Hello, It is my great pleasure to announce the release of ERIS v0.4.0: https://codeberg.org/eris/spec/src/tag/v0.4.0 The rendered version is available at http://purl.org/eris . This version contains significant changes to the encoding itself and to the specification document. We hope to have addressed the feedback and issues brought up towards version 0.3.0 of the specification. In particular we hope to have addressed the issues raised during the Quick Security Evaluation by ROS [1]. We intend to stabilize the encoding very soon. Version 0.4.0 is intended to gather final feedback and comments before releasing 1.0.0. Changes to the encoding itself include: - Encode the level of node in the nonce used to encrypt the node [2] - Use keyed Blake2b only for leaf nodes [3] This version of the encoding breaks compatibility with previous versions. To differentiate from content encoded with previous version we use the namespace identifier `erisx3` in the URN encoding of read capabilities. Changes to the specification document include: - Reformat as IETF RFC XML - Change pseudocode syntax and make data types more explicit - Add more diagrams (and redraw existing) to also illustrate edge cases - Add negative test vectors that should help implementors ensure correct verification during decoding. For a complete list of changes see the Changelog (https://eris.codeberg.page/spec/#name-changelog). I'm also very happy to announce that we have received funding from NLnet/NGI Assure to finalize the encoding, develop implementations and applications. See also the project plan for details (https://codeberg.org/eris/meta/src/branch/main/ngi-assure/project-plan.org). Towards making ERIS practically useful we have started documenting extensions and recommendations: https://eris.codeberg.page/eer/ . This includes recommendations on how to use ERIS over HTTP, how to encode RDF with ERIS or how to create efficient appendable logs. Stay tuned for more! Best regards, pukkamustard [1] https://lists.sr.ht/~pukkamustard/eris/%3C867da5ry6m.fsf%40posteo.net%3E [2] https://lists.sr.ht/~pukkamustard/eris/%3C20220125202715.82bd135fc8bdbec4b2703a39%40posteo.net%3E [3] https://lists.sr.ht/~pukkamustard/eris/%3C1643726620.9gqm4oi05w.astroid%40fuji.none%3E
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On 5/13/22 10:04, pukkamustard wrote: > > Hello, > > It is my great pleasure to announce the release of ERIS v0.4.0: > Fantastic work! Thank you pukkamustard and Emery! > I'm also very happy to announce that we have received funding from > NLnet/NGI Assure to finalize the encoding, develop implementations and > applications. See also the project plan for details > (https://codeberg.org/eris/meta/src/branch/main/ngi-assure/project-plan.org). > Awesome! > Towards making ERIS practically useful we have started documenting > extensions and recommendations: https://eris.codeberg.page/eer/ . This > includes recommendations on how to use ERIS over HTTP, how to encode RDF > with ERIS or how to create efficient appendable logs. Stay tuned for more! > I'm impressed at your pragmatism. You can't cease to amaze me. :) Congratulations! == hk