
Mark up nil as ~nil~ in manual v1 APPLIED

Basil Contovounesios: 1
 Mark up nil as ~nil~ in manual

 2 files changed, 146 insertions(+), 146 deletions(-)
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Re: [PATCH] Mark up nil as ~nil~ in manual Export this patch

Sorry about the noise.
Clearly I haven't figured out how to send in patches yet.


From d22a97c75332f952b3fc1d51980321b7918d23b1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Basil L. Contovounesios" <contovob@tcd.ie>
Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2023 23:25:38 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Mark up nil as ~nil~ in manual

 doc/modus-themes.info | 258 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 doc/modus-themes.org  |  34 +++---
 2 files changed, 146 insertions(+), 146 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/modus-themes.info b/doc/modus-themes.info
index 274dfc5..04fe2f2 100644
--- a/doc/modus-themes.info
+++ b/doc/modus-themes.info
@@ -766,11 +766,11 @@ through the Custom UI.
   All theme user options take effect when a theme is loaded.  Any
subsequent changes require the theme to be reloaded.

   When this variable has a non-nil value, any change made via the
   When this variable has a non-‘nil’ value, any change made via the
Custom UI or related functions such as ‘customize-set-variable’ and
‘setopt’ (Emacs 29), will trigger a reload automatically.

   With a nil value, changes to user options have no further
   With a ‘nil’ value, changes to user options have no further
consequences: the user must manually reload the theme (*note Enable and

@@ -789,20 +789,20 @@ Brief: Disable all other themes when loading a Modus theme.
  1. ‘nil’
  2. ‘t’ (default)

   When the value is non-nil, the commands ‘modus-themes-toggle’ and
   When the value is non-‘nil’, the commands ‘modus-themes-toggle’ and
‘modus-themes-select’, as well as the ‘modus-themes-load-theme’
function, will disable all other themes while loading the specified
Modus theme.  This is done to ensure that Emacs does not blend two or
more themes: such blends lead to awkward results that undermine the work
of the designer.

   When the value is nil, the aforementioned commands and function will
only disable other themes within the Modus collection.
   When the value is ‘nil’, the aforementioned commands and function
will only disable other themes within the Modus collection.

   This option is provided because Emacs themes are not necessarily
limited to colors/faces: they can consist of an arbitrary set of
customizations.  Users who use such customization bundles must set this
variable to a nil value.
variable to a ‘nil’ value.

File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Bold constructs,  Next: Italic constructs,  Prev: Disable other themes,  Up: Customization options
@@ -963,10 +963,10 @@ Here is a sample, followed by a description of the particularities:
             (selection . (semibold italic))))

   The ‘matches’ key refers to the highlighted characters that
correspond to the user’s input.  When its properties are nil or an empty
list, matching characters in the user interface will have a bold weight
and a colored foreground.  The list of properties may include any of the
following symbols regardless of the order they may appear in:
correspond to the user’s input.  When its properties are ‘nil’ or an
empty list, matching characters in the user interface will have a bold
weight and a colored foreground.  The list of properties may include any
of the following symbols regardless of the order they may appear in:

   • ‘underline’ to draw a line below the characters;

@@ -979,8 +979,8 @@ following symbols regardless of the order they may appear in:

   The ‘selection’ key applies to the current line or currently matched
candidate, depending on the specifics of the user interface.  When its
properties are nil or an empty list, it has a subtle gray background, a
bold weight, and the base foreground value for the text.  The list of
properties are ‘nil’ or an empty list, it has a subtle gray background,
a bold weight, and the base foreground value for the text.  The list of
properties it accepts is as follows (order is not significant):

   • ‘underline’ to draw a line below the characters;
@@ -1023,10 +1023,10 @@ Brief: Set the overall style of Org code blocks, quotes, and the like.
  2. ‘gray-background’
  3. ‘tinted-background’

   Nil (the default) means that the block has no background of its own:
it uses the one that applies to the rest of the buffer.  In this case,
the delimiter lines have a gray color for their text, making them look
exactly like all other Org properties.
   Option ‘nil’ (the default) means that the block has no background of
its own: it uses the one that applies to the rest of the buffer.  In
this case, the delimiter lines have a gray color for their text, making
them look exactly like all other Org properties.

