = match($0, /[[:blank:]]|$/)
+ buf_len += nextword_len
+ if (buf_len > line_width) {
+ if (z) line_filters(z)
+ # If a word is larger than line_width
+ # break word apart and print lines
+ if (nextword_len > line_width){
+ while (buf_len > line_width){
+ line_filters(substr($0, 1, line_width))
+ $0 = substr($0, line_width + 1)
+ buf_len -= line_width
+ }
+ z = $0
+ $0 = ""
+ }else{
+ buf_len = nextword_len - 1
+ z = ""
+ }
+ }else if (z) z = z FS
+ z = z substr($0, 1, nextword_len - 1)
+ $0 = substr($0, nextword_len + 1)
+ }
+ line_filters(z)
+ }
+ function wrap_ignorewords(){
+ while ( length >= line_width ) {
+ line_filters(substr($0,1,line_width))
+ $0=substr($0,line_width+1)
+ }
+ line_filters($0)
+ }
+ function line_filters(str){
+ if (ishead){
+ # Format contacts colors
+ # if applies (group messaging)
+ for (i=1; i < length(c); i++){
+ gsub(c_value[i], c_color[i] c_value[i] tput_op textclr, str)
+ }
+ }
+ # Print the line
+ @mode(str)
+ }
+ function all_left(str){
+ indent(str)
+ }
+ function right_justify(str){
+ printf "%s%*s%s%s\n", \
+ textclr, \
+ (issent) ? line_indent[mode] : 0, \
+ str, "", tput_op
+ }
+ function indent(str){
+ printf "%s%*s%s%s\n", \
+ textclr, \
+ (issent) ? line_indent[mode] : 0, \
+ "", str, tput_op
+ }
+ sent_head_color="'"$(tput setaf "$SENT_HEAD_COLOR")"'"
+ sent_color="'"$(tput setaf "$SENT_COLOR")"'"
+ received_head_color="'"$(tput setaf "$RECEIVED_HEAD_COLOR")"'"
+ received_color="'"$(tput setaf "$RECEIVED_COLOR")"'"
+ line_width=term_width * line_width_factor
+ tput_op="'"$(tput op)"'"
+ line_indent["right_justify"] = term_width
+ line_indent["indent"] = term_width * indent_factor
+ line_indent["all_left"]=0
+ # Break apart contacts serial variable
+ # into array for once now instead
+ # of redunctantly later
+ split(contactscmd,c,":::")
+ c_len=length(c)
+ for (i=1; i < c_len; i++){
+ split(c[i],x,"::")
+ c_index[i]=x[1]
+ c_value[i]=x[2]
+ c_color[i]=x[3]
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ # Sent / Received variables
+ ishead=0
+ if(/^.*Sent/){
+ issent=1; ishead=1
+ textclr=sent_head_color
+ }else if(/^.*Received/){
+ issent=0; ishead=1
+ textclr=received_head_color
+ }else if(issent){
+ textclr=sent_color
+ }else{
+ textclr=received_color
+ }
+ # Modify send/receive line
+ if(ishead){
+ # Remove some bits
+ gsub(/(-[0-9]{4}:)|(at )/,"")
+ gsub(/[-T:]/," ")
+ # Format contacts if applies (group messaging)
+ # Remove "Received from" if group msg
+ if (c_len > 1){
+ for (i=1; i < c_len; i++){
+ gsub(c_index[i],c_value[i])
+ }
+ gsub(/^Received from /,"")
+ }
+ # Format time
+ v=substr($0,match($0,/[0-9]{4} [0-9]{1,2} .*[0-9]{1,2}/))
+ t=mktime(v)
+ gsub(/[0-9]{4} [0-9]{1,2} .*[0-9]{1,2}/,strftime(day_f " " time_f, t))
+ gsub(today,"today")
+ gsub(yesterday,"yesterday")
+ gsub(two_days,"two days ago")
+ }
+ # Send line through the wrap function
+ @wordwrap()
+ }'
+if [ -n "$format" ]; then
+ format
+ exit 0
+# If it's already open, switch to it.
+if [ "$SXMO_WM" = "sway" ] && [ -z "$SSH_CLIENT" ]; then
+ regesc_termname="$(echo "$TERMNAME" | sed 's|+|\\+|g')"
+ swaymsg "[title=\"^$regesc_termname\$\"]" focus && exit 0
+sxmo_terminal.sh sh -c "$0 format $*"