
fix iosevka-comfy for version 26.3.1 of Iosevka v1 PROPOSED

Raymond Ko: 1
 fix iosevka-comfy for version 26.3.1 of Iosevka

 1 files changed, 56 insertions(+), 55 deletions(-)
Hello again Raymond,
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[PATCH] fix iosevka-comfy for version 26.3.1 of Iosevka Export this patch

Hi prot,

I love your font patch, especially the wide variant. However, Iosevka,
the base project, has made many breaking changes since the version
used with your private build plan file so it no longer compiles.

This patch makes the necessary changes so that it builds again and can
be used as a starting point to keep the project up to date.

I tried my best reading the comments and choosing the right glyphs
intended, but getting it 100% right is very difficult without spending
many hours since I am not the original creator. One would need to wait
for builds and reverse engineer from the screenshots.

From 2d32840c2227b4b8404d69a71200983d246b1a0f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Raymond W. Ko" <raymond.w.ko@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2023 17:09:25 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] fix build plan for Iosevka v26.3.1

 private-build-plans.toml | 111 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 56 insertions(+), 55 deletions(-)

diff --git a/private-build-plans.toml b/private-build-plans.toml
index 9d0e380..75922e1 100644
--- a/private-build-plans.toml
+++ b/private-build-plans.toml
@@ -48,37 +48,38 @@ cv47 = 1    # w straight short middle top
cv48 = 1    # x straight
cv49 = 11   # y cursive flat terminal hook
cv50 = 1    # z straight
cv53 = 1    # Λ, Δ lambda and delta cap straight
cv54 = 2    # α alpha straight tailed
cv55 = 1    # δ delta rounded top
cv55 = 3    # α alpha straight tailed
cv56 = 1    # Γ gamma cap straight
cv57 = 6    # ι iota serified flat tailed
cv58 = 2    # λ lambda top tailed
cv59 = 1    # μ me tailless
cv60 = 2    # ξ xe flat top
cv76 = 13   # 0 oval dashed forward slash
cv79 = 2    # 3 arched
cv81 = 2    # 5 open contour
cv83 = 1    # 7 straight
cv84 = 3    # 8 two asymmetric circles
cv86 = 2    # ijäöü square diacretics
cv87 = 2    # .:; square punctuation marks
cv88 = 2    # ~ tilde low
cv89 = 3    # * asterisk five-pointed low
cv90 = 2    # _ underscore right below baseline
cv91 = 2    # ^ uptick medium
cv92 = 1    # ( parentheses normal slope
cv93 = 2    # { braces curly
cv94 = 1    # # column straight
cv96 = 4    # @ three-fold, tall height
cv97 = 2    # $ dollar strike through
cv98 = 1    # % percent dots
cv99 = 2    # | bar force upright
VXSA = 1    # ' single quote straight
VXSB = 1    # ` grave/backtick straight
VXSC = 1    # ? smooth
VXSE = 2    # ¢ cent strike through
VXLA = 2    # ≥ equal-or-{higher,lower} slanted
cv57 = 1    # Δ delta cap straight
cv58 = 1    # δ delta rounded top
cv59 = 6    # ι iota serified flat tailed
cv60 = 1    # Λ lambda cap straight
cv61 = 2    # λ lambda top tailed
cv62 = 1    # μ mu tailless
cv63 = 2    # ξ xi flat top
cv81 = 26   # 0 oval dashed forward slash
cv84 = 2    # 3 arched
cv86 = 2    # 5 open contour
cv88 = 1    # 7 straight
cv89 = 3    # 8 two asymmetric circles
cv91 = 2    # ijäöü square diacretics
cv92 = 2    # .:; square punctuation marks
cv93 = 2    # ~ tilde low
cv94 = 3    # * asterisk five-pointed low
cv95 = 2    # _ underscore right below baseline
cv96 = 2    # ^ uptick medium
cv97 = 1    # ( parentheses normal slope
cv98 = 2    # { braces curly
cv99 = 1    # # column straight
VSAB = 2    # @ three-fold, tall height
VSAC = 2    # $ dollar strike through
VSAD = 1    # % percent dots
VSAE = 2    # | bar force upright
VSAF = 1    # ' single quote straight
VSAG = 1    # ` grave/backtick straight
VSAH = 1    # ? smooth
VSAJ = 2    # ¢ cent strike through
VLAA = 2    # ≥ equal-or-{higher,lower} slanted

