Version 0.10.1 of package Detached has just been released in GNU ELPA.
You can now find it in M-x list-packages RET.
Detached describes itself as:
A package to launch, and manage, detached processes
More at
## Summary:
# detached.el
# Introduction
## Recent NEWS:
1 Development
2 Version 0.10.1 (2022-11-25)
• Add fallback validation of sessions using timer-based solution. This
should make sure that sessions are verified even if notify-watch
fails to do it due to raise condition.
3 Version 0.10.0 (2022-11-23)
• Add `edit-and-run' command, which is convenient when a session
command needs to be tweaked before re-running.
• Fix bug caused by incorrect adaptation to detached-local-session
• Implement mean and std duration for sessions
• Make tail commands work on macOS
• Rewrite core code related to creating, starting, and attaching to
• New implementation of kill command. Instead of determining process
IDs and sending termination signal to all of them detached attach to
the session behind the scenes and sends a termination.
• Add new keymap `detached-session-map' which could be bound by the
user to a relevant key to operate on sessions in the current
buffer. The idea is to have a global keymap for that which should
work in any major-mode supported by detached.
4 Version 0.9.2 (2022-11-01)
• Use `display-buffer' in `detached-list' in order for users to more
easily customize the display of the buffer.
• Add concept of `filters' to quickly apply a set of narrow criteria.
• Speed up initialization of sessions.
• Narrow criteria are persistent and applied when resuming detached
list sessions.
• Add narrow criterion which searches through the output of all
sessions in detached list which matches a regexp.
• Add database hook in order for detached list to update automatically
when a session is updated.
• Add annotation property to session. This allows users to add a
custom annotation to a session, see it as a possibility to document
a session for the future.
• Implement mode-line indicator for criteria in `detached-list'
• Add command for initializing a session directory
• Add integration with `nano-modeline'
• Add `detached-describe-session' command
• Add unique narrow criteria
5 Version 0.9.1 (2022-09-22)
• Fix bug with detaching in `shell'
6 Version 0.9.0 (2022-09-16)
• Add `detached-list' user interface. It is an alternative user
interface where it is easier to manage the `detached'
sessions. Commands to mark, toggle, and narrow based on different
criteria are available.
• Rework session initialization and validation. This also improves the
way Emacsen co-operates in term of updating sessions that become
inactive. The new approach is described under `architecture' in
• Improved handling of remote sessions. The package will only try to
initialize sessions that are accessible when package loads. Other
active sessions it will wait until a remote connection has been
established before they are being watched.
7 Version 0.8.1 (2022-09-08)
• Adjust default location for sessions, from a directory under
`temporary-file-directory' to `user-emacs-directory'. This change is
for security reasons in case the user shares the computer with other
users. By default sessions will not be removed on reboots, the user
can use `M-x detached-delete-sessions' to clear old sessions
• Fix bug when initializing `detached-session-directory', this worked
incorrectly when users initialized `detached' while being on a
remote host.
• Add an `initial-mode' property to a session. This enables sessions
that were created using `create' mode instead of `create-and-attach'
to inherit this property when a session is being rerun.
8 Version 0.8.0 (2022-09-02)
• Change to semantic versioning
• Update expectations on `detached-terminal-data-command' command,
user should now set it manually. This approach works better since it
doesn't cause any conflict when remote host and local host operating
system differs.
• Improved handling of remote sessions. The package will not eagerly
try to watch sessions, it waits until user requests or that it finds
an open connection to the remote host.
• Detached tries to guess the `detached-terimal-data-command' based on
operating system, if that's not possible the user needs to set it
manually. Currently detection of `gnu/linux' and `darwin' is
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