When using the ef-autumn theme and doing a kill-ring-save on a region,
the point
moves to the start of the region and then back to the end of region,
creating a delay
when typing M-w .
This behavior doesn't happen when using the other ef themes like
ef-dark or ef-night.
Running Emacs 29.0.60 inside a terminal in Linux.
> From: John Wick <devicesfor@gmail.com>> Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2023 17:27:47 -0500>> Hi,
Hello John.
> When using the ef-autumn theme and doing a kill-ring-save on a region,> the point moves to the start of the region and then back to the end of> region, creating a delay when typing M-w .>> This behavior doesn't happen when using the other ef themes like> ef-dark or ef-night.>> Running Emacs 29.0.60 inside a terminal in Linux.
This is strange. I cannot see the connection here and have no good
guess of what this could be.
Do you know how to reproduce this with 'emacs -Q'? If not, I can show
you how. We need to have a way to see if this bug is related to the
themes or something else.
All the best,
Protesilaos Stavrou
I can reproduce it with the following command:
emacs -Q -l ef-themes/ef-themes.el --eval "(load-theme 'ef-autumn t)"
To clarify, this only happens with the ef-autumn and not the other ef themes.
To see the problem visually, here is an asciinema recording of what
happens when doing M-w on a region:
On Wed, Apr 5, 2023 at 12:01 AM Protesilaos Stavrou
<info@protesilaos.com> wrote:
>> > From: John Wick <devicesfor@gmail.com>> > Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2023 17:27:47 -0500> >> > Hi,>> Hello John.>> > When using the ef-autumn theme and doing a kill-ring-save on a region,> > the point moves to the start of the region and then back to the end of> > region, creating a delay when typing M-w .> >> > This behavior doesn't happen when using the other ef themes like> > ef-dark or ef-night.> >> > Running Emacs 29.0.60 inside a terminal in Linux.>> This is strange. I cannot see the connection here and have no good> guess of what this could be.>> Do you know how to reproduce this with 'emacs -Q'? If not, I can show> you how. We need to have a way to see if this bug is related to the> themes or something else.>> All the best,> Prot>> --> Protesilaos Stavrou> https://protesilaos.com
> From: John Wick <devicesfor@gmail.com>> Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2023 11:48:47 -0500>> I can reproduce it with the following command:>> emacs -Q -l ef-themes/ef-themes.el --eval "(load-theme 'ef-autumn t)"
I cannot reproduce this on my end.
> To clarify, this only happens with the ef-autumn and not the other ef themes.>> To see the problem visually, here is an asciinema recording of what> happens when doing M-w on a region:>> https://asciinema.org/a/nuMaRQjgBCyWrpINn5EIsoiJR
Yes, I can see the problem there. Though the fact that it only happens
with ef-autumn is suspicious. It should happen with all ef-themes since
they are all derived from the same macro. Maybe things will work if you
delete and then re-install the package?
Protesilaos Stavrou