On 2022-07-17, 14:53 +0300, Protesilaos Stavrou <info@protesilaos.com> wrote:
>> First of all, thank you for the interpretation of cultural works,
>> philosophical entries and high quality Emacs packages.
> You are welcome! Over the coming weeks I plan to study some
> translations of Hindu material, if all goes well.
Great, I hope you will learn something worth sharing.
>> Currently, I'm trying to tweak `shr-use-fonts' to use proportional fonts
>> in EWW and nov-mode. But, I'm not able to get desired results from the
>> bold face, to reproduce the error, try the following snippet in emacs -Q
>> session:
>> [... 29 lines elided]
>> This works as expected, is there something wrong in my Fountaie's
>> config?
> I can reproduce the bug. Though it happens on my end without calling a
> fontain function.
> I place this text in the scratch buffer:
> (progn
> (setq-local shr-use-fonts nil)
> (eww-reload t))
> And then I evaluate the following one-by-one to see the results on the
> 'progn' and 'setq-local' keywords:
> (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-keyword-face nil :inherit '(variable-pitch bold italic))
> (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-keyword-face nil :inherit 'unspecified)
> (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-keyword-face nil :inherit '(bold variable-pitch italic))
> The first one is faulty, while the last one is correct. Does this
> happen on your end as well? Not with emacs -Q, just you regular setup.
Yes, I can reproduce this behaviour.
Utkarsh Singh