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Migration status

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Hi Rene,

Do you have an idea of when we will actually complete the migration to SH?

Also, I wanted to add a few labels and stuff on source hut issues tracker, but
it seems that I can not edit anything there. Maybe you need to add me as
maintainer there as well? Could you look into that?


- Thomas
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<yNZ0_RIiMrSewIwD9SQqfzKizXV0l07YBBBJZ0Tj65Ket3Ajm_MPdVoBpuqA2mMVljRpKb_EbHc5dcNtCFNVwCJqlzTqaHL40Q1CSB7l_o8=@tlambert.be> (view parent)
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Hi Thomas,

My huge, ever growing, super time consuming research project is "over the hump" and in the coming two weeks, I am busy traveling and giving talks. So I guess mid October would be a good time to aim for, what do you think?

I saw some PR activity on GH that is highly appreciated. Hope I'll have time to update sr.ht soon. And, will check out how to give you write access to issues.


27.09.2022 21:23:14 Thomas Lambert <dev@tlambert.be>:

> Hi Rene,
> Do you have an idea of when we will actually complete the migration to SH?
> Also, I wanted to add a few labels and stuff on source hut issues tracker, but
> it seems that I can not edit anything there. Maybe you need to add me as
> maintainer there as well? Could you look into that?
> Bests,
> - Thomas
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<88225a88-742a-42a2-be15-7ac4b5ab6c7c@renerocks.ai> (view parent)
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> mid October would be a good time to aim for, what do you think?

Awesome! I am quite busy as well, its the final year of my thesis (finally!). So I like to change my mind here and there by looking on easy-to-fix issues on other projects :D... 

> I saw some PR activity on GH that is highly appreciated. Hope I'll have time to update sr.ht soon. 

I keep SH updated with the PRs that I accept on GH already (curling the patch to `git am` is indeed really straightforward). 
Similarly, I push the changes on SH when I add new features myself and replay the patch on GH to keep it in sync as well. So far so good. It is just a bit annoying to manage the two repos like that.

> Will check out how to give you write access to issues.

Thank you!
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<Dfax95Hz4w82XjtiF4PYUEIe6-uuHKyEK1PVPlso8x7JBfEDUnV2Xi3c_7GxGcz1fCnR8bWREtCLujvB_mDA6pXipwZyjCB0P2Hd6o2mhoY=@tlambert.be> (view parent)
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> > Will check out how to give you write access to issues.

I just checked. todo.sr.ht says I gave you access to everything: browse,
submit, comment, edit, triage two months ago. So I don't know why you
can't edit labels. Maybe that's an oversight at SourceHut? I access the
labels in the `labels` tab, next to `closed tickets`. There, on the left
hand side, I can `Add label`, for instance.

This applies to the telekasten.nvim issue tracker which I am sure you

However, I planned to migrate the GitHub issues over to SourceHut before
actually using issues on SourceHut. Now that we've been on SourceHut for
a while, it's understandable that you use the tracker there, too.

For a moment I was worried that GH and SH ids would get out of sync if
we start the migration at e.g. #3 because of existing issues on
SourceHut. But that shouldn't worry us too much since GitHub has holes
in the ID space anyway.

The labels, though. They're going to be migrated, too. So maybe we
should think about that. Or we'll just see what happens.

Or: I have just mirrored the labels to the telekasten.nvim issue tracker
on SourceHut. This way you can check them out and add or request (from
me) additional ones.

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