
add notify-send message when battery is lower than 8% and not charging v1 SUPERSEDED

magdesign: 2
 add notify-send message when battery is lower than 8% and not charging
 check if audio output is active since playerctl is no default in pmos

 2 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
Marked as superseded
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[PATCH 1/2] add notify-send message when battery is lower than 8% and not charging Export this patch

 configs/default_hooks/sxmo_hook_battery.sh | 7 +++++++
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+)

diff --git a/configs/default_hooks/sxmo_hook_battery.sh b/configs/default_hooks/sxmo_hook_battery.sh
index e040f6d..4ceea4c 100755
--- a/configs/default_hooks/sxmo_hook_battery.sh
+++ b/configs/default_hooks/sxmo_hook_battery.sh
@@ -24,6 +24,13 @@ device_changed() {

	sxmo_hook_statusbar.sh battery "$name" "$state" "$percentage"
# battery low warning
PERCENTAGE=$(upower -d | awk '/percentage/; /^$/ {exit}' | sed 's/[^0-9]//g')
STATE=$(upower -d | awk '/state/; /^$/ {exit}' |  sed 's/state://g;s/ //g')

if [ $STATE = "discharging" ] && [ $PERCENTAGE -lt 8 ]; then
  notify-send -t 5000 --urgency=critical "BATTERY is LOW" "(+_+) I will die soon"


[PATCH 2/2] check if audio output is active since playerctl is no default in pmos Export this patch

 configs/default_hooks/sxmo_hook_block_suspend.sh | 5 +++++
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+)

diff --git a/configs/default_hooks/sxmo_hook_block_suspend.sh b/configs/default_hooks/sxmo_hook_block_suspend.sh
index 7d096f7..ce46dde 100755
--- a/configs/default_hooks/sxmo_hook_block_suspend.sh
+++ b/configs/default_hooks/sxmo_hook_block_suspend.sh
@@ -76,6 +76,10 @@ playing_mpris() {
	command -v playerctl && playerctl -a status | grep -q "Playing"

audio_active() {
	pactl list sinks | grep -q 'State: RUNNING'

photos_processing() {
	pgrep -f postprocess
@@ -93,5 +97,6 @@ while [ "$waited" != "0" ]; do
	wait_item active_mosh
	wait_item playing_mpc
	wait_item playing_mpris
	wait_item audio_active
	wait_item photos_processing
Marked as superseded