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Timer acknowledgment

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I attached a patch for TMR which adds support for acknowledging timers.
Damien requested this before and I also needed this since otherwise
timers are too easy to miss, e.g., when listing to music or when there
is much activity anyway in the minibuffer. In addition the new feature
supports adding more time to a running timer. Please give it a test and
let me know if it works for you.

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<445f6bfa-73da-57b7-3a87-ca6b859b2145@daniel-mendler.de> (view parent)
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I attached a new patch set with TMR improvements, which extends my
previous submission.

1. The first patch adds timer acknowledgement
2. The second patch improves acknowledgment (multiple ways to
acknowledge via dialog or minibuffer)
3. The third patch moves tmr-notification.el to tmr.el


On 1/31/23 20:23, Daniel Mendler wrote:
> Hi,
> I attached a patch for TMR which adds support for acknowledging timers.
> Damien requested this before and I also needed this since otherwise
> timers are too easy to miss, e.g., when listing to music or when there
> is much activity anyway in the minibuffer. In addition the new feature
> supports adding more time to a running timer. Please give it a test and
> let me know if it works for you.
> Daniel
Message ID
<445f6bfa-73da-57b7-3a87-ca6b859b2145@daniel-mendler.de> (view parent)
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Given that we now have the tmr-prefix-map autoloaded, we may also remove
most autoloads except tmr, tmr-with-details and tmr-prefix-map. I also
attached a simple patch for that. Removing autoloads seems like a
regression here, but it can also be considered a feature since autoloads
clarify the intended entry points to a package for the user. This is the
intention of this patch.


On 1/31/23 20:23, Daniel Mendler wrote:
> Hi,
> I attached a patch for TMR which adds support for acknowledging timers.
> Damien requested this before and I also needed this since otherwise
> timers are too easy to miss, e.g., when listing to music or when there
> is much activity anyway in the minibuffer. In addition the new feature
> supports adding more time to a running timer. Please give it a test and
> let me know if it works for you.
> Daniel
Protesilaos Stavrou <public@protesilaos.com>
Message ID
<0b96c62c-d6ce-23f4-60fe-b304b6a93b44@daniel-mendler.de> (view parent)
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> From: Daniel Mendler <mail@daniel-mendler.de>
> Date: Thu,  2 Feb 2023 13:08:45 +0100
> Given that we now have the tmr-prefix-map autoloaded, we may also remove
> most autoloads except tmr, tmr-with-details and tmr-prefix-map. I also
> attached a simple patch for that. Removing autoloads seems like a
> regression here, but it can also be considered a feature since autoloads
> clarify the intended entry points to a package for the user. This is the
> intention of this patch.

Thank you Daniel!

I pushed all the changes.  I also made some minor tweaks to the manual.

- Maybe we could change `ack' to `OK' in the 'tmr-acknowledge-minibuffer'?
- Perhaps rephrase the prompt to: "Input `OK' to acknowledge or set additional duration: "?

All the best,

Protesilaos Stavrou
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<87bkmbq1mm.fsf@protesilaos.com> (view parent)
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On 2/2/23 21:00, Protesilaos Stavrou wrote:
> Thank you Daniel!
> I pushed all the changes.  I also made some minor tweaks to the manual.


> - Maybe we could change `ack' to `OK' in the 'tmr-acknowledge-minibuffer'?
> - Perhaps rephrase the prompt to: "Input `OK' to acknowledge or set additional duration: "?

Sure, if you prefer that. You could also make it configurable. I wanted
to have some unique input, since the minibuffer acknowledgement arrives
out of the blue. This may happen while you are typing. It is really
intrusive, but the point is that one must not miss such a timer.

Note that you can also use tmr-acknowledge-dialog instead of
tmr-acknowledge-minibuffer. In this case you will get an intrusive
dialog bug, which you must confirm. You may prefer that if you use Emacs
in a desktop environment. In order to use it one has to adjust the
finished hooks. I forgot to tell you this before when I sent you the
patches. This should be documented too I guess. I will take a look at
your documentation changes.

