Version 0.3.0 of package Spacious-Padding has just been released in GNU ELPA.
You can now find it in M-x list-packages RET.
Spacious-Padding describes itself as:
Increase the padding/spacing of frames and windows
More at
## Summary:
# spacious-padding for GNU Emacs
- <>
- <>
This package provides a global minor mode to increase the
spacing/padding of Emacs windows and frames. The idea is to make
editing and reading feel more comfortable. Enable the mode with `M-x
spacious-padding-mode`. Adjust the exact spacing values by modifying
the user option `spacious-padding-widths`.
Inspiration for this package comes from [Nicolas Rougier's impressive
designs]( and [Daniel Mendler's
`org-modern` package](
## Recent NEWS:
Protesilaos Stavrou
This document contains the release notes for each tagged commit on the
project’s main git repository:
The newest release is at the top. For further details, please consult
the manual: <>.
Table of Contents
1. Version 0.3.0 on 2023-12-21
2. Version 0.2.0 on 2023-11-24
1 Version 0.3.0 on 2023-12-21
1.1 Enjoy the optional subtle mode lines
The new user option `~spacious-padding-subtle-mode-line' makes mode
lines more subtle. It does so by removing the background and adding an
overline in its stead.
By default, `spacious-padding-mode' does not refashion the mode lines
other than adding to them some extra padding (per
`spacious-padding-widths'). The user option
`spacious-padding-subtle-mode-line' does change the mode lines so that
instead of a background they only have an overline, while preserving
whatever padding is in effect.
The value bound to `spacious-padding-subtle-mode-line' is either a
boolean type or a plist. If it is non-nil, use the foreground of the
underlying mode line face to derive the color of the overline.
If the non-nil value is a plist read the following keys to determine
the exact style of the overlines.
• `:mode-line-active' refers to the active/current mode line.
• `:mode-line-inactive' refers to the inactive/non-current mode lines.
Each key accepts either a face or a string representing a color as its
associated value:
• The face is an unquoted symbol, such as `success' or `shadow', whose
`:foreground' attribute is queried to extract the desired color
• The color is a name among those listed in the output of the command
`list-colors-display' or a hexadecimal RGB value, such as `#123456'.
If the key is missing or its value is not one of the above, fall back
to reading the foreground of the underlying mode line face to
determine the color of the overline.
Examples of valid configurations:
│ ;; Use the foreground of the underlying mode line face to determine
│ ;; the color of the overline (e.g. the inactive mode line has gray
│ ;; text, so render the overline in the same gray).
│ (setq spacious-padding-subtle-mode-line t)
│ ;; Use the foreground of the `error' face (typically a red hue) for
│ ;; the active mode line's overline. For the inactive mode line, fall
│ ;; back to the foreground color of the underlying face (as in the case
│ ;; of the t shown above).
│ (setq spacious-padding-subtle-mode-line
│ '(:mode-line-active error))
│ ;; As above, but now use the foreground of the `shadow' face for the
│ ;; inactive mode line.
│ (setq spacious-padding-subtle-mode-line
│ '(:mode-line-active error :mode-line-inactive shadow))
│ ;; Use color values directly.
│ (setq spacious-padding-subtle-mode-line
│ '(:mode-line-active "#0000ff" :mode-line-inactive "gray50"))
1.2 Expanded the documentation
The `spacious-padding' package now comes with an Info manual. When
looking at the source code, this is done in the `' file,
which the GNU ELPA machinery automatically converts to Info. A change
log is also provided.
Their respective web links are these:
• <>
• <>
2 Version 0.2.0 on 2023-11-24
[ I provide screenshots in a recent publication:
The package is stable and works well. This set of changes expands the
concept of “spacious padding” to more user interface elements, namely:
… …
Hi Prot,
Happy New Year!
Thank you for bringing spacious-padding-subtle-mode-line, I love the
ultimate simplicity combined with modus-operandi. I'm very happy to use
Best Regards,
> From: Yejun Su <>
> Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2024 13:28:34 +0800
> Hi Prot,
Hello Yejun,
> Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to you too! I wish you all the best.
> Thank you for bringing spacious-padding-subtle-mode-line, I love the
> ultimate simplicity combined with modus-operandi. I'm very happy to use
> Emacs.
You are welcome!
All the best,
Protesilaos Stavrou