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Intelephense premium features

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Do “Intelephense” extension support “premium features”?
I have a license key but in Intelephense's Preferences tab there doesn't seem to be a way to add that.
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<2D42915E-0823-4DD3-9F6D-98D2BE0170F5@hejsa.net> (view parent)
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Hi Christian!

> Do “Intelephense” extension support “premium features”?

Not yet. I plan to add this once the Nova developers have fixed the regressions
in the LSP client introduced in Nova 9. I’m not sure when they’ll release a fix
for this, but I’m hoping it’ll be with the next version of Nova.

I hope that helps!

Best regards,
Kristófer R.
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<4EBE10B4-0C49-4219-BD87-042F23E6774E@thorlaksson.com> (view parent)
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Hi again Christian,

I've just published version 1.3.0 of Intelephense with support for 
adding a license key and using the premium features Nova supports. As 
far as I've been able to tell that's really just the "Jump to 
implementations" feature for now, but maybe there are other things I 
just don't know how to find in Nova's UI.


Best regards,
Kristófer R.
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