   Option ‘gray-background’ applies a subtle gray background to the
block’s contents.  It also affects the begin and end lines of the block
@@ -1046,8 +1046,8 @@ to take effect, the Org buffer needs to be restarted with

   Code blocks use their major mode’s fontification (syntax
highlighting) only when the variable ‘org-src-fontify-natively’ is
non-nil.  While quote/verse blocks require setting
‘org-fontify-quote-and-verse-blocks’ to a non-nil value.
non-‘nil’.  While quote/verse blocks require setting
‘org-fontify-quote-and-verse-blocks’ to a non-‘nil’ value.

   *note Update Org block delimiter fontification::.

@@ -2873,8 +2873,8 @@ palette.
mapping), this function recurs until it finds the underlying color

   With an optional ‘OVERRIDES’ argument as a non-nil value, it accounts
for palette overrides.  Else it reads only the default palette.
   With an optional ‘OVERRIDES’ argument as a non-‘nil’ value, it
accounts for palette overrides.  Else it reads only the default palette.

   *note Option for palette overrides: Palette overrides.

@@ -3017,7 +3017,7 @@ the above:
     (add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'my-modus-themes-custom-faces)

   The reason we no longer provide this option is because it depends on
a non-nil value for ‘x-underline-at-descent-line’.  That variable
a non-‘nil’ value for ‘x-underline-at-descent-line’.  That variable
affects ALL underlines, including those of links.  The effect is
intrusive and looks awkard in prose.

@@ -4817,7 +4817,7 @@ File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Note on SHR fonts,  Next: Note on Ement colors a
By default, packages that build on top of the Simple HTML Remember
(‘shr’) use proportionately spaced fonts.  This is controlled by the
user option ‘shr-use-fonts’, which is set to non-‘nil’ by default.  To
use the standard font instead, set that variable to nil.
use the standard font instead, set that variable to ‘nil’.

   *note Font configurations for Org and others::.

@@ -4947,10 +4947,10 @@ consider including (or equivalent) this in their setup:
           goto-address-mail-face 'link
           goto-address-mail-mouse-face 'highlight)

   My personal preference is to set ‘goto-address-mail-face’ to nil, as
it otherwise adds too much visual noise to the buffer (email addresses
stand out more, due to the use of the uncommon ‘@’ character but also
because they are often enclosed in angled brackets).
   My personal preference is to set ‘goto-address-mail-face’ to ‘nil’,
as it otherwise adds too much visual noise to the buffer (email
addresses stand out more, due to the use of the uncommon ‘@’ character
but also because they are often enclosed in angled brackets).

