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Re: Holding libc symbols

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TL-DR: How can I access the `stdin` symbol from stdio.h?

I know that QBE can interface with C, as in my language, this code

fn input(String message) {
	String out = “";
	scanf!("%s", out);

	ret out;

pub fn main() {
	String res = input("input pls?\n”);
	printf!("\ndid you say %s? that's so true\n", res);

compiles to this IL

function l $input(l %message_1) {
	%out_2 =l copy $input_3
	%tmp_4 =w call $puts(l %message_1)
	%tmp_6 =w call $scanf(l $input_5, ..., l %out_2)
	%r_v6_7 =l copy %out_2
	ret %r_v6_7

export function w $main() {
	%tmp_10 =l call $input(l $main_9)
	%res_8 =l copy %tmp_10
	%tmp_12 =w call $printf(l $main_11, ..., l %res_8)

data $input_3 = { b "", b 0 }
data $input_5 = { b "%s", b 0 }
data $main_9 = { b "input pls?\n", b 0 }
data $main_11 = { b "\ndid you say %s? that's so true\n", b 0 }

which runs fine. As %out_2 is a pointer, passing it to `scanf` works. However, I would like to use `fgets` instead, as `scanf` doesn’t particularly handle strings with whitespace very well. The issue is that I’m not sure how to access the stdin file pointer from stdio.h, and as Elle cannot currently create opaque types I’m stuck on how to manually implement an stdin file pointer to pass to `fgets` without segfaulting.

I, of course, did try to think logically and see if `stdin` would just be a symbol defined with a global sigil, but it isn’t.

Thank you,

Re: Holding libc symbols

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<D4B0AACD-6506-451D-A74C-215862759C16@gmail.com> (view parent)
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 > I, of course, did try to think logically and see if `stdin` would 
just be a symbol defined with a global sigil, but it isn’t.

Are you perhaps running on Windows?
I've had a similar problem.

On Windows, `stdin` is defined as such:

     extern FILE _iob[];
     #define stdin  (&_iob[0])

You would have to call `fgets` like so:

     %out_2 =l copy $input_3
     %stdin =l copy $_iob
     %stdin =l add $_iob, 0 # = 0 * sizeof(FILE*)
     %result =l call $fgets(l %out_2, w 2, l %stdin)

On Linux, `stdin` is simply defined as a pointer:

     $ grep stdin /usr/include/stdio.h
     extern FILE *stdin;     /* Standard input stream.  */
     #define stdin stdin

You should therefore be able to do:

     %out_2 =l copy $input_3
     %result =l call $fgets(l %out_2, w 2, l $stdin)

 > data $input_3 = { b "", b 0 }

Note here that your `$input_3` only has space for two bytes.
That might be one reason for a segfault.

 > The issue is that I’m not sure how to access the stdin file pointer 
from stdio.h, and as Elle cannot currently create opaque types I’m stuck 
on how to manually implement an stdin file pointer to pass to `fgets` 
without segfaulting.

There is no need to declare `$stdin` anywhere in QBE (assuming it exists).

Re: Holding libc symbols

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<D4B0AACD-6506-451D-A74C-215862759C16@gmail.com> (view parent)
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Oh, and for MacOS, seems like the symbol is named `__stdinp`:

$ grep stdin 
extern FILE *__stdinp;
#define	stdin	__stdinp

Re: Holding libc symbols

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<D4B0AACD-6506-451D-A74C-215862759C16@gmail.com> (view parent)
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On Mon, 22 Apr 2024 20:58:34 +0100
Rosie Acquite <acquitefx@gmail.com> wrote:
> I, of course, did try to think logically and see if `stdin` would just be a symbol defined with a global sigil, but it isn’t.

you'll need to read the platform headers,
and generate code accordingly; the code
will be platform specific.

you'll need to do this platform specific
stuff for a few other things, like the
definition of various structs.

Ori Bernstein <ori@eigenstate.org>

Re: Holding libc symbols

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<1d3a8b48-bea0-4357-a3dc-fd6f4b5bded9@yyny.dev> (view parent)
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 > you'll need to read the platform headers,
 > and generate code accordingly; the code
 > will be platform specific.

Thank you! I'll keep this in mind.

 > Oh, and for MacOS, seems like the symbol is named `__stdinp`:
I seems this fails to compile

I'm trying to compile this

export function w $main() {
     	%out_2 =l copy $input_3
     	%result =l call $fgets(l %out_2, w 1, l $__stdinp)
	%tmp_12 =w call $printf(l $main_11, ..., l %out_2)
data $input_3 = { b 0 }
data $main_11 = { b "%s\n", b 0 }

It fails with

final section layout:
     __TEXT/__text addr=0x100003F48, size=0x00000058, 
fileOffset=0x00003F48, type=1
     __TEXT/__stubs addr=0x100003FA0, size=0x00000018, 
fileOffset=0x00003FA0, type=29
     __TEXT/__unwind_info addr=0x100003FB8, size=0x00000048, 
fileOffset=0x00003FB8, type=22
     __DATA_CONST/__got addr=0x100004000, size=0x00000010, 
fileOffset=0x00004000, type=31
     __DATA/__data addr=0x100008000, size=0x00000030, 
fileOffset=0x00008000, type=0
ld: ARM64 ADRP out of range (-4294979584 max is +/-4GB): from _main 
(0x100003F48) to ___stdinp@0x00000000 (0x00000000) in '_main' from out.o 
for architecture arm64

I believe this means that the __stdinp pointer address is 0x00000000, 
which is incorrect?

Re: Holding libc symbols

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<20240422172339.cec91f24b846eeb6af7260ae@eigenstate.org> (view parent)
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Quentin replied in 
and said I can just use a mint of stdin with fdopen(0, "r").

I did originally think of doing this but I sort of forgot this function 
even exists lol

I guess that's progress!
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