cv26 = 3    # a double storey toothless
@@ -93,12 +94,12 @@ cv39 = 6    # n earless straight
cv40 = 2    # p earless
cv41 = 7    # q earless
cv45 = 6    # u toothless
cv77 = 3    # 1 serified with base
cv78 = 1    # 2 straight
cv80 = 3    # 4 semi-open contour
cv82 = 3    # 6 straight
cv85 = 3    # 9 straight
cv95 = 2    # & et open top (ampersand)
cv82 = 3    # 1 serified with base
cv83 = 1    # 2 straight
cv85 = 3    # 4 semi-open contour
cv87 = 3    # 6 straight
cv90 = 3    # 9 straight
VSAA = 2    # & et open top (ampersand)

cv26 = 1    # a double storey straight
@@ -113,12 +114,12 @@ cv39 = 1    # n straight
cv40 = 1    # p straight
cv41 = 1    # q straight
cv45 = 1    # u straight
cv77 = 2    # 1 serified no base
cv78 = 2    # 2 curly
cv80 = 1    # 4 closed contour crossing
cv82 = 1    # 6 closed contour
cv85 = 1    # 9 closed contour
cv95 = 4    # & et open top toothed (ampersand)
cv82 = 2    # 1 serified no base
cv83 = 2    # 2 curly
cv85 = 1    # 4 closed contour crossing
cv87 = 1    # 6 closed contour
cv90 = 1    # 9 closed contour
VSAA = 4    # & et open top toothed (ampersand)

shape = 300
@@ -238,11 +239,11 @@ inherits = "buildPlans.iosevka-comfy"
# which does not connect the two sides as it is positioned inside the
# oval shape.
cv76 = 9    # 0 oval forward slash
cv96 = 2    # @ traditional four-fold style
cv98 = 2    # % with two circles
cv81 = 2    # 0 oval forward slash
VSAB = 6    # @ tall traditional four-fold style
VSAD = 2    # % with two circles

# The 'm' character has three legs of equal length, insetad of a shorter
# The 'm' character has three legs of equal length, insad of a shorter
# middle leg.  The short middle leg in the narrow variants is necessary
# for legibility, especially at small point sizes (otherwise the
# character's legs visually blend into what appears to be a solid
@@ -471,9 +472,9 @@ inherits = "buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-motion"

cv38 = 5    # m top serif tailed with normal middle leg
cv76 = 9    # 0 oval forward slash
cv96 = 2    # @ traditional four-fold style
cv98 = 3    # % with two circles
cv81 = 2    # 0 oval forward slash
VSAB = 6    # @ tall traditional four-fold style
VSAD = 3    # % with two circles continuous slash

shape = 300
@@ -540,9 +541,9 @@ inherits = "buildPlans.iosevka-comfy"
# which does not connect the two sides as it is positioned inside the
# oval shape.
cv76 = 9    # 0 oval forward slash
cv96 = 2    # @ traditional four-fold style
cv98 = 2    # % with two circles
cv81 = 2    # 0 oval forward slash
VSAB = 6    # @ tall traditional four-fold style
VSAD = 2    # % with two circles

# The 'm' character has three legs of equal length, insetad of a shorter
# middle leg.  The short middle leg in the narrow variants is necessary
@@ -739,9 +740,9 @@ inherits = "buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-motion"
# block).
cv38 = 5    # m top serif tailed with normal middle leg
cv76 = 9    # 0 oval forward slash
cv96 = 2    # @ traditional four-fold style
cv98 = 3    # % with two circles
cv81 = 2    # 0 oval forward slash
VSAB = 6    # @ tall traditional four-fold style
VSAD = 3    # % with two circles

shape = 300
Hello Raymond,