Version 0.2.1 of package Spacious-Padding has just been released in GNU ELPA. You can now find it in M-x list-packages RET. Spacious-Padding describes itself as: ================================================== Increase the padding/spacing of frames and windows ================================================== More at https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/spacious-padding.html ## Summary: # spacious-padding for GNU Emacs DEMO IMAGES: - <https://protesilaos.com/codelog/2023-06-03-emacs-spacious-padding/> - <https://protesilaos.com/codelog/2023-11-15-spacious-padding-extra-ui-dev/> This package provides a global minor mode to increase the spacing/padding of Emacs windows and frames. The idea is to make editing and reading feel more comfortable. Enable the mode with `M-x spacious-padding-mode`. Adjust the exact spacing values by modifying the user option `spacious-padding-widths`. Inspiration for this package comes from [Nicolas Rougier's impressive designs](https://github.com/rougier) and [Daniel Mendler's `org-modern` package](https://github.com/minad/org-modern). ## Recent NEWS: [Not available 🙁]
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Hi Prot, 0.2.1 has an error: Invalid read syntax: ")", 118, 72. Solved temporarily by remove a ")" in line 118. Best Regards, Yejun
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Sorry, remove a ")" at line 118 and add a ")" at line 127.
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Hi Prot, I just found it was corrected in https://git.sr.ht/~protesilaos/spacious-padding/commit/ac17e811e33cc9cffc83ab8c22a270d7ca517e38, but I didn't find any patch thread, how is the patch applied? Thanks Best Regards, Yejun
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> From: Yejun Su <goofan.su@gmail.com> > Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2023 22:39:24 +0800 > > Hi Prot, Hello Yejun, > I just found it was corrected in > https://git.sr.ht/~protesilaos/spacious-padding/commit/ac17e811e33cc9cffc83ab8c22a270d7ca517e38, but > I didn't find any patch thread, how is the patch applied? Thanks The patch was sent to my personal email and I applied it from here. Thank you! All the best, Prot -- Protesilaos Stavrou https://protesilaos.com
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Hi Prot, > The patch was sent to my personal email and I applied it from here. Thank you for letting me know, I'm not familiar with patch workflow yet, I'll read this manual to be prepared: https://protesilaos.com/codelog/2022-04-09-simple-guide-git-patches-emacs/. Learned a lot from you, thank you! Best Regards, Yejun
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> From: Yejun Su <goofan.su@gmail.com> > Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 23:39:05 +0800 > > Hi Prot, Hello Yejun, >> The patch was sent to my personal email and I applied it from here. > > Thank you for letting me know, I'm not familiar with patch workflow yet, > I'll read this manual to be prepared: > https://protesilaos.com/codelog/2022-04-09-simple-guide-git-patches-emacs/. > Learned a lot from you, thank you! You are welcome! Please let me know if something is missing. All the best, Prot -- Protesilaos Stavrou https://protesilaos.com