
aerc 0.17.0

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Hi all,

I am glad to announce the release of aerc 0.17.0.


Release 0.17.0 highlights:

# Added

- New `flagged` criteria for `:sort`.
- New `:send-keys` command to control embedded terminals.
- Account aliases now support fnmatch-style wild cards.
- New `:suspend` command bound to `<C-z>` by default.
- Disable parent context bindings by declaring them empty.
- Toggle folding with `:fold -t`.
- `mail-deleted` hook that triggers when a message is removed/moved from a
- `mail-added` hook that triggers when a message is added to a folder.
- Improved command completion.
- Customize key to trigger completion with `$complete` in `binds.conf`.
- Setting `complete-min-chars=manual` in `aerc.conf` now disables automatic
  completion, leaving only manually triggered completion.
- `.ThreadUnread` is now available in templates.
- Allow binding commands to `Alt+<number>` keys.
- `AERC_ACCOUNT` and `AERC_ADDRESS_BOOK_CMD` are now defined in the editor's
  environment when composing a message.
- Reply with a different account than the current one with `:reply -A
- New `[ui].tab-title-viewer` setting to configure the message viewer tab title.
- The `{{.Subject}}` template is evaluated to the new option
  `[ui].empty-subject` if the subject is empty.
- Change to a folder of another account with `:cf -a <account> <folder>`.
- Patch management with `:patch`.
- Add file path to messages in templates as `{{.Filename}}`.
- New `:menu` command to invoke other ex-commands based on a shell command
- CLI flags to override paths to config files.
- Automatically attach signing key with `pgp-attach-key` in `accounts.conf`.
- Copy messages across accounts with `:cp -a <account> <folder>`.
- Move messages across accounts with `:mv -a <account> <folder>`.
- Support the `draft` flag.
- Thread arrow prefixes are now fully configurable.

# Fixed

- `colorize` support for wild cards `?` and `*`.
- Selection of headers in composer after `:compose -e` followed by `:edit -E`.
- Don't lose child messages of non-queried parents in notmuch threads
- Notmuch folders defined by the query `*` handle search, filter, and unread
  counts correctly.

# Changed

- `:open` commands are now executed with `sh -c`.
- `:pipe` commands are now executed with `sh -c`.
- Message viewer tab titles will now show `(no subject)` if there is no subject
  in the viewed email.
- Signature placement is now controlled via the `{{.Signature}}` template
  variable and not hard coded.

Thanks to all contributors!

~$ contrib/git-stats.sh 0.16.0..0.17.0
Author                    Commits  Changed Files  Insertions  Deletions
Robin Jarry                    62            652       +4964      -5577
Koni Marti                     45            120       +4250       -729
Bence Ferdinandy               15             44        +452       -139
Jason Cox                      14             59        +490       -232
Moritz Poldrack                11             19        +170       -568
Vitaly Ovchinnikov             11             27        +379        -38
Inwit                           9             32        +497       -103
Johannes Thyssen Tishman        5              8        +292        -63
Sebastien Binet                 3              5         +36        -25
Michal Siedlaczek               2              5         +66        -43
Erik Terpstra                   1              2         +30         +0
George Honeywood                1              2          +3         -3
Jens Grassel                    1              1          +8         +0
Karel Balej                     1              1          +1         -1
Max Schillinger                 1              1          +0         -1
Nojus Gudinavičius              1              5         +64         +0
Thomas Böhler                   1              1          +0         -2
delitako                        1              5         +30        -18

Reviewer/Tester           Commits
Robin Jarry               121
Inwit                      31
Moritz Poldrack            28
Koni Marti                 22
Bence Ferdinandy           13
Johannes Thyssen Tishman    8
Jason Cox                   4
Karel Balej                 3
Thomas Böhler               3
Tim Culverhouse             3
Vitaly Ovchinnikov          2
Callum Andrew               1
Ciarán Ainsworth            1
Maarten van Gompel          1
Tristan Partin              1
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