
postmarketOS developer

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Re: When will Alpine get 6.1.19? 1 year, 10 months ago

From Bart Ribbers to ~sircmpwn/alpine-devel


On 16/03/2023 09:30, A.P. Jo. wrote:
> Dear Alpine devs,
> Looking at kernel.org it appears that there's a new LTS kernel - 6.1.19
> Alpine currently is in the 5.15-branch, running it's latest latest 5.15.102

3.17 (latest stable) is on 5.15-branch yes, but edge is on 6.1.19. 
Stable doesn't get new major versions of new packages, only bug and 
security fixes, unless it's functionality is completely broken without 
it (think of applications relying on network-based services changing API).

> When can we expect a move to the new 6.1-branch?

Re: Strange Issues Executing Binaries Copied via Flash Drive 1 year, 10 months ago

From Bart Ribbers to ~sircmpwn/alpine-devel


On 12/03/2023 23:01, A.P. Jo. wrote:
> What's happening here? I am entirely out of my depth, any guidance is appreciated.

That binary is compiled against glibc and won't run on Musl systems like 
Alpine Linux without recompiling. You can see that with `file xmrig`. As 
a general note: most binaries you download outside of the Alpine Linux 
repositories will not run out of the box. Only when they are statically 
compiled against Musl (which most aren't) will they run everywhere, 
including on Alpine.

Also, this is not something the devel mailing list should be CC'ed for.

Re: APKBUILD net option 2 years ago

From Bart Ribbers to ~sircmpwn/alpine-devel

This is purely because the builders and a lot of people do not use rootbld and 
use "abuild -r" instead. Preferably this changes and people start patching 
packages that require downloading things to build or at least make their 
APKBUILDs specify the net option.

Also unrelated but I had to sent this email twice because the first time it got 
rejected due to "containing HTML" (I did not intend for it to have HTML). As 
far as I know however the email also contains a plain text variant, at least 
my mail client seems to say so, so it would've been great if instead of being 
rejected it would have just forwarded that plain message instead.

Re: Installation Python Spidev fails 2 years ago

From Bart Ribbers to ~sircmpwn/alpine-devel

Install the linux-headers package. Also note that this mailing list is for 
Alpine development, not for end-user support.

Re: Building armhf package on x86_64? 2 years ago

From Bart Ribbers to ~sircmpwn/alpine-devel

Or, use rootbld after setting up the arch you want in binfmt.
Install Qemu for the arch you want (e.g. qemu-riscv64), run "rc-service 
restart qemu-binfmt" and then call "CBUILD=riscv64 abuild rootbld" as you'd 
normally run "abuild -r".

Re: Please reply to this email to re-license your prior Alpine wiki contributions 3 years ago

From Bart Ribbers to ~sircmpwn/alpine-devel

On Monday, 17 January 2022 09:20:00 CET Rasmus Thomsen wrote:
> I, Rasmus Thomsen, hereby re-license my contributions to the Alpine Linux
> wiki under the username Ddevault under the terms of the CC-BY-SA
> license.

I would assume you have a different username than Drew on the wiki ;)

Re: Please reply to this email to re-license your prior Alpine wiki contributions 3 years ago

From Bart Ribbers to ~sircmpwn/alpine-devel

I, Bart Ribbers, hereby re-license my contributions to the Alpine Linux
wiki under the username PureTryOut under the terms of the
CC-BY-SA license.

Thank you very much for taking the initiative on this!

Re: snapcast: maintainer takeover 3 years ago

From Bart Ribbers to ~sircmpwn/alpine-devel

Hi Marvin,

I'm the current maintainer of that package.

On Thursday, 1 July 2021 20:21:03 CEST Marvin Preuss wrote:
> i was wondering
> something..."wasnt i the maintainer some time ago?". Ok the package
> moved to community and stuff... but no one reached out to me if he can
> take the maintainership.

Yes, I did actually, and you responded that you were ok with me taking over.
It's good that I save my emails for quite a long time ;)

Re: [3.15] System change proposal: rename the Alpine 3.15 release to Alpine 15 3 years ago

From Bart Ribbers to ~sircmpwn/alpine-devel


On Friday, 9 April 2021 13:03:26 CEST Konstantin Kulikov wrote:
> Please consider using dates for versions, like ubuntu. Every time I
> hear "buster", "big sur", "lollipop" or "freebsd 12" I have no idea if
> the person is talking about recent version or a dated one.

We currently do this at postmarketOS (which is based on Alpine Linux). We had 
a stable release of 20.05 which was made in May in 2020. We just released 
21.03 which was made in March in 2021. Both are based on stable releases of 
Alpine Linux (20.05 == 3.12 Alpine and 21.03 == 3.13 Alpine).

I will +1 this suggestion as it's not just more clear for everyone using 
Alpine, it's also more  clear for people using postmarketOS.

Re: PAM 1.4 4 years ago

From Bart Ribbers to ~sircmpwn/alpine-devel

On 2020-08-30 00:19, Rasmus Thomsen wrote:
> Hello list,
> I recently opened a MR for PAM 1.4:
> https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/aports/-/merge_requests/11862 .
> PAM deprecated pam_tally{,2}.so with the 1.4 release and doesn't build
> it by default anymore (it was replaced with pam_faillock.so) and also
> doesn't build pam_lastlog.so any more on platforms without logwtmp (so
> musl). I've patched the .pamd files of linux-pam and GDM to account
> that, but PAM files of other packages may still try to use these
> modules like so:
> auth     required  pam_tally.so onerr=succeed file=/var/log/faillog