
tlsada: Retrieve and show client certificate. v1 APPLIED

Hi! How are you?

With this patch it should be possible to force the handshake before any
TLS read/write. This is required in order to retrieve the certificate
information just after the connection were established and no
information were exchanged.

P.D.: Sorry for the whitespace changes! I forgot to disable the minor-
mode in Emacs!

cngimenez (2):
  Forcing handshake afer socket is accepted.
  Updating example to show client certificate when provided.

 src/example/server_example.adb | 203 +++++++++++++++++----------------
 src/tls-contexts-server.adb    | 105 +++++++++--------
 2 files changed, 164 insertions(+), 144 deletions(-)

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[PATCH tlsada 1/2] Forcing handshake afer socket is accepted. Export this patch

From: cngimenez <cnngimenez@disroot.org>

 src/tls-contexts-server.adb | 105 +++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 file changed, 57 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/tls-contexts-server.adb b/src/tls-contexts-server.adb
index 4a83f46..29f7179 100644
--- a/src/tls-contexts-server.adb
+++ b/src/tls-contexts-server.adb
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
--- The context used for making and managing Server connections.
--  The context used for making and managing Server connections.
--- Copyright (c) 2022 nytpu <alex [at] nytpu.com>
--- SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
--- For more license details, see LICENSE or <https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/MPL/2.0/>.
--  Copyright (c) 2022 nytpu <alex [at] nytpu.com>
--  SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
--  For more license details, see LICENSE or <https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/MPL/2.0/>.

pragma Ada_2012;

@@ -13,49 +13,58 @@ pragma Style_Checks(Off, int);

package body TLS.Contexts.Server is

	package Bs renames libTLS_Bindings;
	pragma Style_Checks(Off, Bs);

	-- Accept_TLS --

	procedure Accept_TLS
		(Server_Ctx : Server_Context; Socket : Socket_Type;
		Connected_Context : out Server_Context)
		R : int;
		R := Bs.tls_accept_socket(
			Server_Ctx.Context.Context, Connected_Context.Context.Context'Address, int(To_C(Socket))
		if R = -1 then
			raise Connect_Error
				with "unable to enable tls on socket '" &
					Image(Socket) & "': " &
		end if;
		Connected_Context.Context.Configured := True;
		Connected_Context.Context.Connected := True;
	end Accept_TLS;

	-- SNI_Servername --

	function SNI_Servername (Ctx : Server_Context) return String
	is (To_String(Call_String_Function(Bs.tls_conn_servername'Access, Ctx.Context)));

	-- Initialize --

	overriding procedure Initialize (Object : in out Controlled_Mixin) is
	end Initialize;
       package Bs renames libTLS_Bindings;
       pragma Style_Checks(Off, Bs);

       --  Accept_TLS --

       procedure Accept_TLS
              (Server_Ctx : Server_Context; Socket : Socket_Type;
              Connected_Context : out Server_Context)
              R : int;
              R := Bs.tls_accept_socket(
                     Server_Ctx.Context.Context, Connected_Context.Context.Context'Address, int(To_C(Socket))
              if R = -1 then
                     raise Connect_Error
                            with "unable to enable tls on socket '" &
                                   Image(Socket) & "': " &
              end if;

              R := Bs.tls_handshake(Connected_Context.Context.Context);
              if R = -1 then
                  raise Connect_Error
                      with "unable to do tls handshake on socket '"&
                                 Image(Socket) & "': " &
              end if;

              Connected_Context.Context.Configured := True;
              Connected_Context.Context.Connected := True;
       end Accept_TLS;

       --  SNI_Servername --

       function SNI_Servername (Ctx : Server_Context) return String
       is (To_String(Call_String_Function(Bs.tls_conn_servername'Access, Ctx.Context)));

       --  Initialize --

       overriding procedure Initialize (Object : in out Controlled_Mixin) is
       end Initialize;

end TLS.Contexts.Server;

