
Eindhoven, the Netherlands


  • 🐧 FOSS software enthusiast
  • 🎓 Research Sofware Engineer, Natural Language Processing
  • 🐍 Python, 🌊 C, C++, 🦀 Rust, 🐚 Shell
  • 🔐 Privacy and Security
  • 📱 Sxmo co-maintainer
  • 🏡 Home automation
  • 🌍 Language enthusiast

See my homepage at https://proycon.anaproy.nl for further details and contact info.


Last active 2 years ago
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Recent activity

Re: [PATCH sxmo-utils] sxmo_migrate.sh: fixed fallback color diff a month ago

From Maarten van Gompel to ~mil/sxmo-devel

Applied (for 1.17.1 release)

[PATCH peanutbutter] added manpage a month ago

From Maarten van Gompel to ~mil/sxmo-devel

Apply on top of all my earlier patches

 README.md               |  26 ++++----
 docs/peanutbutter.1.scd | 134 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/main.rs             |   4 +-
 3 files changed, 148 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 docs/peanutbutter.1.scd

diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 4664363..a7816c1 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
[message trimmed]

Re: [PATCH sxmo-utils v5] sxmo_hook_tailtextlog.sh with colors/formatting a month ago

From Maarten van Gompel to ~mil/sxmo-devel

Thanks! This is quite comprehensive! We'll need to take a closer look
and decide whether this makes for a good default.

Marking this v5 as superseded since you sent a better v6 already.


Maarten van Gompel (proycon)

web: https://proycon.anaproy.nl
gpg: 0x39FE11201A31555C

[PATCH peanutbutter] Add a deeplock mode after a certain number of failed tries a month ago

From Maarten van Gompel to ~mil/sxmo-devel

If a certain number of touches (10 by default) did not lead to a
successful unlock, then the locker will go into a deeper lock state and
show a red background. This is a time-out state during which the device
can not be unlocked, it will time out after a number of seconds (20
by default) and go back to normal lock mode. This is a security measure
to prevent brute-force attacks.

The number of tries is configured via ``--tries``, the timeout (in
seconds) via ``--deeplock``.

You can set ``--paranoid`` to make the timeout double each time the deep
lock state is reached, which may lead to the timeout being so long that
you need to force a hard reboot.
[message trimmed]

[PATCH peanutbutter] Add parameter to set touch grid resolution. a month ago

From Maarten van Gompel to ~mil/sxmo-devel

A higher resolution increases the number of passcode permutations.
Resolution can be set from 1 (1x1 = 1 quadrant, touch anywhere to
unlock, insecure) to 4 (4x4 = 16
quadrants). The default remains 2x2 = 4 quadrants.

Quadrants are numbered horizontal-first, starting from 1. Except for resolution
4, where they start from 0 and are counted in hexademical up to f. Each
character in a passcode corresponds to a quadrant. Passcodes can have
arbitrary length (like before). See the README for further explanation.
This patch should again be applied on top of my previous peanutbutter patches.

 Cargo.lock        |   2 +-
 Cargo.toml        |   2 +-
[message trimmed]

[PATCH peanutbutter] added parameter (-F) to disable touch feedback a month ago

From Maarten van Gompel to ~mil/sxmo-devel

As requested by Baroque_0bamo:

> i wish the visual feedback could be configured, or as a default
> de-activated. i just realized upon waking up, in a dark environment,
> that the pb feedback provides by far the most light of my entire setup,
> when flashing a white screen. i can see situations (in a cinema, in a
> bed, in ill.lit street at night,, etc.) where this would attract a lot
> of unwanted attention to the device and its operator.
 src/main.rs             | 12 +++++++++---
 src/wayland_protocol.rs |  3 +++
 2 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/main.rs b/src/main.rs
[message trimmed]

[PATCH peanutbutter] Correctly handle scale a month ago

From Maarten van Gompel to ~mil/sxmo-devel

The display was a bit blurry because the scale wasn't correctly handled,
now it is, and peanutbutter is crispier than ever!

This is to be applied on top of three earlier patches I sent

 src/draw.rs             | 11 +++++++++--
 src/wayland_protocol.rs | 32 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 2 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/draw.rs b/src/draw.rs
index b600968..46e14ca 100644
--- a/src/draw.rs
+++ b/src/draw.rs
[message trimmed]

[PATCH peanutbutter] Only redraw frame when content (time/status) changes a month ago

From Maarten van Gompel to ~mil/sxmo-devel

At the risk of falling for "premature optimisation is the root of all
evil", this is an attempt to prevent unnecessary drawing events and make
things as battery-friendly as possible. 

With this patch, the timer (each second by default) does not request a
new draw event unless the time or the status icons have changed.

 src/draw.rs             | 10 ++++++++--
 src/main.rs             | 25 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 src/wayland_protocol.rs |  5 +++++
 3 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/draw.rs b/src/draw.rs
[message trimmed]

Re: [PATCH sxmo-utils 1/2] sxmo_hook_apps.sh: Reordered apps to alphabetical order. a month ago

From Maarten van Gompel to ~mil/sxmo-devel

Thanks! Both are applied now!