Lucy McPhail: 1
Add new map for repeat-mode
1 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
Hi Prot, and you're welcome!
Thanks for the explanation! I expected it to be tricky...
I'm sure it can be done but it seems like overkill, and besides,
everywhere I looked in Emacs it's done the same way. I suppose a user
could just change the map if they wanted to.
I installed your patch and included your name in the manual's
"Acknowledgements" section.
Thank you!
Since this is a small change, it does not require copyright assignment
to the Free Software Foundation. Though note that larger changes do
need that (I can send you the application form, if needed).
Indeed. It is not a big deal. In the worst case scenario, we will get
a bug report to which we wil react accordingly. No worries!