A major refactoring of my previous sxmo_hook_tailtextlog.sh. Performs
roughly twice as fast as its predecessor. Added environment variables
to the mix for easy customization.
Still slower than the default tailtextlog, but this one affords more
This patch supersedes the previous version, which was v4 I believe, from
quite some time ago. I share this only for folks who may find this type
of thing useful. I've been running the older version of this on the
pinephone 1.2 1+ year now, with the default settings, and works well for
my texting needs.
.../default_hooks/sxmo_hook_tailtextlog.sh | 262 ++++++++++++++++--
1 file changed, 241 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
diff --git a/configs/default_hooks/sxmo_hook_tailtextlog.sh b/configs/default_hooks/sxmo_hook_tailtextlog.sh
index 1e030b7..a22469f 100755
--- a/configs/default_hooks/sxmo_hook_tailtextlog.sh
+++ b/configs/default_hooks/sxmo_hook_tailtextlog.sh
@@ -2,12 +2,34 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
# Copyright 2022 Sxmo Contributors
-# This hook displays the sms log for a numbers passed as $1
+# This hook displays the sms log for numbers passed as $1
+# Environment variables (for values, see format function comments)
+# General settings:
+# Colors:
# include common definitions
# shellcheck source=scripts/core/sxmo_common.sh
. sxmo_common.sh
+if [ "$1" = format ]; then
+ format=true
+ shift
@@ -20,31 +42,229 @@ if [ "$SXMO_WM" = "sway" ] && [ -z "$SSH_CLIENT" ]; then
-mkcontactssedcmd() {
- pnc find "$LOGDIRNUM" | while read -r NUMBER; do
+mkcontactscmd() {
+ i=1; j=1
+ pnc find "$LOGDIRNUM" | while IFS= read -r NUMBER; do
+ while
+ clr=$(echo "$C_C" | cut -d " " -f $i)
+ i=$((i=i+1))
+ [ -z "$clr" ]
+ do i=1; done
CONTACT="$(sxmo_contacts.sh --name-or-number "$NUMBER")"
- if [ ! "$CONTACT" = "$NUMBER" ]; then
- printf %s "s/$NUMBER/$CONTACT/;"
- fi
+ [ $j -gt 1 ] && printf ":::"
+ printf "%s::%s::%s" "$NUMBER" "$CONTACT" "$(tput setaf "$clr")"
+ j=$((j=j+1))
-# Replace certain dates with human readable versions
-TODAY="$(date +%F)"
-YESTERDAY="$(date -d "- 1 day" +%F)"
-TWO_DAYS="$(date -d "- 2 day" +%F)"
-DATESEDCMD="s/ at ${TODAY}T/today at /; s/ at ${YESTERDAY}T/yesterday at /; s/ at ${TWO_DAYS}T/two days ago at /; s/[-+][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]://; s/\(-[0-9][0-9]\)T\([0-9][0-9]\)/\1 \2/;"
+format() {
+ sleep 0.5
+ #######################################
+ # Adjust the following to your liking #
+ # here or using environment variables #
+ #######################################
+ # 3 Mode options:
+ # "right_justify":
+ # Sent messages right justified
+ # "indent"
+ # Sent msgs are indented by factor
+ # of terminal width.
+ # "all_left"
+ # All msgs left justified
+ M="${SXMO_TXTLOG_MODE:-"indent"}"
+ # WORDWRAP 2 options: 'word' or 'ignoreword'
+ W="${SXMO_TXTLOG_WRAP:-"word"}"
+ # Be sure the following is true:
+ I="${SXMO_TXTLOG_INDENT:-"0.2"}"
+ # To modify date/time, see man
+ # strftime for format fields
+ D="${SXMO_TXTLOG_DAY:-"%Y-%m-%d"}"
+ T="${SXMO_TXTLOG_TIME:-"%H:%M"}"
+ # Colorize Sent and Received lines
+ # Number of sms.txt lines to process
+ N="${SXMO_TXTLOG_LINES:-1999}"
+ # In group sms, contacts are cyclicly colored
+ # These are their colors (space delim)
+ C_C="${SXMO_TXTLOG_CONTACT_COLORS:-"39 40 201 51 118 214"}"
+ ####################################
+ # Do Not modify anything hereafter #
+ ####################################
-#ALIGNSEDCMD="s/^Sent/<right align>/;s/^Received/<left align>/;"
+ tail -n $N -f "$SXMO_LOGDIR/$LOGDIRNUM/sms.txt" |
+ awk \
+ -v m=$M \
+ -v indent_factor=$I \
+ -v line_width_factor=$L \
+ -v w="w_$W" \
+ -v contactscmd="$(mkcontactscmd)" \
+ -v date_time_f="$D $T" \
+ -v today="$(date "+${D}")" \
+ -v yesterday="$(date -d "- 1 day" "+${D}")" \
+ -v two_days="$(date -d "- 2 day" "+${D}")" \
+ -v term_width="$(tput cols)" \
+ -v shc="$(tput setaf "$S_H_C")" \
+ -v sc="$(tput setaf "$S_C")" \
+ -v rhc="$(tput setaf "$R_H_C")" \
+ -v rc="$(tput setaf "$R_C")" \
+ -v tput_op="$(tput op)" '
-# Colorize Sent and Received lines
-COLORSEDCMD="s#^\(Sent.*\)#$(tput setaf "$SENT_COLOR")\1$(tput op)#;s#^\(Received.*\)#$(tput setaf "$RECEIVED_COLOR")\1$(tput op)#;"
+ function w_word(){
+ z = 0
+ nff = 1
+ o = ""
+ for ( i=1; i<=NF; i++){
+ z += length($i)
+ if ( z >= lw_e ){
-# Replace phone numbers in the filename with contacts from contact book
+ # If first word bigger than lw (eg url),
+ # skip the extra line pr and just pr
+ # the word. Otherwise, normal behavior
+ # occurs here.
