[PATCH] Fix mode-line face inheritance
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Make `mode-line-active` and `mode-line-inactive` inherit `mode-line`,
moving the "active" color specification to `mode-line-active`. This
mirrors the face-hierarchy in upstream Emacs and makes it possible to,
e.g., scale the font of all mode-line faces by altering the base
`mode-line` face.
modus-themes.el | 12 ++++++ ------
1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/modus-themes.el b/modus-themes.el
index e90409e..bc840c2 100644
--- a/modus-themes.el
+++ b/modus-themes.el
@@ -3095,15 +3095,15 @@ defconst modus-themes-faces
`(minimap-active-region-background ((,c :background ,bg-active)))
`(minimap-current-line-face ((,c :background ,bg-cyan-intense :foreground ,fg-main)))
;;;;; mode-line
- `(mode-line ((,c :inherit modus-themes-ui-variable-pitch
- :box ,border-mode-line-active
- :background ,bg-mode-line-active
- :foreground ,fg-mode-line-active)))
- `(mode-line-active ((,c :inherit mode-line)))
+ `(mode-line ((,c :inherit modus-themes-ui-variable-pitch)))
+ `(mode-line-active ((,c :inherit mode-line
+ :box ,border-mode-line-active
+ :background ,bg-mode-line-active
+ :foreground ,fg-mode-line-active)))
`(mode-line-buffer-id ((,c :inherit bold)))
`(mode-line-emphasis ((,c :inherit bold :foreground ,modeline-info)))
`(mode-line-highlight ((,c :background ,bg-hover :foreground ,fg-main :box ,fg-main)))
- `(mode-line-inactive ((,c :inherit modus-themes-ui-variable-pitch
+ `(mode-line-inactive ((,c :inherit mode-line
:box ,border-mode-line-inactive
:background ,bg-mode-line-inactive
:foreground ,fg-mode-line-inactive)))
Hello Steven,
Thank you for taking the time to do this! I think that moving the color
specification to 'mode-line-active' will not work with Emacs 28 because
there is no 'mode-line-active' there and the 'mode-line' will thus be
left empty. Or am I missing something?
Have a nice day,
Protesilaos (or simply "Prot")