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Re: installation 2 months ago

From Nicolas Cedilnik to ~nicoco/public-inbox

Hi Hector,

I realise only today that I never replied to this and I apologise. 

It looks like you have not configured slidge or your XMPP correctly, 
please join the group xmpp:slidge@conference.nicoco.fr?join for help, or 
at least send a longer long here with your XMPP server config.

Happy IMing,

-- nicoco

Re: [PATCH matridge] Set room avatar for 1:1 chats 4 months ago

From Nicolas Cedilnik to ~nicoco/public-inbox

Hey! Thanks a lot for this patch!

> elif room.member_count== 2:

Isn't there a better way to "know" that this is a 1:1 room? There's no 
such concept in matrix but I think there is a flag of some sort, 
although I didn't find it in the docs (yet, maybe?).

I'll merge anyway, but if we find _the_ way of determining that a room 
is a "direct message room", we could try to implement proper 1:1 chats, 
and avoid setting a wrong avatar for a non-1:1 room with 2 users.

 > if user.avatar_url == None:

Re: [PATCH slidge 1/1] docs: make docs more clear for ejabberd admins 10 months ago

From Nicolas Cedilnik to ~nicoco/public-inbox

Thanks a lot for your contribution! It is really appreciated and I wish 
I received more :-)

On 06/12/2023 16:26, ~darknneko wrote:
> --- a/docs/source/admin/examples/ejabberd.yaml
> +++ b/docs/source/admin/examples/ejabberd.yaml
> @@ -6,11 +6,6 @@ listen:
>       hosts:
>         - "superduper.example.org":
>             password: secret
> -      - "other-walled-garden.example.org":
> -          password: some-other-secret
> -      # repeat for other slidge plugins…
> -      # upload-service=example.org in Slidge's config

Re: [Patch matridge] Format outgoing messages 1 year, 2 months ago

From Nicolas Cedilnik to ~nicoco/public-inbox

Thanks a lot for the contribution! It's not far away for merging 
although I'd like to test it first and I'd like you to confirm that 
you've also tested it from an XMPP client. I just read the code for now 
and this is my feedback so far.

The bad part: I am a bit concerned about performance. Python is 
legendarily slow, and usually you want to avoid things like iterating 
~char~ codepoint by codepoint this way. Also, python is not very 
recursion-friendly. I am not sure what would be the right way to go, 
maybe there is clean parser lib with C extensions or something, but it 
does not seem that easy to find. Maybe a from-scratch C(ython?) 
extension would be nicely suited here.

The good part: This probably does not matter much since it's for

Re: [PATCH slidge] steam: add parsing of bb codes 1 year, 6 months ago

From Nicolas Cedilnik to ~nicoco/public-inbox

Hello Terenc3,

Thanks for your contribution.

For some reason, your patch wasn't detected as such by sourcehut, but I 
managed to retrieve and try it locally anyway.

Unfortunately, my tests weren't conclusive. Are you sure it's possible 
to use bbcodes in steam chat? From my attempts using the steam chat web 
client, bbcodes are not parsed at all. How do you enable that?

Also, in line 279, I think you want to use msg.body.message_no_bbcode 
instead of msg.body.message

Re: [PATCH slidge 05/12] file suffix fixer first shot 1 year, 8 months ago

From Nicolas Cedilnik to ~nicoco/public-inbox

So, I think I got something working here:


Let me know what you think.

-- Nicolas

Re: [slidge/patches] build failed 1 year, 8 months ago

From Nicolas Cedilnik to ~nicoco/public-inbox

Thanks a lot contrapunctus!

-- Nicoco

Re: Builds triggered by inbox patches stuck in 'pending' state 1 year, 8 months ago

From Nicolas Cedilnik to ~sircmpwn/sr.ht-discuss

Hi all,

Seems that this was never fixed for me. Example from today: 

I realise that I have a .py script along my 4 build yaml file, and that 
it is also listed as pending on the link above. Could this the be reason 
why all the triggered builds display:

>Error fetching logs for task "None"

I would really like to get builds for my inbox patches working someday, 
any help is appreciated.

Re: [PATCH slidge v2] Implement basic support for WhatsApp 1 year, 10 months ago

From Nicolas Cedilnik to ~nicoco/public-inbox

On 04/12/2022 12:52, Alex wrote:
> That is to say, let's say I have two accounts on WhatsApp, one called 
> "Alex", and the other one called "Super-Secret Alter-Ego"
Alex, what did you do‽ This is a public mailing list!
> Linking both of these accounts/devices into Slidge
Slidge will not let you do that. One slidge account=one bare JID, and 
there's no way of "legacy multi accounting" with a single JID. I you 
really want to do that, just create another JID? Gajim, Dino, 
Conversations [...] all allow XMPP multi accounts in a unified view.
> Maybe resources on the legacy user JID will work, but do clients allow 
> you to choose which resource to send from (or differentiate history 
> based on the resource)?
I don't think so, but clients *could*. Another XMPP account/JID sounds 
like a reasonable option if you really want to multi legacy account with

Re: Builds triggered by inbox patches stuck in 'pending' state 1 year, 10 months ago

From Nicolas Cedilnik to ~sircmpwn/sr.ht-discuss

Hey Moritz and Conrad,

Thanks for your replies. An example of stuck patch is 
https://lists.sr.ht/~nicoco/public-inbox/patches/37285 but if you're 
saying it's fixed now again that's fine. We'll see on the next submitted 
patch. I ended up giving rw access to the contributor in question, so we 
won't need builds-triggered-by-inbox anyway... until (hopefully) a new 
contributor shows up. ;)

Sorry if my little rant came out harder than I meant yesterday. I'm very 
happy with sourcehut, and grateful for the good work you guys put in.