File: modus-themes.info,  Node: Frequently Asked Questions,  Next: Contributing,  Prev: Notes on individual packages,  Up: Top
@@ -6152,109 +6152,109 @@ Node: Sample configuration with and without use-package20320
Node: Differences between loading and enabling23231
Node: Customization options25269
Node: Custom reload theme29017
Node: Disable other themes29925
Node: Bold constructs31105
Node: Italic constructs31942
Node: Mixed fonts32713
Node: Command prompts33709
Node: Completion UIs35514
Node: Org mode blocks38304
Node: Heading styles40184
Node: UI typeface44538
Node: Palette overrides45469
Node: Advanced customization49804
Node: Palette override presets51467
Node: Stylistic variants using palette overrides54259
Node: Make the mode line borderless56171
Node: Make the active mode line colorful57773
Node: Make the tab bar more or less colorful59718
Node: Make the fringe invisible or another color61949
Node: Make links use subtle or no underlines63443
Node: Make prompts more or less colorful64440
Node: Make completion matches more or less colorful66104
Node: Make comments yellow and strings green70004
Node: Make code syntax use the old alt-syntax style71907
Node: Make use of alternative styles for code syntax75188
Node: Make matching parenthesis more or less intense78852
Node: Make box buttons more or less gray80288
Node: Make TODO and DONE more or less intense81594
Node: Make headings more or less colorful83297
Node: Make Org agenda more or less colorful85697
Node: Make inline code in prose use alternative styles89157
Node: Make mail citations and headers more or less colorful91698
Node: Make the region preserve text colors plus other styles94393
Node: Make mouse highlights more or less colorful96204
Node: Make language underlines less colorful97511
Node: Make line numbers use alternative styles98957
Node: Make diffs use only a foreground100894
Node: Make deuteranopia diffs red and blue instead of yellow and blue103664
Node: Make the themes look like what the maintainer uses106086
Node: More accurate colors in terminal emulators110784
Node: Range of color with terminal emulators112076
Node: Preview theme colors114790
Node: Per-theme customization settings116635
Node: Get a single color from the palette117981
Node: Use theme colors in code with modus-themes-with-colors120223
Node: Do not extend the region background122556
Node: Add padding to mode line123354
Node: Remap face with local value125912
Node: Font configurations for Org and others128335
Ref: Font configurations for Org and others-Footnote-1131244
Node: Configure bold and italic faces131431
Node: Custom Org todo keyword and priority faces135588
Node: Custom Org emphasis faces139153
Node: Update Org block delimiter fontification143976
Node: Measure color contrast145893
Node: Load theme depending on time of day148591
Node: Backdrop for pdf-tools149601
Node: Toggle themes without reloading them152500
Node: A theme-agnostic hook for theme loading153776
Node: Use more spacious margins or padding in Emacs frames156229
Node: Custom hl-todo colors160115
Node: Add support for solaire-mode161653
Node: Face coverage164564
Node: Supported packages165016
Node: Indirectly covered packages170415
Node: Notes on individual packages171768
Node: Note on calendarel weekday and weekend colors172868
Node: Note on git-gutter in Doom Emacs174016
Node: Note on php-mode multiline comments176357
Node: Note on underlines in compilation buffers177110
Node: Note on inline Latex in Org buffers177947
Node: Note on dimmerel178557
Node: Note on display-fill-column-indicator-mode180042
Node: Note on highlight-parenthesesel181441
Node: Note on mmm-modeel background colors187419
Node: Note for prism189719
Node: Note on company-mode overlay pop-up192887
Ref: Note on company-mode overlay pop-up-Footnote-1193617
Ref: Note on company-mode overlay pop-up-Footnote-2193684
Node: Note on ERC escaped color sequences193739
Ref: Note on ERC escaped color sequences-Footnote-1195167
Node: Note on powerline or spaceline195277
Node: Note on SHR colors195691
Node: Note on SHR fonts196115
Node: Note on Ement colors and fonts196754
Node: Note on pdf-tools link hints198264
Node: Note on the Notmuch logo200724
Node: Note on goto-address-mode faces201262
Node: Frequently Asked Questions202374
Node: Is the contrast ratio about adjacent colors?203005
Node: What does it mean to avoid exaggerations?204512
Node: Why are colors mostly variants of blue magenta cyan?206362
Node: What is the best setup for legibility?210668
Node: Are these color schemes?213313
Node: Port the Modus themes to other platforms?216995
Node: Contributing219839
Node: Sources of the themes220236
Node: Issues you can help with221130
Node: Patches require copyright assignment to the FSF222521
Node: Acknowledgements224741
Node: GNU Free Documentation License228818
Node: Indices254182
Node: Function index254361
Node: Variable index255544
Node: Concept index258000
Node: Disable other themes29937
Node: Bold constructs31135
Node: Italic constructs31972
Node: Mixed fonts32743
Node: Command prompts33739
Node: Completion UIs35544
Node: Org mode blocks38346
Node: Heading styles40251
Node: UI typeface44605
Node: Palette overrides45536
Node: Advanced customization49871
Node: Palette override presets51534
Node: Stylistic variants using palette overrides54326
Node: Make the mode line borderless56238
Node: Make the active mode line colorful57840
Node: Make the tab bar more or less colorful59785
Node: Make the fringe invisible or another color62016
Node: Make links use subtle or no underlines63510
Node: Make prompts more or less colorful64507
Node: Make completion matches more or less colorful66171
Node: Make comments yellow and strings green70071
Node: Make code syntax use the old alt-syntax style71974
Node: Make use of alternative styles for code syntax75255
Node: Make matching parenthesis more or less intense78919
Node: Make box buttons more or less gray80355
Node: Make TODO and DONE more or less intense81661
Node: Make headings more or less colorful83364
Node: Make Org agenda more or less colorful85764
Node: Make inline code in prose use alternative styles89224
Node: Make mail citations and headers more or less colorful91765
Node: Make the region preserve text colors plus other styles94460
Node: Make mouse highlights more or less colorful96271
Node: Make language underlines less colorful97578
Node: Make line numbers use alternative styles99024
Node: Make diffs use only a foreground100961
Node: Make deuteranopia diffs red and blue instead of yellow and blue103731
Node: Make the themes look like what the maintainer uses106153
Node: More accurate colors in terminal emulators110851
Node: Range of color with terminal emulators112143
Node: Preview theme colors114857
Node: Per-theme customization settings116702
Node: Get a single color from the palette118048
Node: Use theme colors in code with modus-themes-with-colors120296
Node: Do not extend the region background122629
Node: Add padding to mode line123427
Node: Remap face with local value125991
Node: Font configurations for Org and others128414
Ref: Font configurations for Org and others-Footnote-1131323
Node: Configure bold and italic faces131510
Node: Custom Org todo keyword and priority faces135667
Node: Custom Org emphasis faces139232
Node: Update Org block delimiter fontification144055
Node: Measure color contrast145972
Node: Load theme depending on time of day148670
Node: Backdrop for pdf-tools149680
Node: Toggle themes without reloading them152579
Node: A theme-agnostic hook for theme loading153855
Node: Use more spacious margins or padding in Emacs frames156308
Node: Custom hl-todo colors160194
Node: Add support for solaire-mode161732
Node: Face coverage164643
Node: Supported packages165095
Node: Indirectly covered packages170494
Node: Notes on individual packages171847
Node: Note on calendarel weekday and weekend colors172947
Node: Note on git-gutter in Doom Emacs174095
Node: Note on php-mode multiline comments176436
Node: Note on underlines in compilation buffers177189
Node: Note on inline Latex in Org buffers178026
Node: Note on dimmerel178636
Node: Note on display-fill-column-indicator-mode180121
Node: Note on highlight-parenthesesel181520
Node: Note on mmm-modeel background colors187498
Node: Note for prism189798
Node: Note on company-mode overlay pop-up192966
Ref: Note on company-mode overlay pop-up-Footnote-1193696
Ref: Note on company-mode overlay pop-up-Footnote-2193763
Node: Note on ERC escaped color sequences193818
Ref: Note on ERC escaped color sequences-Footnote-1195246
Node: Note on powerline or spaceline195356
Node: Note on SHR colors195770
Node: Note on SHR fonts196194
Node: Note on Ement colors and fonts196839
Node: Note on pdf-tools link hints198349
Node: Note on the Notmuch logo200809
Node: Note on goto-address-mode faces201347
Node: Frequently Asked Questions202465
Node: Is the contrast ratio about adjacent colors?203096
Node: What does it mean to avoid exaggerations?204603
Node: Why are colors mostly variants of blue magenta cyan?206453
Node: What is the best setup for legibility?210759
Node: Are these color schemes?213404
Node: Port the Modus themes to other platforms?217086
Node: Contributing219930
Node: Sources of the themes220327
Node: Issues you can help with221221
Node: Patches require copyright assignment to the FSF222612
Node: Acknowledgements224832
Node: GNU Free Documentation License228909
Node: Indices254273
Node: Function index254452
Node: Variable index255635
Node: Concept index258091

