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[spacious-padding] spacious-padding-subtle-mode-line not work if not defered

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Hi Prot,

I'm using modus-themes and spacious-padding, the configuration is like so:

(use-package modus-themes
  (load-theme 'modus-operandi :no-confirm))

(use-package spacious-padding
  (spacious-padding-mode 1)
  (spacious-padding-subtle-mode-line t))

When starting Emacs, `spacious-padding-subtle-mode-line` doesn't work if
no `:defer 1` in either block. After adding `defer 1` to any of the
block, it works correctly.

I don't know how to debug the problem. It seems this option only works
after Emacs initialized. I also tried to not use `use-package` and it
doesn't work either:

(require 'modus-themes)
(load-theme 'modus-operandi :no-confirm)

(require 'spacious-padding)
(setq spacious-padding-subtle-mode-line t)
(spacious-padding-mode 1)

Best Regards,
Message ID
<m27ckqri2g.fsf@gmail.com> (view parent)
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> From: Yejun Su <goofan.su@gmail.com>
> Date: Wed,  3 Jan 2024 15:29:11 +0800
> Hi Prot,

Hello Yejun,

> I'm using modus-themes and spacious-padding, the configuration is like so:
> ```
> (use-package modus-themes
>   :config
>   (load-theme 'modus-operandi :no-confirm))
> (use-package spacious-padding
>   :config
>   (spacious-padding-mode 1)
>   :custom
>   (spacious-padding-subtle-mode-line t))
> ```
> When starting Emacs, `spacious-padding-subtle-mode-line` doesn't work if
> no `:defer 1` in either block. After adding `defer 1` to any of the
> block, it works correctly.
> I don't know how to debug the problem. It seems this option only works
> after Emacs initialized. I also tried to not use `use-package` and it
> doesn't work either:
> ```
> (require 'modus-themes)
> (load-theme 'modus-operandi :no-confirm)
> (require 'spacious-padding)
> (setq spacious-padding-subtle-mode-line t)
> (spacious-padding-mode 1)
> ```

Strange... This works on my end. Do you have a Custom block somewhere in
your configuration? You know, the part that Emacs automatically appends
to your init.el? I suspect that block is holding some value that affects
what you are seeing.

All the best,

Protesilaos Stavrou
Message ID
<874jfuvp0i.fsf@protesilaos.com> (view parent)
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Hi Prot,

> Strange... This works on my end. Do you have a Custom block somewhere in
> your configuration? You know, the part that Emacs automatically appends
> to your init.el? I suspect that block is holding some value that affects
> what you are seeing.

The problem is on my side, there are some faces in my custom.el that may
override the spacious-padding-subtle-mode-line config:

    ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
    ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
    ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
    ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
    '(fringe ((t :background "#ffffff")))
    '(header-line ((t :box (:line-width 4 :color "#f2f2f2" :style nil))))
    '(header-line-highlight ((t :box (:color "#000000"))))
    '(keycast-key ((t)))
    '(line-number ((t :background "#ffffff")))
    '(mode-line ((t :box (:line-width 6 :color "#c8c8c8" :style nil))))
    '(mode-line-active ((t :box (:line-width 6 :color "#c8c8c8" :style nil))))
    '(mode-line-highlight ((t :box (:color "#000000"))))
    '(mode-line-inactive ((t :box (:line-width 6 :color "#e6e6e6" :style nil))))
    '(tab-bar-tab ((t :box (:line-width 4 :color "#ffffff" :style nil))))
    '(tab-bar-tab-inactive ((t :box (:line-width 4 :color "#c2c2c2" :style nil))))
    '(window-divider ((t :background "#ffffff" :foreground "#ffffff")))
    '(window-divider-first-pixel ((t :background "#ffffff" :foreground "#ffffff")))
    '(window-divider-last-pixel ((t :background "#ffffff" :foreground "#ffffff"))))

After removing the custom.el file, it works correctly. Thanks for your help!

Best Regards,
Message ID
<m2mstmizw7.fsf@gmail.com> (view parent)
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> From: Yejun Su <goofan.su@gmail.com>
> Date: Wed,  3 Jan 2024 16:22:54 +0800
> Hi Prot,

Hello Yejun,

>> Strange... This works on my end. Do you have a Custom block somewhere in
>> your configuration? You know, the part that Emacs automatically appends
>> to your init.el? I suspect that block is holding some value that affects
>> what you are seeing.
> The problem is on my side, there are some faces in my custom.el that may
> override the spacious-padding-subtle-mode-line config:
> [... 19 lines elided]
> After removing the custom.el file, it works correctly. Thanks for your help!

Very well!

Have a nice day,

Protesilaos Stavrou
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