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[PATCH aerc] pipe: expanding "~" in its "command" parameter

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Patch: +3 -0
Add expanding of home directory symbol (~) in the "command" parameter
of ":pipe" command.

Signed-off-by: Vitaly Ovchinnikov <v@postbox.nz>
Good for piping stuff to local aerc-specific helpers that are not in the
paths. Here's a sample binding I need:

o = :pipe -b ~/.config/aerc/helpers/do-stuff<Enter>

Instead I have to put the absolute file name of the helper there. The
patch fixes that.

 commands/msg/pipe.go | 3 +++
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)

diff --git a/commands/msg/pipe.go b/commands/msg/pipe.go
index fc1ac8f..7cb2378 100644
--- a/commands/msg/pipe.go
+++ b/commands/msg/pipe.go
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import (

	mboxer "git.sr.ht/~rjarry/aerc/worker/mbox"
@@ -64,6 +65,8 @@ func (Pipe) Execute(aerc *widgets.Aerc, args []string) error {
		return errors.New("Usage: pipe [-mp] <cmd> [args...]")

	cmd[0] = xdg.ExpandHome(cmd[0])

	provider := aerc.SelectedTabContent().(widgets.ProvidesMessage)
	if !pipeFull && !pipePart {
		if _, ok := provider.(*widgets.MessageViewer); ok {
2.39.2 (Apple Git-143)

[aerc/patches] build success

builds.sr.ht <builds@sr.ht>
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<20230916164735.10356-1-v@postbox.nz> (view parent)
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aerc/patches: SUCCESS in 5m59s

[pipe: expanding "~" in its "command" parameter][0] from [Vitaly Ovchinnikov][1]

[0]: https://lists.sr.ht/~rjarry/aerc-devel/patches/44797
[1]: v@postbox.nz

✓ #1058450 SUCCESS aerc/patches/openbsd.yml     https://builds.sr.ht/~rjarry/job/1058450
✓ #1058449 SUCCESS aerc/patches/alpine-edge.yml https://builds.sr.ht/~rjarry/job/1058449
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<20230916164735.10356-1-v@postbox.nz> (view parent)
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Patch: +10 -6
Vitaly Ovchinnikov, Sep 16, 2023 at 18:47:
> Add expanding of home directory symbol (~) in the "command" parameter
> of ":pipe" command.
> Signed-off-by: Vitaly Ovchinnikov <v@postbox.nz>
> ---
> Good for piping stuff to local aerc-specific helpers that are not in the
> paths. Here's a sample binding I need:
> o = :pipe -b ~/.config/aerc/helpers/do-stuff<Enter>
> Instead I have to put the absolute file name of the helper there. The
> patch fixes that.

This is nice but a bit limited since it only expands for the first

I would prefer if the command could be a shell command. That way you'd
get ~ expansion anywhere in the command and you could chain pipes with
other commands as well.

    :pipe -m foo -C ~/tmp xyz | tr '\n' ' ' | tac

Filter commands already work that way and the man page already mentions
that :pipe takes a *shell* command. The patch should look something like

diff --git a/commands/msg/pipe.go b/commands/msg/pipe.go
index fc1ac8f8693a..20dbfb4fa27e 100644
--- a/commands/msg/pipe.go
+++ b/commands/msg/pipe.go
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import (

@@ -61,9 +62,12 @@ func (Pipe) Execute(aerc *widgets.Aerc, args []string) error {
       cmd := args[optind:]
       if len(cmd) == 0 {
               return errors.New("Usage: pipe [-mp] <cmd> [args...]")
               return errors.New("Usage: pipe [-bmp] <cmd> [args...]")