End Tag Table

diff --git a/doc/modus-themes.org b/doc/modus-themes.org
index 7809bd0..3173460 100644
--- a/doc/modus-themes.org
+++ b/doc/modus-themes.org
@@ -581,11 +581,11 @@ Possible values:
All theme user options take effect when a theme is loaded.  Any
subsequent changes require the theme to be reloaded.

When this variable has a non-nil value, any change made via the Custom
When this variable has a non-~nil~ value, any change made via the Custom
UI or related functions such as ~customize-set-variable~ and ~setopt~
(Emacs 29), will trigger a reload automatically.

With a nil value, changes to user options have no further consequences:
With a ~nil~ value, changes to user options have no further consequences:
the user must manually reload the theme ([[#h:3f3c3728-1b34-437d-9d0c-b110f5b161a9][Enable and load]]).

** Option for disabling other themes while loading Modus
@@ -605,20 +605,20 @@ Possible values:
1. ~nil~
2. ~t~ (default)

When the value is non-nil, the commands ~modus-themes-toggle~ and
When the value is non-~nil~, the commands ~modus-themes-toggle~ and
~modus-themes-select~, as well as the ~modus-themes-load-theme~
function, will disable all other themes while loading the specified
Modus theme.  This is done to ensure that Emacs does not blend two or
more themes: such blends lead to awkward results that undermine the
work of the designer.