We could also additionally implement a function
tmr-acknowledge-unobtrusive which just continues the tmr for another
minute via tmr--continue-overtime, such that you will get these messages
repeatedly until some special command tmr-acknowledge is invoked. This
would correspond to the design initially proposed by Damien. I think
this is unnecessary given what we have now, but it is still nice that we
could integrate the different design with minimal effort.

Protesilaos Stavrou <public@protesilaos.com>
Message ID
<9e657709-bde3-e133-34d3-7ea9426fc562@daniel-mendler.de> (view parent)
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> From: Daniel Mendler <mail@daniel-mendler.de>
> Date: Thu,  2 Feb 2023 22:14:17 +0100
> On 2/2/23 21:00, Protesilaos Stavrou wrote:
>> Thank you Daniel!
>> I pushed all the changes.  I also made some minor tweaks to the manual.
> Thanks!

I thank you again for doing this!

>> - Maybe we could change `ack' to `OK' in the 'tmr-acknowledge-minibuffer'?
>> - Perhaps rephrase the prompt to: "Input `OK' to acknowledge or set additional duration: "?
> Sure, if you prefer that. You could also make it configurable. I wanted
> to have some unique input, since the minibuffer acknowledgement arrives
> out of the blue. This may happen while you are typing. It is really
> intrusive, but the point is that one must not miss such a timer.

Okay, let's leave it as-is.  I can write more about it in the manual and
the change log. 

> Note that you can also use tmr-acknowledge-dialog instead of
> tmr-acknowledge-minibuffer. In this case you will get an intrusive
> dialog bug, which you must confirm. You may prefer that if you use Emacs
> in a desktop environment. In order to use it one has to adjust the
> finished hooks. I forgot to tell you this before when I sent you the
> patches. This should be documented too I guess. I will take a look at
> your documentation changes.

Yes, I noticed it in the :options of the defcustom.  I will write a
section in the manual about acknowledging timers.  It is more of a
workflow thing.

> We could also additionally implement a function
> tmr-acknowledge-unobtrusive which just continues the tmr for another
> minute via tmr--continue-overtime, such that you will get these messages
> repeatedly until some special command tmr-acknowledge is invoked. This
> would correspond to the design initially proposed by Damien. I think
> this is unnecessary given what we have now, but it is still nice that we
> could integrate the different design with minimal effort.

This was my original understanding of Damien's proposal.  I guess the
person who relies on acknowledging timers will have preference for one
or another approach but not both in the same workflow.  Thinking about
my case, I will miss a timer only if I am away from the keyboard: it
will be too late by the time I notice minibuffer/dialog.  Whereas I will
eventually hear the persistent notification.

Protesilaos Stavrou
Message ID
<87lelfs42i.fsf@protesilaos.com> (view parent)
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On 2/3/23 06:36, Protesilaos Stavrou wrote:
>> Note that you can also use tmr-acknowledge-dialog instead of
>> tmr-acknowledge-minibuffer. In this case you will get an intrusive
>> dialog bug, which you must confirm. You may prefer that if you use Emacs
>> in a desktop environment. In order to use it one has to adjust the
>> finished hooks. I forgot to tell you this before when I sent you the
>> patches. This should be documented too I guess. I will take a look at
>> your documentation changes.
> Yes, I noticed it in the :options of the defcustom.  I will write a
> section in the manual about acknowledging timers.  It is more of a
> workflow thing.


>> We could also additionally implement a function
>> tmr-acknowledge-unobtrusive which just continues the tmr for another
>> minute via tmr--continue-overtime, such that you will get these messages
>> repeatedly until some special command tmr-acknowledge is invoked. This
>> would correspond to the design initially proposed by Damien. I think
>> this is unnecessary given what we have now, but it is still nice that we
>> could integrate the different design with minimal effort.
> This was my original understanding of Damien's proposal.  I guess the
> person who relies on acknowledging timers will have preference for one
> or another approach but not both in the same workflow.  Thinking about
> my case, I will miss a timer only if I am away from the keyboard: it
> will be too late by the time I notice minibuffer/dialog.  Whereas I will
> eventually hear the persistent notification.

Indeed. The preference will depend on the workflow. Your argument about
repeated persistent notifications is valid. It would probably not work
too well for me, since I would get annoyed by the continuous beeping
while just continuing with my work. The minibuffer/dialog interrupt
would require me to act.

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