       name := cmd[0]
       cmd = []string{"sh", "-c", strings.Join(cmd, " ")}

       provider := aerc.SelectedTabContent().(widgets.ProvidesMessage)
       if !pipeFull && !pipePart {
               if _, ok := provider.(*widgets.MessageViewer); ok {
@@ -106,11 +110,11 @@ func (Pipe) Execute(aerc *widgets.Aerc, args []string) error {
               } else {
                       if ecmd.ProcessState.ExitCode() != 0 {
                                       "%s: completed with status %d", cmd[0],
                                       "%s: completed with status %d", name,
                       } else {
                                       "%s: completed with status %d", cmd[0],
                                       "%s: completed with status %d", name,
                                       ecmd.ProcessState.ExitCode()), 10*time.Second)
@@ -130,7 +134,7 @@ func (Pipe) Execute(aerc *widgets.Aerc, args []string) error {
                                       } else {
                                                       fmt.Sprintf("%s <%s",
                                                               cmd[0], title))
                                                               name, title))
                               return nil
@@ -205,7 +209,7 @@ func (Pipe) Execute(aerc *widgets.Aerc, args []string) error {
                       if background {
                       } else {
                               doTerm(reader, fmt.Sprintf("%s <%s", cmd[0], title))
                               doTerm(reader, fmt.Sprintf("%s <%s", name, title))
       } else if pipePart {
@@ -222,7 +226,7 @@ func (Pipe) Execute(aerc *widgets.Aerc, args []string) error {
                       } else {
                               name := fmt.Sprintf("%s <%s/[%d]",
                                       cmd[0], p.Msg.Envelope.Subject, p.Index)
                                       name, p.Msg.Envelope.Subject, p.Index)
                               doTerm(reader, name)
Message ID
<CVM3BZ4RC0K1.2QEXCJ1TKTE1L@ringo> (view parent)
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> The patch should look something like this:

Got it, so what is the plan now? Do you want me to re-submit this patch
instead or you can apply it directly?
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<CVMVS3U2EFRK.T2VCFOTVQRGE@postbox.nz> (view parent)
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Vitaly Ovchinnikov, Sep 19, 2023 at 14:08:
> > The patch should look something like this:
> Got it, so what is the plan now? Do you want me to re-submit this patch
> instead or you can apply it directly?

Can you send a v2 inspiring from this? I didn't test it. It was just an

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<CVMVT5BMILZ1.3QE4ZC7IMZA6X@ringo> (view parent)
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> Can you send a v2 inspiring from this? I didn't test it. It was just an
> example/idea.

After looking at the code I see that there is a couple of placed where
the similar approach is already used, so before I take any further
steps, I want to discuss one thing.

Imagine that I want to use :open-link to copy one of the links to
clipboard. Something like this:

:open-link <link> echo -n {} | pbcopy

(pbcopy is a mac thing that copies stdin to clipboard)

It doesn't work this way because the command is running without shell,
so let's add one manually:

:open-link <link> sh -c "echo -n {} | pbcopy"

(note that I added quotes around the real command in order for the pipe
to work, this might affect your patch idea, yet I haven't tested it yet)

This way it starts working, but in the clipboard I get "<link>\n" and
"unknown argument -n" goes into stderr. The reason is that "echo" in
"sh" is not aware of "-n" command.

Rewriting the command this way does the job:
:open-link <link> bash -c "echo -n {} | pbcopy"

So my questions are:

1. Should we hard-code sh?
2. Souldn't we take the user's shell from the environment?
2a. This might also bring shell-specific commands and other stuff the
user configured....
3. As :open-link is another place where the shell is not used, maybe we
need a dedicated function for launching stuff this way?

What do you think?
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<CVMWDNNOEBV4.HZZF27MSZ46G@postbox.nz> (view parent)
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Vitaly Ovchinnikov, Sep 19, 2023 at 14:37:
> After looking at the code I see that there is a couple of placed where
> the similar approach is already used, so before I take any further
> steps, I want to discuss one thing.
> Imagine that I want to use :open-link to copy one of the links to
> clipboard. Something like this:
> :open-link <link> echo -n {} | pbcopy
> (pbcopy is a mac thing that copies stdin to clipboard)
> It doesn't work this way because the command is running without shell,
> so let's add one manually:
> :open-link <link> sh -c "echo -n {} | pbcopy"
> (note that I added quotes around the real command in order for the pipe
> to work, this might affect your patch idea, yet I haven't tested it yet)
> This way it starts working, but in the clipboard I get "<link>\n" and
> "unknown argument -n" goes into stderr. The reason is that "echo" in
> "sh" is not aware of "-n" command.
> Rewriting the command this way does the job:
> :open-link <link> bash -c "echo -n {} | pbcopy"

echo -n is not POSIX compliant. If you want to print something without
a trailing new line, you should use printf which is available on all
standard POSIX shells.

    :open-link <link> sh -c "printf '%s' '{}' | pbcopy"

> So my questions are:
> 1. Should we hard-code sh?

