
Re: Suggestion for another uxntal rune

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> Say I dump UXN machine code and encounter an immediate branch but have no symbolic information of the code, how should this then be shown?

The way I display it in disassembly usually is like -9/+9 type things,
because having the direction of the jump sometimes helps to understand
what it is, especially for loops. But normally, in disassembly, I have
the symbols file, so I grab the symbol at the relative absolute


Bicycle is also a good tool to test assembly/disassembly, how uxntal
maps to bytes, you should try it out :)

> Oh, all these runes confuse me... Can someone write a rune tutorial, please? :-)

There's a small tutorial here:


The difference between raw and literal, is the literal opcode prefix, so

[ LIT _label ], is equivalent to ,label
[ LIT -label ], is equivalent to .label

For most things, you should not need to be writing raw runic labels.

Have you seen Nettie's cheatsheet?

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