[PATCH tlsada 2/2] Updating example to show client certificate when provided. Export this patch

From: cngimenez <cnngimenez@disroot.org>

 src/example/server_example.adb | 203 +++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 107 insertions(+), 96 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/example/server_example.adb b/src/example/server_example.adb
index a185a20..84d59d2 100644
--- a/src/example/server_example.adb
+++ b/src/example/server_example.adb
@@ -1,118 +1,129 @@
--- A simplistic TLS server example.
--- Use with the client example by running the server and then running the
--- client like so:
--  A simplistic TLS server example.
--  Use with the client example by running the server and then running the
--  client like so:
--     bin/client_example localhost 1965
--- Copyright (c) 2022 nytpu <alex [at] nytpu.com>
--- SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
--- For more license details, see LICENSE or <https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/MPL/2.0/>.
--  Copyright (c) 2022 nytpu <alex [at] nytpu.com>
--  SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
--  For more license details, see LICENSE or <https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/MPL/2.0/>.

with Ada.Directories;  use Ada.Directories;
with Ada.Text_IO;  use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;  use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
with GNAT.Sockets;  use GNAT.Sockets;

with TLS;
with TLS.Configure;
with TLS.Contexts;
with TLS.Contexts.Server;

procedure Server_Example is

	-- Configuration constants --
       --  Configuration constants --

	Bind_Address : constant String := "";
	Bind_Port : constant Port_Type := 1965;
       Bind_Address : constant String := "";
       Bind_Port : constant Port_Type := 1965;

	-- These must be generated for the example to run.
	-- The following command will generate a suitable cert and key:
	--     openssl req -nodes -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -days 9999 \
	--         -subj '/CN=localhost' -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem
	Cert_File : constant String := Compose(Current_Directory, "cert", "pem");
	Key_File : constant String := Compose(Current_Directory, "key", "pem");
       --  These must be generated for the example to run.
       --  The following command will generate a suitable cert and key:
       --     openssl req -nodes -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -days 9999 \
       --         -subj '/CN=localhost' -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem
       Cert_File : constant String := Compose(Current_Directory, "cert", "pem");
       Key_File : constant String := Compose(Current_Directory, "key", "pem");

	-- Variables --
       --  Variables --

	Conf : TLS.Configure.Config;
	Address : Sock_Addr_Type;
	Server_Socket : Socket_Type;
	Server_TLS : aliased TLS.Contexts.Server.Server_Context;
       Conf : TLS.Configure.Config;
       Address : Sock_Addr_Type;
       Server_Socket : Socket_Type;
       Server_TLS : aliased TLS.Contexts.Server.Server_Context;
	Put_Line("Binding to '" & Bind_Address & "'");
	Put_Line("Press Control-C to exit.");

	-- Set up the unencrypted socket and then listen for incoming connections
	-- Basically taken from the example given in GNAT.Sockets, so there'll be a
	-- better explaination there:
	-- <https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Ada_Programming/Libraries/GNAT.Sockets>
	Address.Addr := Inet_Addr(Bind_Address);
	Address.Port := Bind_Port;
	Set_Socket_Option(Server_Socket, Socket_Level, (Reuse_Address, True));
	Bind_Socket(Server_Socket, Address);

	-- Configure the server
	-- A server REQUIRES a Cert_File and Key_File to be specified
	Conf.Cert_File := To_Unbounded_String(Cert_File);
	Conf.Key_File := To_Unbounded_String(Key_File);

	-- Accept incoming connections and write output.  If you were fancy you
	-- could dispatch incoming connections to tasks instead of dealing with
	-- them sequentially like here.
			Connection_Socket : Socket_Type;
			Connection_TLS : aliased TLS.Contexts.Server.Server_Context;
			-- First accept the unencrypted connection.  If you allow
			-- unencrypted connections then do whatever you need to here to
			-- check if TLS should be enabled.
			Accept_Socket(Server_Socket, Connection_Socket, Address);