This is the standard way of doing things. `sh` is guaranteed to be
present in the exec PATH on POSIX systems.

> 2. Souldn't we take the user's shell from the environment?

No, $SHELL is not always defined and calling getpwnam_r() to determine
the user's shell seems overkill.

> 2a. This might also bring shell-specific commands and other stuff the
> user configured....

Yes, I would really prefer if we stuck to `sh -c`.

> 3. As :open-link is another place where the shell is not used, maybe we
> need a dedicated function for launching stuff this way?
> What do you think?

I would not mind if the commands invoked by :open and :open-link would
be passed via a shell. That way you could do:

    :open-link <link> printf "%s" "{}" | pbcopy

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<CVMWTRIS6F7J.1DHCHJ3NEGB7N@ringo> (view parent)
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> Yes, I would really prefer if we stuck to `sh -c`.

Got it, I'll see what I can do.
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<CVMVT5BMILZ1.3QE4ZC7IMZA6X@ringo> (view parent)
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> Can you send a v2 inspiring from this? I didn't test it. It was just an
> example/idea.

OK, so I had a bit of trying with this idea, and it sort of works, but
not for everything. Simple things like `:pipe | sort | less` work, but
something more complex doesn't. Here's an example:

:pipe tr "\n" "!" | less

The problem is that the initial command parser transforms this into:

args := []string {
	"n", // !!
	"!", // !

Note that newline is converted to "n" and the quotes around the tr's
arguments are lost. After joining the command back we're getting:

:pipe tr n ! | less

Which is pretty far away from the original thing. We might need to add
an "--" option to the parser, so it stops processing the line and leaves
everything after it as is, then we could probably get closer to the
expected behavior:

:pipe -- tr "\n" "!" | less

Should become:

args := []string {
	'tr "\n" "!" | less',

The closest thing we can do right now without changing the parser is this:

:pipe "tr '\n' '!' | less"

This keeps the pipe's argument almost intact, it just replaces "\n" with
"n". This way it works as expected:

:pipe 'tr "\n" "!" | less'

That's pretty much it. I don't think we can simply get away with just
adding "sh -c" at the beginning of the existing command. We will still
need proper manual quoting of the command and if we do quoting anyway we
could easily add "sh -c" manually at the beginning, as well.

The right way would be to either modify the parser, so it stops
splitting the command at some point as I suggested above.

Another option is to provide the original command line to the command
for optional parsing. I am personally not sure if this is a good idea

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<CVN1W7H29DJ4.13Z3EZRBNXFY0@postbox.nz> (view parent)
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Vitaly Ovchinnikov, Sep 19, 2023 at 18:56:
> OK, so I had a bit of trying with this idea, and it sort of works, but
> not for everything. Simple things like `:pipe | sort | less` work, but
> something more complex doesn't. Here's an example:
> :pipe tr "\n" "!" | less
> The problem is that the initial command parser transforms this into:
> args := []string {
> 	"pipe",
> 	"tr",
> 	"n", // !!
> 	"!", // !
> 	"|",
> 	"less",
> }
> Note that newline is converted to "n" and the quotes around the tr's
> arguments are lost. After joining the command back we're getting:
> :pipe tr n ! | less
> Which is pretty far away from the original thing. We might need to add
> an "--" option to the parser, so it stops processing the line and leaves
> everything after it as is, then we could probably get closer to the
> expected behavior:
> :pipe -- tr "\n" "!" | less
> Should become:
> args := []string {
> 	'pipe',
> 	'tr "\n" "!" | less',
> }
> The closest thing we can do right now without changing the parser is this:
> :pipe "tr '\n' '!' | less"
> This keeps the pipe's argument almost intact, it just replaces "\n" with
> "n". This way it works as expected:
> :pipe 'tr "\n" "!" | less'
> That's pretty much it. I don't think we can simply get away with just
> adding "sh -c" at the beginning of the existing command. We will still
> need proper manual quoting of the command and if we do quoting anyway we
> could easily add "sh -c" manually at the beginning, as well.
> The right way would be to either modify the parser, so it stops
> splitting the command at some point as I suggested above.
> Another option is to provide the original command line to the command
> for optional parsing. I am personally not sure if this is a good idea
> though.
> Comments?

I have a solution for this but it will require some refactoring. I'll
send a patch later tonight.
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