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Re: I can't get tmr-confirm to work?

Daniel Mendler <mail@daniel-mendler.de>
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On 6/29/22 20:25, Protesilaos Stavrou wrote:
> Okay, now I get it.  I misunderstood what it was supposed to do.
> Calling it tmr-confirm-single sounds better in that regard.  The doc
> string can then explain what this is all about.

We can probably come up with an even better name, e.g.,

>     (setq embark-quit-after-action nil)
> The default value is t, which prevents the embark--restart in the
> embark-post-action-hooks from doing its job.

Yes, you need embark-quit-after-action=nil, otherwise we always get and
we won't see the effect anyway.

> Now that I got embark to work, the minibuffer remains open, but the list
> of candidates is not updated.  I still get the timer I just cancelled.
> See attached screenshot.

Did you configure embark--restart for the actions? For me it works as


Re: I can't get tmr-confirm to work?

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<b38c9877-afc1-d834-7d05-0d6833dffbb0@daniel-mendler.de> (view parent)
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> From: Daniel Mendler <mail@daniel-mendler.de>
> Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2022 21:58:22 +0200
> On 6/29/22 20:25, Protesilaos Stavrou wrote:
>> Okay, now I get it.  I misunderstood what it was supposed to do.
>> Calling it tmr-confirm-single sounds better in that regard.  The doc
>> string can then explain what this is all about.
> We can probably come up with an even better name, e.g.,
> tmr-select-single-timer-directly.

What do you think about this?

    (defcustom tmr-confirm-single-timer t
      "Whether to act on the sole timer outright or with confirmation.

    If non-nil (the default), TMR will use the minibuffer to select a
    timer object to operate on, even when there is only one candidate

    If set to nil, TMR will not ask for confirmation when there is
    one timer available: the operatation will be carried out
      :type 'boolean)

>>     (setq embark-quit-after-action nil)
>> The default value is t, which prevents the embark--restart in the
>> embark-post-action-hooks from doing its job.
> Yes, you need embark-quit-after-action=nil, otherwise we always get and
> we won't see the effect anyway.
>> Now that I got embark to work, the minibuffer remains open, but the list
>> of candidates is not updated.  I still get the timer I just cancelled.
>> See attached screenshot.
> Did you configure embark--restart for the actions? For me it works as
> expected.

I had those but it did not work.  I will need to review my Embark setup,
as I have not done it in a long time.

Protesilaos Stavrou

Re: I can't get tmr-confirm to work?

Daniel Mendler <mail@daniel-mendler.de>
Message ID
<87y1xdqu6q.fsf@protesilaos.com> (view parent)
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On 7/1/22 07:27, Protesilaos Stavrou wrote:
>> We can probably come up with an even better name, e.g.,
>> tmr-select-single-timer-directly.
> What do you think about this?
>     (defcustom tmr-confirm-single-timer t
>       "Whether to act on the sole timer outright or with confirmation.
>     If non-nil (the default), TMR will use the minibuffer to select a
>     timer object to operate on, even when there is only one candidate
>     available.
>     If set to nil, TMR will not ask for confirmation when there is
>     one timer available: the operatation will be carried out
>     outright."
>       :type 'boolean)

Looks good!

Re: I can't get tmr-confirm to work?

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<e2ff97d8-54e9-5135-0f1b-0c6dc265e411@daniel-mendler.de> (view parent)
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> From: Daniel Mendler <mail@daniel-mendler.de>
> Date: Fri, 01 Jul 2022 10:36:12 +0200
> Looks good!

Great!  I also mentioned it in the manual.

Protesilaos Stavrou
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