The Nokia N900's keyboard has very few keys, and RightAlt is already
in use. Provide an alternative binding mode that suits this constraint
while remaining as close as possible to the existing sxmo keybindings
configs/appcfg/sway_template | 27 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 27 insertions(+)
diff --git a/configs/appcfg/sway_template b/configs/appcfg/sway_template
index 72bd819..f188cbf 100644
--- a/configs/appcfg/sway_template+++ b/configs/appcfg/sway_template
@@ -37,12 +37,39 @@ mode "menu" {
bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec wtype -k Down
+mode "nomod" {+ # follow the standard sxmo keybinds as far as possible+ bindsym t exec $term; mode "default"+ bindsym q mode "default"+ bindsym Shift+p exec sys; mode "default"+ bindsym p exec; mode "default"+ bindsym d exec $menu; mode "default"+ bindsym Shift+q kill; mode "default"+ bindsym i exec windowswitcher; mode "default"+ bindsym Shift+c reload; mode "default"+ bindsym f fullscreen; mode "default"+ bindsym Shift+space floating toggle; mode "default"+ bindsym a focus parent; mode "default"+}+### Key bindings
# Basics:
input * xkb_options compose:ralt
+ # Nokia N900 hardware keyboard+ input "1:1:TWL4030_Keypad" {+ xkb_model "nokiarx51"+ xkb_layout "us"+ # ralt has special meaning on N900 keyboard so do not use as+ # compose key+ xkb_options compose:rwin+ }++ # in the absence of a mod key (e.g. N900), provide a "nomod" mode+ bindsym Shift+space mode "nomod"+ # Start a terminal
bindsym $mod+Return exec $term
sxmo-utils/patches/test.yml: SUCCESS in 23s
[sway: add config for Nokia N900][0] from [Sicelo A. Mhlongo][1]
✓ #1200477 SUCCESS sxmo-utils/patches/test.yml