+ if (nff != 1){
+ printf( pf, tc, s_indent, o, tput_op )
+ nff = 1; o = ""
+ z = length($i)
+ }
+ }else{
+ z += fsl
+ }
+ if (nff == 1){
+ o = $i
+ }else{
+ o = sprintf( "%s%s%s", o, OFS, $i )
+ }
+ nff++
+ }
+ printf( pf, tc, s_indent, o, tput_op )
+ }
+ function w_ignoreword(){
+ while( length > lw_e ){
+ sub( /^[[:space:]]/, "" )
+ printf( pf, tc, s_indent, substr( $0, 1, lw_e ), tput_op )
+ $0 = substr( $0, lw_e + 1 )
+ }
+ sub( /^[[:space:]]/, "" )
+ printf( pf, tc, s_indent, $0, tput_op )
+ }
+ m = substr( m, 1, 1 )
+ isr = m == "r"
+ isa = m == "a"
+ lw = term_width * line_width_factor
+ hd = "[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{4}:$"
+ sent_hd = sprintf("%s %s", "^Sent at", hd)
+ recv_hd = sprintf("%s %s", "^Received( from [0-9+]+)? at", hd)
+ if ( isr ){
+ li = term_width
+ pf = "%s%*s%s\n"
+ }else if ( m == "i" ){
+ li = term_width * indent_factor
+ pf = "%s%s%s%s\n"
+ }else{
+ li = 0
+ pf = "%s%s%s%s\n"
+ }
+ # Indent string used for modes indent or all left
+ # If right_justify, keep int value
+ istr = isr ? li : sprintf( "%*s", li, "" )
+ fsl = length(OFS)
+ # Group msgs - serialed contact colors
+ split(contactscmd, c, ":::")
+ c_len = length(c)
+ for (ii = 1; ii <= c_len; ii++){
+ split(c[ii],x,"::")
+ c_index[ii] = x[1]
+ c_value[ii] = x[2]
+ c_color[ii] = x[3] x[2] tput_op rhc
+ c_length[ii] = length( x[3] ) + length( tput_op ) + length( rhc )
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ if (NF == 0) { printf "\n"; next }
+ ishead = 0
+ esc_l = 0
+ if( $0 ~ sent_hd ){
+ issent = 1; ishead = 1
+ tc = shc
+ }else if( $0 ~ recv_hd ){
+ issent = 0; ishead = 1
+ tc = rhc
+ }else if( issent ){
+ tc = sc
+ }else{
+ tc = rc
+ }
+ # For double space between msgs, if you so choose
+ # if ( ishead && NR > 1 ) { printf "\n" }
+ s_indent = issent || isa ? istr : ""
+ if( ishead ){
+ # Remove some bits
+ sub( /(-[0-9]{4}:)|(at )/, "" )
+ gsub( /[-T:]/, " " )
+ # Format time
+ v = substr( $0, match( $0, /[0-9]{4} [0-9]{1,2} .*[0-9]{1,2}/ ))
+ t = mktime(v)
+ sub( /[0-9]{4} [0-9]{1,2} .*[0-9]{1,2}[[:space:]]*/, strftime(date_time_f, t ))
+ sub( today, "today" )
+ sub( yesterday, "yesterday" )
+ sub( two_days, "two days ago" )
+ # Format contacts if applies (group messaging)
+ # Remove "Received from" if group msg
+ if ( ! issent && c_len > 1 ){
+ for (ii = 1; ii <= c_len; ii++){
+ sub( c_index[ii], c_color[ii], $0 )
+ esc_l += c_length[ii]
+ sub( /^Received from /, "" )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ lw_e = lw + esc_l
+ @w()
+ }'
+if [ -n "$format" ]; then
+ format
+ exit 0
-sxmo_terminal.sh sh -c "tail -n9999 -f \"$SXMO_LOGDIR/$LOGDIRNUM/sms.txt\" |\
+sxmo_terminal.sh sh -c "$0 format $*"