When the value is nil, the aforementioned commands and function will
When the value is ~nil~, the aforementioned commands and function will
only disable other themes within the Modus collection.

This option is provided because Emacs themes are not necessarily
limited to colors/faces: they can consist of an arbitrary set of
customizations.  Users who use such customization bundles must set
this variable to a nil value.
this variable to a ~nil~ value.

** Option for more bold constructs
@@ -794,7 +794,7 @@ followed by a description of the particularities:

The ~matches~ key refers to the highlighted characters that correspond
to the user's input.  When its properties are nil or an empty list,
to the user's input.  When its properties are ~nil~ or an empty list,
matching characters in the user interface will have a bold weight and
a colored foreground.  The list of properties may include any of the
following symbols regardless of the order they may appear in:
@@ -810,7 +810,7 @@ following symbols regardless of the order they may appear in:

The ~selection~ key applies to the current line or currently matched
candidate, depending on the specifics of the user interface.  When its
properties are nil or an empty list, it has a subtle gray background,
properties are ~nil~ or an empty list, it has a subtle gray background,
a bold weight, and the base foreground value for the text.  The list
of properties it accepts is as follows (order is not significant):

@@ -861,10 +861,10 @@ Possible values:
2. ~gray-background~
3. ~tinted-background~

Nil (the default) means that the block has no background of its own:
it uses the one that applies to the rest of the buffer.  In this case,
the delimiter lines have a gray color for their text, making them look
exactly like all other Org properties.
Option ~nil~ (the default) means that the block has no background of
its own: it uses the one that applies to the rest of the buffer.
In this case, the delimiter lines have a gray color for their text,
making them look exactly like all other Org properties.

Option ~gray-background~ applies a subtle gray background to the
block's contents.  It also affects the begin and end lines of the
@@ -883,9 +883,9 @@ For this to take effect, the Org buffer needs to be restarted with

Code blocks use their major mode's fontification (syntax highlighting)
only when the variable ~org-src-fontify-natively~ is non-nil.  While
only when the variable ~org-src-fontify-natively~ is non-~nil~.  While
quote/verse blocks require setting
~org-fontify-quote-and-verse-blocks~ to a non-nil value.
~org-fontify-quote-and-verse-blocks~ to a non-~nil~ value.

[[#h:f44cc6e3-b0f1-4a5e-8a90-9e48fa557b50][Update Org block delimiter fontification]].

@@ -2730,7 +2730,7 @@ If the value is the name of another color entry in the palette (so a
mapping), this function recurs until it finds the underlying color

With an optional =OVERRIDES= argument as a non-nil value, it accounts
With an optional =OVERRIDES= argument as a non-~nil~ value, it accounts
for palette overrides.  Else it reads only the default palette.

[[#h:34c7a691-19bb-4037-8d2f-67a07edab150][Option for palette overrides]].
@@ -2884,7 +2884,7 @@ above:

The reason we no longer provide this option is because it depends on a
non-nil value for ~x-underline-at-descent-line~.  That variable
non-~nil~ value for ~x-underline-at-descent-line~.  That variable
affects ALL underlines, including those of links.  The effect is
intrusive and looks awkard in prose.

@@ -4722,7 +4722,7 @@ Consult the doc string of ~shr-use-colors~.
By default, packages that build on top of the Simple HTML Remember
(~shr~) use proportionately spaced fonts.  This is controlled by the
user option ~shr-use-fonts~, which is set to non-~nil~ by default.  To
use the standard font instead, set that variable to nil.
use the standard font instead, set that variable to ~nil~.

[[#h:defcf4fc-8fa8-4c29-b12e-7119582cc929][Font configurations for Org and others]].

@@ -4859,7 +4859,7 @@ consider including (or equivalent) this in their setup:
      goto-address-mail-mouse-face 'highlight)

My personal preference is to set ~goto-address-mail-face~ to nil, as
My personal preference is to set ~goto-address-mail-face~ to ~nil~, as
it otherwise adds too much visual noise to the buffer (email addresses
stand out more, due to the use of the uncommon =@= character but also
because they are often enclosed in angled brackets).