I cloned the Wyvern repo at commit
a2e12c41fda8ce93c175c9eaa1d54ffa0df891a8 (tag 1.0.1).
I ran "cargo build" to build a binary, then ran "./target/debug/wyvern
ls". It prompted me to provide a login token, which I did, and it
worked very nicely.
Next I ran "./target/debug/wyvern down -f -w -s tyrian", and it
instantly produced the following output:
No linux version available. Downloading windows version.
Done downloading!
Tyrian 2000[1] is not a huge game (21MB, says the website), but I would
expect it to take a little longer to download than "instant". Also, I
have no idea where it thinks it's downloading *to*.
What am I missing?
[1]: https://www.gog.com/game/tyrian_2000
Hmm. That’s very unusual and should work just fine. I just tested my build of that ref with those exact arguments and it worked perfectly, downloading the installer to the current directory. Thanks for being so detailed, by the way. Have you tried downloading any other games, including other windows games? It’s pretty late here, so I’ll try and do some more detailed investigating in the morning. Thanks for the bug report, though!
> On Jan 16, 2019, at 11:09 PM, Timothy Allen <thristian@gmail.com> wrote:
> I cloned the Wyvern repo at commit
> a2e12c41fda8ce93c175c9eaa1d54ffa0df891a8 (tag 1.0.1).
> I ran "cargo build" to build a binary, then ran "./target/debug/wyvern
> ls". It prompted me to provide a login token, which I did, and it
> worked very nicely.
> Next I ran "./target/debug/wyvern down -f -w -s tyrian", and it
> instantly produced the following output:
> No linux version available. Downloading windows version.
> Done downloading!
> Tyrian 2000[1] is not a huge game (21MB, says the website), but I would
> expect it to take a little longer to download than "instant". Also, I
> have no idea where it thinks it's downloading *to*.
> What am I missing?
> [1]: https://www.gog.com/game/tyrian_2000