

[zelbar] Issues with building Zelbar on Alpine Linux

Adam Záhorský <azahorsky@seznam.cz>
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I've tried to build Zelbar on Alpine Linux (with the edge repositories enabled) only to be met with the following errors:

.../zelbar/deps/zig-wayland/src/scanner.zig:615:48: error: extra capture in for loop
            for (interface.requests) |request, opcode| {

.../zelbar/build.zig:18:19: error: no field or member function named 'standardReleaseOptions' in 'Build'
    const mode = b.standardReleaseOptions();

I'm not sure whether this has something to do with the submodules, the project itself or my distribution of choice, since I've successfully built Zelbar before on Arch and Void without running into any such issues.

Either way, I'd still like to share this issue with you in hopes of finding a possible solution.

Best regards.
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<575.4rTo9.IFMIvkjEjB.1avfzF@seznam.cz> (view parent)
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The problem is that you're using zig 0.11 instead of zig 0.10.
But you're lucky because I finally had time to update zelbar to zig
0.11. You should now have no problem to build the latest commit.
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