			-- Upgrade the socket to an encrypted connection
			TLS.Contexts.Server.Accept_TLS(Server_TLS, Connection_Socket, Connection_TLS);

			Put_Line("Got connection from '" & Image(Address.Addr) & "'!");

			-- Read request header (and discard).  Read/write work exactly the
			-- same as for Client_Contexts
				E : Boolean;
				S : constant String :=
					TLS.Get_Delim(Connection_TLS'Access, ASCII.CR & ASCII.LF, E, 1024);
				if not E then
					Put_Line("Malformed request: " & S);
						"59 malformed request" & ASCII.CR & ASCII.LF
						"20 text/gemini;charset=utf-8" &
						"hello, world!" & ASCII.LF
				end if;

	end loop;

	-- To avoid complicating the example don't have a signal handler, but in a
	-- real server you should add a signal handler that would close these
	-- before exiting.
       Put_Line("Binding to '" & Bind_Address & "'");
       Put_Line("Press Control-C to exit.");

       --  Set up the unencrypted socket and then listen for incoming connections
       --  Basically taken from the example given in GNAT.Sockets, so there'll be a
       --  better explaination there:
       --  <https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Ada_Programming/Libraries/GNAT.Sockets>
       Address.Addr := Inet_Addr(Bind_Address);
       Address.Port := Bind_Port;
       Set_Socket_Option(Server_Socket, Socket_Level, (Reuse_Address, True));
       Bind_Socket(Server_Socket, Address);

       --  Configure the server
       --  A server REQUIRES a Cert_File and Key_File to be specified
       Conf.Cert_File := To_Unbounded_String(Cert_File);
       Conf.Key_File := To_Unbounded_String(Key_File);

       --  Client certificate validation: client certificate should be Optional
       --  also it should not be verified (most of them are self-signed and
       --  maybe expired!).
       Conf.Verify_Client_Cert := TLS.Configure.Optional;
       Conf.Verify_Certs := False;
       Conf.Verify_Expirys := False;

       --  Apply the configuration.

       --  Accept incoming connections and write output.  If you were fancy you
       --  could dispatch incoming connections to tasks instead of dealing with
       --  them sequentially like here.
                     Connection_Socket : Socket_Type;
                     Connection_TLS : aliased TLS.Contexts.Server.Server_Context;
                     Put_Line ("Listening...");
                     --  First accept the unencrypted connection.  If you allow
                     --  unencrypted connections then do whatever you need to here to
                     --  check if TLS should be enabled.
                     Accept_Socket(Server_Socket, Connection_Socket, Address);

                     --  Upgrade the socket to an encrypted connection
                     TLS.Contexts.Server.Accept_TLS(Server_TLS, Connection_Socket, Connection_TLS);

                     Put_Line("Got connection from '" & Image(Address.Addr) & "'!");
                     if TLS.Contexts.Peer_Certificate_Provided
                         (TLS.Contexts.Context (Connection_TLS))
                         Put_Line ("Certificate provided:");
                         Put_Line ("Hash: "
                             & To_String (TLS.Contexts.Get_Certificate_Info
                                  (TLS.Contexts.Context (Connection_TLS)).Hash));
                         Put_Line ("Issuer: "
                             & To_String (TLS.Contexts.Get_Certificate_Info
                                 (TLS.Contexts.Context (Connection_TLS)).Issuer));
                         Put_Line ("Subject: "
                             & To_String (TLS.Contexts.Get_Certificate_Info
                                 (TLS.Contexts.Context (Connection_TLS)).Subject));
                         Put_Line ("Certificate not provided.");
                     end if;

                     --  Read/write work exactly the same as for Client_Contexts
                            "20 text/gemini;charset=utf-8" &
                            ASCII.CR & ASCII.LF &
                            "hello, world!" & ASCII.LF

       end loop;

       --  To avoid complicating the example don't have a signal handler, but in a
       --  real server you should add a signal handler that would close these
       --  before exiting.
end Server_Example;