
Bellingham, Washington



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Wyvern 1.4.1 Released - Fixes crashing when downloading 4 years ago

From nicohman to ~nicohman/wyvern

So, GOG deprecated downloader urls and it seems like that's now made wyvern unable to download anything. However, v1.4.1 has now been published to crates.io, and it seems like it should be fixed. Let me know if there are any more problems.

- Nico Hickman

Wyvern 1.4 Released 5 years ago

From nicohman to ~nicohman/wyvern

I'm happy to announce that wyvern v1.4.0 has now officially been released and published to crates.io. The
new feature list is admittedly a little bit sparse, but it's a big one:

- Interactive login
I've been working on this for quite a while, and now it's finally here! You can
now pick between logging in by pasting in a code from the oauth page, or by just
entering your username and password in the CLI.

- Extra options for the extras subcommand

I'd also like to mention a few newish places wyvern is available for more
platforms while I'm here:

- As a snap on snapcraft.io

Wyvern 1.3 Released 5 years ago

From nicohman to ~nicohman/wyvern

Hello everyone! Just a quick email to let you know that Wyvern v1.3 is now
officially released, including:

- A fancy interactive mode 

- Snap support

- Significant improvements behind the scenes to code quality

- Much faster game installation with the --external-zip flag

- And a bunch of small changes and bug fixes.

Wyvern v1.2 Released 6 years ago

From nicohman to ~nicohman/wyvern

Hey! Just wanted to announce that Wyvern v1.2.0 has landed. It has:

- Support for downloading and installing DLCs

- Support for downloading and interactively selecting extra goodies 
like soundtracks

- Resuming from interrupted downloads

- Delta updating is now used by default

- The original GOG name for installers is used, which should mean 
that much less naming conflicts will occur

Wyvern v1.1 Released 6 years ago

From nicohman to ~nicohman/wyvern

This is just a quick email to announce the first major version bump of 
Wyvern, v1.1. This new version includes:

- Delta-based updating that updates only the changed files from one 
version to another(To try this out, just call update with the --delta 

- GOG-style desktop and appmenu shortcuts

- Full-library downloading

- Much better logging with a verbosity option

- Faster game installation

Re: How do I download a game? 6 years ago

From nicohman to ~nicohman/wyvern

> The crashing issue originates from the gog crate, where evidently it's possibly for
> game request to succeed but not return any information--I'll fix that pretty easily.

Semi-fixed this issue. Wyvern will still crash, but will crash with a more informative error message, once gog is updated.

Re: How do I download a game? 6 years ago

From nicohman to ~nicohman/wyvern

Ok, this appears to be two separate issues, one of which is easily corrected, and the other which
is less so. The crashing issue originates from the gog crate, where evidently it's possibly for
game request to succeed but not return any information--I'll fix that pretty easily.

> The GOG website and lgogdownloader's normal mode say it has no files,
> but via lgogdownloader's experimental "--galaxy-show-builds" option
> finds it.

Right now, wyvern uses the same API as the website, so it's not going to be able to download that
game. I will see about adding an option similar to that, though.

The second issue is the whole not finding any files to download thing. It appears like for some
reason every request being made through the no-redirect client is failing, though I don't know why.
If it's not too much trouble, could I ask you to try building wyvern with a version of the gog