Hi everyone,
I'm excited about the new spacious-padding-subtle-mode-line option but I
don't see any difference between active and inactive buffers. A
screenshot is attached to this email (with modus-operandi).
Thank you for all the work on all these packages I rely on.
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill
> From: Damien Cassou <damien@cassou.me>> Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2023 10:19:44 +0100>> Hi everyone,
Hello Damien!
> I'm excited about the new spacious-padding-subtle-mode-line option but I> don't see any difference between active and inactive buffers. A> screenshot is attached to this email (with modus-operandi).
There was a difference, but it was subtle. I pushed an update now that
should make things easier. Excerpt from the new doc string of
;; Use the foreground of the underlying face to determine the color of
;; the overline (e.g. the inactive mode line has gray text, so render
;; the overline in the same gray).
(setq spacious-padding-subtle-mode-line t)
;; Use the foreground of the `error' face (typically a red hue) for
;; the active mode line's overline. For the inactive mode line, fall
;; back to the foreground color of the underlying face (as in the case
;; of the t shown above).
(setq spacious-padding-subtle-mode-line
'(:mode-line-active error))
;; As above, but now use the foreground of the `shadow' face for the
;; inactive mode line.
(setq spacious-padding-subtle-mode-line
'(:mode-line-active error :mode-line-inactive shadow))
;; Use color values directly.
(setq spacious-padding-subtle-mode-line
'(:mode-line-active "#0000ff" :mode-line-inactive "gray50"))
> Thank you for all the work on all these packages I rely on.
You are welcome! I am happy to help.
Have a nive day,
Protesilaos Stavrou
Hi Prot,
Protesilaos Stavrou <info@protesilaos.com> writes:
> There was a difference, but it was subtle. I pushed an update now that> should make things easier.
thank you for this. Unfortunately, changing the color of a 1px line
isn't going to make it distinguishable for me. I haven't found any way
to increase the thickness of the overline, it seems to be stuck at
The only thing I have found to work is to use the style "sunken" or
"raised" on the box around text in the mode-line-active face (see
attached screenshot). This doesn't look good but it works. I still have
to find how to customize modus-operandi to do that without hard-coding
any value but the manual is clear, as always, so I will eventually find
Do you have any better suggestion than the box style?
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill
> From: Damien Cassou <damien@cassou.me>> Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2023 07:15:40 +0100>> Hi Prot,
Hello Damien,
> Protesilaos Stavrou <info@protesilaos.com> writes:>> There was a difference, but it was subtle. I pushed an update now that>> should make things easier.>> thank you for this. Unfortunately, changing the color of a 1px line> isn't going to make it distinguishable for me. I haven't found any way> to increase the thickness of the overline, it seems to be stuck at> 1px.
The 1px is a problem, indeed. There is nothing we can do about it. You
can try hardcoded values, such as "#ff0000" for the active mode line and
"#404040" for the inactive one. Though the underlying problem is still
I think what solves this problem for me is the custom mode line I have
which makes heavy use of 'mode-line-window-selected-p' to display most
information on the active mode line only. So I can easily spot where I
am even with these subtle lines.
Check the attached screenshot.
> The only thing I have found to work is to use the style "sunken" or> "raised" on the box around text in the mode-line-active face (see> attached screenshot). This doesn't look good but it works. I still have> to find how to customize modus-operandi to do that without hard-coding> any value but the manual is clear, as always, so I will eventually find> out.
This does work, though it now introduces the problem of not looking very
> Do you have any better suggestion than the box style?
I am afraid not. We are limited with what we can do with faces and must
add some other factor in our consideration to make this usable. I am
happy to make further tweaks to what spacious-padding should be doing,
though the options are limited here.
All the best,
Protesilaos Stavrou