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spacious-padding: spacious-padding-subtle-mode-line for TUI

Tomasz Hołubowicz <mail@alternateved.com>
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Hello Prot and everyone!

I'm really interested in that new feature that you are brewing here,
namely spacious-padding-subtle-mode-line. As far as I understand, it
wouldn't be possible to add padding the same way for TUI as in GUI, but
would it be possible for spacious-padding-subtle-mode-line to also
affect Emacs in TUI mode?

Kind wishes,
Tomasz Hołubowicz
Message ID
<87sf4f4k18.fsf@alternateved.com> (view parent)
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> From: Tomasz Hołubowicz <mail@alternateved.com>
> Date: Wed,  6 Dec 2023 13:01:23 +0100
> Hello Prot and everyone!

Hello Tomasz!

> I'm really interested in that new feature that you are brewing here,
> namely spacious-padding-subtle-mode-line.

I think it is a nice addition! I had it in my dotfiles as its own minor
mode, but it makes more sense to add it to spacious-padding.

> As far as I understand, it wouldn't be possible to add padding the
> same way for TUI as in GUI, but would it be possible for
> spacious-padding-subtle-mode-line to also affect Emacs in TUI mode?

I think the :box and :overline attributes do not work in TUI. I tried

* Open a terminal emulator.
* Call 'emacsclient -nw'
* Go to the scratch buffer, which includes Elisp comments.
* Evaluate: (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-comment-face nil :overline "red")
* The red overline does not show up in the terminal, but it does in the
  GUI version.

I am not aware of a workaround for this. If there is, I am happy to make
the requisite tweaks.

Have a nice day,

Protesilaos Stavrou
Tomasz Hołubowicz <mail@alternateved.com>
Message ID
<87msumbglm.fsf@protesilaos.com> (view parent)
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> I think the :box and :overline attributes do not work in TUI. I tried
> this:
> * Open a terminal emulator.
> * Call 'emacsclient -nw'
> * Go to the scratch buffer, which includes Elisp comments.
> * Evaluate: (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-comment-face nil :overline "red")
> * The red overline does not show up in the terminal, but it does in the
>   GUI version.
> I am not aware of a workaround for this. If there is, I am happy to make
> the requisite tweaks.

I see, thank you for checking that for me. Now I've remembered that in modus-themes the border around mode-line also isn't displayed when using 'emacs -nw'. Ah, TUI and its limitations.

Have a great day, Prot!

Best wishes,
Tomasz Hołubowicz
Message ID
<871qbyo2bz.fsf@alternateved.com> (view parent)
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> From: Tomasz Hołubowicz <mail@alternateved.com>
> Date: Thu,  7 Dec 2023 09:15:44 +0100
>> I think the :box and :overline attributes do not work in TUI. I tried
>> this:
>> * Open a terminal emulator.
>> * Call 'emacsclient -nw'
>> * Go to the scratch buffer, which includes Elisp comments.
>> * Evaluate: (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-comment-face nil :overline "red")
>> * The red overline does not show up in the terminal, but it does in the
>>   GUI version.
>> I am not aware of a workaround for this. If there is, I am happy to make
>> the requisite tweaks.
> I see, thank you for checking that for me. Now I've remembered that in
> modus-themes the border around mode-line also isn't displayed when
> using 'emacs -nw'. Ah, TUI and its limitations.

Indeed. I think the best solution here would be for core Emacs to
implement some kind of graceful fallback, such as an underline or

Protesilaos Stavrou
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